Random Facts and Confessions #9

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I don't need a list on Facebook to show me who my friends are. It is a fun thing to do, but my real friends know who they are. :wink:
after failing to see him today and wishing him a Happy New Year, i wanted to scrape a secret message of "Happy New Year" onto his car's cowl today, but the snow was just so soft (and it kept on snowing) that i had to give up after the first two letters... :sad:
could have used a window though, but he had parked so that the drivers window was on the busier side of the street... i would've been ran over by another car while trying to scrape! damn, would have been fun though...
catching the cute guy at work feels like hide-and-seek already :lol: he is damn good at hiding apparently... still haven't seen him around! managed to wish his buddies Happy New Year though! and i just can't intrude to their private room without a very good excuse!
funerals suck.

my childhood nanny died on december 30th. i don't know why, but it's really hit me. we were at barely annual meetings, but i find it so hard to take in. i'm upset by it, because i never expected it, but at the same time....i don't even know.

personal tally:
funerals: ~6
weddings: 0

funerals suck.

my childhood nanny died on december 30th. i don't know why, but it's really hit me. we were at barely annual meetings, but i find it so hard to take in. i'm upset by it, because i never expected it, but at the same time....i don't even know.

personal tally:
funerals: ~6
weddings: 0


:hug: sorry for your loss!!! :hug:

my hands are shaking... :shifty:
catching the cute guy at work feels like hide-and-seek already :lol: he is damn good at hiding apparently... still haven't seen him around! managed to wish his buddies Happy New Year though! and i just can't intrude to their private room without a very good excuse!
Well isn't wishing him a happy new year a good excuse? :shifty:
funerals suck.

my childhood nanny died on december 30th. i don't know why, but it's really hit me. we were at barely annual meetings, but i find it so hard to take in. i'm upset by it, because i never expected it, but at the same time....i don't even know.

personal tally:
funerals: ~6
weddings: 0


:hug: That sucks. Well at least soon you can put a wedding on the list right? ;)
Well isn't wishing him a happy new year a good excuse? :shifty:

it is, but i just can't show up there and tell him that "hey - haven't seen you around yet and wanted to wish you a happy new year" and then throw myself on top of him for a hug with his buddies nearby. They didn't get a hug (well, their own fault actually - one was washing a cup and the other made a sandwich) :lol: so it would be a bit... odd or too suspicious! if i'd knew he was there alone, sure, i'd pay him a visit! well, there's still 2 hours of workday left to hunt him down properly :D
well, at least i saw him through a window today after a very long break of not seeing him... :shifty: and i got shaky hands :lol:
I don't see why not. :angel:

i-know-i-know-i-know.... i think i just don't have enough balls for that..:shame:
i'm afraid i still have to wait for that chance...tradition allows to wish it for two more days :D would be ok to just holler that over the door to him, but i'd really aim for a hug, it's a good reason to hug him :yes: and his buddies are waaaaaaay to curious every time someone enters their domain!
ah, should have gone there yesterday and done it to all three of them at a time :doh::yell::lol:
or i could aim at scraping this at his car again, attempt 2, though it hasn't snowed that much today to do that and he parked right under the windows today :lol:
i'm actually browsing around FB :doh: it's all a fault of my very good online friend with whom it's about the only way to hold a contact since MySpace has turned into a bit of an asshole lately... i don't even like FB!!
it is, but i just can't show up there and tell him that "hey - haven't seen you around yet and wanted to wish you a happy new year" and then throw myself on top of him for a hug with his buddies nearby. They didn't get a hug (well, their own fault actually - one was washing a cup and the other made a sandwich) :lol: so it would be a bit... odd or too suspicious! if i'd knew he was there alone, sure, i'd pay him a visit! well, there's still 2 hours of workday left to hunt him down properly :D
well, at least i saw him through a window today after a very long break of not seeing him... :shifty: and i got shaky hands :lol:

Stalker! :lol:
i'm actually browsing around FB :doh: it's all a fault of my very good online friend with whom it's about the only way to hold a contact since MySpace has turned into a bit of an asshole lately... i don't even like FB!!

Don't do it, stay strong. :wink: We must fight the biggest evil of all that is FB!

:lol: not my fault that he came from lunch with roommates and i happened to step outside the toilet and saw him through the door window..
of course i got a little fright and shaky hands from the unexpected sight...

Don't do it, stay strong. :wink: We must fight the biggest evil of all that is FB!

yeah, i was just looking around and perfected the page a tiny bit... i have no intention to surrender to FB, i think it's evil too :D - i only want to stay in touch with my pal! :) so occasional log-in for a quick message can't harm!
Did you know that you technically don't exist as a person if you don't have a Facebook account? True fact.

it's aweful what FB has done to people... sad to look at it! :(
just yesterday i saw a clip in tv where a reporter was going around and asked people how many friends they have. And the first person he turned to asked him back: "in Facebook???... about hundred" and then the reporter said: "no, really close, the best of friends?", the guy: "umm... one, or three"

and FB's account is a damn hard one to loose too... you have to kill it off to get rid of it! a long time ago i thought of deleting it, but because it was a complicated process I just gave up and left it inactive!
Did you know that you technically don't exist as a person if you don't have a Facebook account? True fact.

Wrong! That's what Facebook wants you to believe. :wink: But I can assure you that life is pretty doable without it and I still get acknowledged as a person.

And Edgetarian, you can NOT delete your FB account entirely. They still keep all your information 'in case you decide to return'. So when you make a new account you get all your old stuff back. Feckin' stalkers!
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