Random Facts and Confessions #8

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^ :hug:

I wish I could be a better friend, mother, lover, wife . . .but, right now, right this minute, I have to take a little piece for me or it will never get better . . .and it will be better, soon

This brings back a very vivid memory. It was just after I'd gone back to work after having my son. I don't remember what sparked it but I remember being in tears, saying to Mr.Z "I can be a good mom, or a good teacher, or a good wife. Maybe even two of these. But I sure as hell can't be all three!" I think it's always a struggle/ balancing act, especially when you throw personal happiness in the mix. :hug:
Lost my grandfather on Thursday:sad:
The first person whom I'm truly "aware" of seeing going, because I'm not 13 anymore and it fully hits you when it happens.
The kind of person who wouldn't hurt a fly, he'll be missed but not forgotten. By Saturday I've to come up with something that I'll read at the funeral:heart:
Thanks for your kind words everyone, goes straight to my :heart:
We're never alone going through loss & heartache and sometimes just knowing this helps a little:hug:
So, if you know someone online, does that mean you don't know them in the real world? That expression confuses me. I saw the question "How many of your facebook friends are your friends in real life...." I consider some of the people that I have met on here real life friends. They could tell you about my hubby, kids, and many other aspects of my life. Just wanted to know what some of you thought!
This brings back a very vivid memory. It was just after I'd gone back to work after having my son. I don't remember what sparked it but I remember being in tears, saying to Mr.Z "I can be a good mom, or a good teacher, or a good wife. Maybe even two of these. But I sure as hell can't be all three!" I think it's always a struggle/ balancing act, especially when you throw personal happiness in the mix. :hug:


Lost my grandfather on Thursday:sad:
The first person whom I'm truly "aware" of seeing going, because I'm not 13 anymore and it fully hits you when it happens.
The kind of person who wouldn't hurt a fly, he'll be missed but not forgotten. By Saturday I've to come up with something that I'll read at the funeral:heart:
:hug: Sorry for your loss!

So, if you know someone online, does that mean you don't know them in the real world? That expression confuses me. I saw the question "How many of your facebook friends are your friends in real life...." I consider some of the people that I have met on here real life friends. They could tell you about my hubby, kids, and many other aspects of my life. Just wanted to know what some of you thought!

Well IMO it's not the same. You may think you know someone online, but it's never the same as in real life, where you have nonverbal contact. Nonverbal contact usually makes about 60% of a conversation. Online you only have verbal contact, and you can't even hear how people pronounce their words. So there's less 'deep' contact, less unconscious contact. So I'm not saying you cannot be friends with people online, because I know that's not true. It's just... not the same as people you've met and know in real life.
Lost my grandfather on Thursday:sad:
The first person whom I'm truly "aware" of seeing going, because I'm not 13 anymore and it fully hits you when it happens.
The kind of person who wouldn't hurt a fly, he'll be missed but not forgotten. By Saturday I've to come up with something that I'll read at the funeral:heart:

I'm sorry--this is rough stuff. :hug:
This is true! :hug:

:hug: Purple and Zooey :hug:

:) thanks lovelies, really :hug:

This brings back a very vivid memory. It was just after I'd gone back to work after having my son. I don't remember what sparked it but I remember being in tears, saying to Mr.Z "I can be a good mom, or a good teacher, or a good wife. Maybe even two of these. But I sure as hell can't be all three!" I think it's always a struggle/ balancing act, especially when you throw personal happiness in the mix. :hug:

Ah zooey, thank you ~ you hit it right on the head; if I could hug you across an ocean I would :hug:
Lost my grandfather on Thursday:sad:
The first person whom I'm truly "aware" of seeing going, because I'm not 13 anymore and it fully hits you when it happens.
The kind of person who wouldn't hurt a fly, he'll be missed but not forgotten. By Saturday I've to come up with something that I'll read at the funeral:heart:

I'm so sorry for your loss :hug:

Good luck with your tribute to him; as corny as it sounds, just speak from your heart and it will all be good . . . blessings to you and yours :hug:
So, if you know someone online, does that mean you don't know them in the real world? That expression confuses me. I saw the question "How many of your facebook friends are your friends in real life...." I consider some of the people that I have met on here real life friends. They could tell you about my hubby, kids, and many other aspects of my life. Just wanted to know what some of you thought!

I think those of us that communicate every day (via chat thread, PM or text) could consider each other "friends". We talk about life and love and our kids and share secrets. I've never met DG face to face but we "talk" every day and she knows things about me very few others do. But some people accept friend requests from friends of friends whom they've had little or no contact with.
I think those of us that communicate every day (via chat thread, PM or text) could consider each other "friends". We talk about life and love and our kids and share secrets. I've never met DG face to face but we "talk" every day and she knows things about me very few others do. But some people accept friend requests from friends of friends whom they've had little or no contact with.

This is how I feel. Thanks for answering GG and Zooey! You both make valid points!:hug: Now we must meet so we can be "real" friends!:hug::hug:
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