Random Music Talk L: I Have A Dreamsicle

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Disturbing, to say the least...


Beavis And Butthead In Real Life
Wayne's put up clips of them fucking with Kesha in the studio (not literally), but, more importantly, there's a really awesome short clip of them killing Interstellar Overdrive :drool:
Wayne's put up clips of them fucking with Kesha in the studio (not literally), but, more importantly, there's a really awesome short clip of them killing Interstellar Overdrive :drool:

I saw on twitter that he was on his way to hang with her. This is awesome.
I'll tell you what you get: The Hold Steady over folksy country music. I'm still digesting this one, but I think I liked it.
So, I don't know what every one's big problem with the new The Big Pink record is. Maybe it's because I didn't love A Brief History of Love as much as every one else, and barely remember what it sounded like now, but I really love Future This a lot :shrug:
Everything about it totally blows, is the thing. Awful, loudness war-victim production, lunkheaded arena rock choruses, ill-advised forays into hip hop beats; it was just a completely awful idea for a band who once had so much finesse. I don't think my rating of it on RYM is terribly negative though because I appreciate the first couple of tracks for how well-constructed they are. They are indeed catchy.

In other news, I heart the album Boy.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about it. It didn't seem to have the loudness war thing going on at all to me. Not at all. And I went back and listened to a few songs off the last album, and I still have no idea what the big deal was about. Not at all.
Monopoly is fucking awesome. Guess he's been sent directly to jail too many times.

Board game party on a Saturday night sounds like a riot.

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