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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
" a man will rise a man will fall"

Am i the only one who thinks this is about the "down south" part of a man and not actually the whole man?

Surely someone from PLEBA can back me up on this...

b) is it just me or do people tend to remember the bad stuff about their lives more than the good stuff? You know, let it haunt them later on?
a. Ummm...never thought about it...I don't think so though...

b. Ya know, I was thinking about this the other day, in a sense about when people talk about their childhood...doesn't it seem like everybody had a bad childhood?? All those rotten stories from childhood people share? Hell, I'm guilty of it too...talk about what a boring little neighborhood I lived in and how I'd pop tar bubbles on the street during the summer for entertainment...how mean the other kids were to me...how my sister would beat me up...makes it sound so awful, doesn't it? My childhood was great though...it really was.

Maybe that's not what you were talkin' 'bout, but that's somethin' that I've noticed lately.

"I'm nearly great, but there's something missing..."
lmao girlie! Yes to a) but mainly cos I have a mind that was left some years ago in a gutter somewhere and I haven't yet recovered it. If anyone finds my mind in said gutter, could you please let me know so I can have it back? Thnx.

With b), thats a tough one. I reckon you're right, and we do hang on more to the bad memories. I wonder if its because hopefully the majority of our time is spent being happy that the bad stuff, being rarer is hard to forget. Or perhaps because happiness in itself can occur very easily, yet a bad experience scars us. As far as effect goes, I'd say trauma or negativity is more lasting simply because it can be so damaging to the psych. Also something bad can bring on a myriad of other reactions, it creates like a domino effect. I find that most bad memories dont stop with just one experience, they are usually linked to a whole heap of others.
Originally posted by Bonochick:
I lived in and how I'd pop tar bubbles on the street during the summer for entertainment...

bc, you could totally be my soulmate for that one! I never met anyone else who used to do that!

"Why do you have to be such a smart ass?" -my mom
Originally posted by Lilly:
bc, you could totally be my soulmate for that one! I never met anyone else who used to do that!

*lol* I haven't either, except for the other kids in the neighborhood, of course!

I was the youngest, so I never got to pop the good ones...I would have to find them so that the other kids could come and pop them. *sigh* I was just a tool...

"I'm nearly great, but there's something missing..."
a) No.....but now am! Thanks a lot U2girl!! *lol*

b) Indeed. I'm not sure why we forget all the happy stuff. Maybe we want to be depressed, I'm not quite so sure. I read something about it once, but I've forgotten. Maybe it was a happy memory

b)I seriously thought about that this week going over old journals of mine. I even said to my mom, "I have never been truly happy-reading my old journals just reinforced that!", but I think that the focusing on the bad stuff is true. I haven't had it nearly as bad as some people, but we tend to overblow our miseries, thinking we're the only ones on earth to ever feel this bad, and no one could possibly imagine how it feels.
I'm making a promise to myself to think positively more and not let myself get so deep in a rut when things get rough (like it has been since before Christmas).

Do you have an opinion, a mind of your own?
I thought you were special, I thought you should know

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