Random Music CXXV: Least necessary thread edition

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Man, this is so weird. I was at my record store yesterday, heard them play the album and bought it on the spot. Was about to come to post about it today, because I think it's fantastic. You know me too well and we never even met!
Participating in desert island makes a big difference as far as recommendations go.

I miss those days.
As do I. I was thinking about that the other day. I smiled at the progress I made... in my early days my playlists were extremely shit but fast forward a couple years and I ended up winning a few.

A lot of songs I still listen to / think about semi-regularly and/or got me deeply into artists I hadn't listened to before. LJT got me extremely into Blixa Bargeld and Teho Teardo, I can't remember if it was also him that put Afghan Whigs' John the Baptist on a playlist, but I love that song. Bonnie got me into The National through I think it was Looking for Astronauts. I still to this day have Cassie's Ode to the Beat playlist in my iTunes, that was so fucking well crafted and easily the best playlist that was ever submitted. And I can never forget Screwtape's odious, creepy playlist about the female orgasm, nor can I forgot the times LM put his heart and soul into playlists that were accompanied by extraordinarily indulgent essays that were often longer than the playlists themselves (just teasing pal, they were very usually great playlists).
I wonder where Screwtape is now. Perhaps sharing playlists on incel forums.

I also have very fond memories of putting Roy & HG clips in my playlists without mentioning them in the tracklisting I submitted and Americans being very confused.
My extraordinarily long, indulgent essays were a very early dry run for a writing career that I intend to pursue for the rest of my life. No shame in that! Plus, the longest and most indulgent of them all was in service of the Fake List and that was a gem. That entire process encouraged me to always finish whatever project I start, no matter how ridiculous it is. A valuable lesson in persistence and goal-setting.

Too bad I lost all the audio to that. It's the only polished thing I ever recorded that I don't have a copy of anymore. It was all pretty awful, but funny all the same.
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Does anyone know whether that website with all the DI playlists is still alive? I think it was phanan who created it?
I just had a trip down memory lane looking at the old DI threads. Good times. I wish I had taken part in the first few.
DI4 was my personal favorite, even though I was disappointed by how poorly I did. The running diary threads were incredible and that was peak chat thread Interference in general.
DI6-DI8 were my favorite lists I made. I still have those playlists, but unfortunately can’t recreate them on Spotify. Therefore I almost never listen to them.

I discovered a ton of music through Desert Island.
Same here. Off the top of my head, Andrew Bird (Plasticities) and Beirut (Postcards from Italy) were introduced to me in DIs.
For me, it was Kanye West, Tame Impala, M83, and Fleet Foxes off the top of my head. Plus a few songs that I’ve really liked such as Go All The Way by The Raspberries and Alex Chilton by The Replacements.
Axver and LMP butting heads over playlists in DI4, as well as the Screwtape drama that went on at the time, was fucking hilarious.
i don't know what the big deal is. if nasa wanted a picture of a black hole so badly i'm sure we could have given them one of the several photos we have of lance's mom.
i don't know what the big deal is. if nasa wanted a picture of a black hole so badly i'm sure we could have given them one of the several photos we have of lance's mom.

There was no equipment, not even NASA's Event Horizon Telescope set up that could accurately photograph something that vast and deep.
A shame that probe they launched in there stopped communicating after 6 months of sending back pictures of various sex toys and household items.
is it just me or is Old Town Road a fucking genuinely great song

It’s pretty good! Apparently, the song heavily samples one of Nine Inch Nails’ tracks from the Ghosts project.

So the song’s success has also given Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross their first Billboard number one single!
Forgive me if I’m late to the party here, but I was hanging out with some French kids in their mid-20s and one of them put this on. Zambian band from the 70s. Make sure to wait for the guitar solos at 1:40 and 3:35:

Full album if you want more of where that came from:

There's been a good amount of interest lately in African rock from the 70s and 80s. A record club I belong to has reissued a number of albums from that era.
Please listen to Weyes Blood's album. You and Gump I think would especially enjoy it, knowing your tastes.

You were absolutely right. This album’s fantastic. It’s one of those records that keeps getting better as you move down the track list. Something to Believe, Movies and Wild Time are early highlights.

Thanks for the suggestion!
Anyone else enjoying how creatively prolific Underworld have been lately? A new track virtually every week since the end of last year. I'm obsessed with this one.

Anyone else enjoying how creatively prolific Underworld have been lately? A new track virtually every week since the end of last year. I'm obsessed with this one.

Is this on top of those Iggy Pop collaborations? I'd been noticing a lot of unfamiliar (to me) Underworld tracks cropping up on Youtube but it didn't occur to me that they weren't just obscure tracks from past decades.
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