Pregnancy and going to a U2 Concert??

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Jan 11, 2001
San Jose, Ca USA
Hi girls,

So, I wanted to get opinions on going to a U2 concert (or any concert really) while pregnant. Have you done it? How far along were you when you went?
I know there is no way to "plan" a pregnancy, but I feel like there is a good chance I will be pregnant when U2 comes around... and my husband and I are already disagreeing on this matter. He would be concerned if I was pregnant and went to a concert because he is scared it could be dangerous. I totally would never do anything that might be bad for my pregnancy, but obviously I do not want to miss U2 when they come this year.

Any thoughts?
i generally think GA is a bad idea if you are PG, but otherwise, it's really no different than any other event/night out while pregnant?
My best friend went to a Chris Brown concert when she was 4-5 months, and everything was ok. She complained about her feet swelling, but that was about it. I didn't want her to go and neither did her husband. He went with her just in case something happened. I guess going to concerts while pregnant is an individual choice.

I don't know what I was more upset about: the fact that she actually went to a Chris Brown concert, or that she went in such a delicate condition.
^ what they said, seats all the way . . . . GA when pregnant . . . . bad idea . . . . especially if you are 'popping out ' by then . . . . depending on how far along you are you probably won't feel like standing up for 2+ hours anyway :)

be interesting to see if the baby likes it :hyper:

*slightly off topic* . . . saw the Apollo 13 movie when I was about 8 months pregnant with my now 13 year old daughter and everytime the music got really loud and the beat was really strong she was bouncing around in my belly like a maniac . . . I felt a bit like a washing machine :lol:
I first read the title as "Pregnance AFTER going to a U2 concert" :reject:

Seriously, try to get seats. I guess GA would be too stressful. It also depends on the week/month of pregnancy and how you're feeling overall.
Oh bloody hell..I'm posting in pleba again.

Learning from my wifes experiences is to make sure you get and end of row seat. Otherwise trying to let people past to their seat becomes a pain. Standing up and breathing in no longer works!

I agree, get seats! My sister-in-law was 8.5 months pregnant in the 80's at a Micheal Jackson concert in London. Whilst she really enjoyed the concert, she said if she couldn't have sat down at times she would have collapsed.

Congrats BTW :wave:
Me too. Seat is the way to go. GA will be hard on your back, legs and feet. Plus you don't want to chance people pushing behing you.
Well I speak from personal experience. During the Elevation tour I was pregnant when I bought tickets so I got seats. It was fine. Later in the tour (fall 01) I was nursing...whole other story.

Fast forward to 2005 and I buy tickets for the fall shows, and I buy floor tickets. By showtime, I was 5 months pregnant and was dreading the idea of standing for hours on the floor. And by that point in my pregnancies I usually have a lot of back pain and sciatica. My friend and I sat outside in the GA line, she made sure I sat the whole time. Then we went in and stood for the next few hours. I was fine thru most of the show. A bit over half way thru the show I would crouch down between songs because my body was so sore. Everyone around me knew I was pregnant, so they were really helpful. One girl gave me her ponytail holder because I was getting hot.

Great show, but for the most part I was miserable. I wouldn't recommend standing. Unless of course you are one of those that have great pregnancies...I do not.

Good Luck.
My sister was pregnant on the last tour and she managed stadiums here in the UK but she had a fold up chair that went everywhere and she was even sat on it inside the stadium before the band came on, security put it under the B stage for her she was front row and did fine.
Although she was a bit tired!!:cute:
I went to a Youssou N'Dour concert when I was five months pregnant. Youssou had five drummers. My inner son decided to kick along with the drumming. I'm sure I had internal bruising. It took two weeks for my tummy to feel "non bruised". lol

Having said that, I'd do it all again. Go for it. Book a seat, enjoy!
Depending on how far one is into the pregnancy I definitely would not. Babies in the womb are acutely attuned to sound/vibration, and concerts are very loud. I just feel it would be disturbing to the baby, just my opinion.
definately seats, and I have to say that when I had my kids my husband was freaking out that I wanted to go to a concert. He said NO! I said I'll go anyway. He said NO.
Thank God my oldest was months old when POP came around.
I don't see anything wrong with going as long as you have seats. I did have a friend who miscarried due to being smooshed in a moshpit. Seats should be safe and it might teach the baby to already love u2! :cute:
I don't see anything wrong with going as long as you have seats. I did have a friend who miscarried due to being smooshed in a moshpit. Seats should be safe and it might teach the baby to already love u2! :cute:

Ooh, moshpits. :yikes: Fun, but not when you're pregnant. If you don't mind me asking, how far along was she?
And I hope your baby can love U2! :cute:
OOh go for it!
There was a girl at one Boston show during Elevation and she had a sign that said "My baby wants to dance with Bono" and She got pulled up onstage with him. It made the papers.
She did not look too far along though-can't imagine being pulled:hyper: up -ahem- later along in a pregnancy though!
^ what they said, seats all the way . . . . GA when pregnant . . . . bad idea . . . . especially if you are 'popping out ' by then . . . . depending on how far along you are you probably won't feel like standing up for 2+ hours anyway :)

The thing is (which I'm sure she knows), she'd have to stand for a LOT longer than 2+ hours to get a GOOD GA spot anyway (more like waiting in line all day, or 24 hours). So if you don't want to wait in line either, I would just pay extra money and get good seats.

For a Vertigo show I sat next to someone with a 2 week old baby (one of the few shows we had seats). THAT was interesting for her since the venue is 3.5 hours from our home city. She had someone watching her baby at home, but still...
I agree with everybody else here, GA could be dangerous. Defintely try to get an aisle seat, besides having to squish by everybody to get out, you'll probably have to be peeing all the time so get a seat with an easy out. also someone mentioned that babies in the womb are very sensitive to sound....when I was pregnant I was at a loud concert and my baby kicked the whole time! She didn't like rock music only classical. Maybe you could bring a stadium blanket or big thick coat in to put on your lap to muffle the sound for the baby.
Hi girls,

So, I wanted to get opinions on going to a U2 concert (or any concert really) while pregnant. Have you done it? How far along were you when you went?
I know there is no way to "plan" a pregnancy, but I feel like there is a good chance I will be pregnant when U2 comes around... and my husband and I are already disagreeing on this matter. He would be concerned if I was pregnant and went to a concert because he is scared it could be dangerous. I totally would never do anything that might be bad for my pregnancy, but obviously I do not want to miss U2 when they come this year.

Any thoughts?

If you are pregnant when U2 tours, ask your doctor, if a concert would be okay. He or she is in the best position to give you advise. Every pregnancy is different and what might not be good for me, would be fine for you.
Thanks for all the thoughts everyone!!
SO, I wrote this email to my Dr yesterday and this is what he replied :lol:

Me: Hi Dr Nixon,

Can you please tell me if it is safe to go to a rock concert (U2) if I am pregnant, possible 6-8 months pregnant? This is a long time debate between my husband and I. I am a fan of more than 20 years and want to go, but I am HOPING I will be pregnant next fall/winter when they come.
Just curious your take on that.


Dr's reply :applaud:
It sounds like you are the true U2 fan (but apparently, not your husband). I think it would be fine to go (just don't inhale).

This cracked me up SO MUCH because this Dr is a very serious guy and I was totally not expecting his humorous response!!:up:
What a weird response lol. Is he aware of what can happen at concerts?? I'd still get seats.. :reject:

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