Pleban Girl's Party - Spring starts with our heartbeats pounding

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
:faint: :combust: :drool:

OMG, saw U23D three times in a row with Slopsy and Effanbee was :censored: fantastic! :rockon:

:sad: But, bad news, the Larry Tree is dead. U2 have 'killed' another tree.
Sad_Girl said:
No one is ever here any more :sigh:
What'd we do, all go and get lives? :wink:
Anyway, just wanted to check in. We're doing well, just busy and tired. I have a new picture ( :yikes: :giggle: ) I'll try to come back on when people are around so I can share it with my girls. :hug: Hope everyone here is doing well :heart:

well you missed the nearly vert-tour thread- speed parteee a few days back here....:giggle:

was thinking of you a few days back.... wondering how you were doing...

hopefully next time I'll be on at the same time and see your latest photo! :hug:S take care sg! :heart:
:giggle: The Larry Tree is what Slopsy, Effanbee and I were standing under the night Larry came over and talked to us :drool:
:| I am always here at a bad time. GMT sucks! Have a good weekend everybody, I might be loitering about anyway. :wave:
Galeongirl said:
What is it Zu?

I spent 3 hours on line looking for leads on jobs overseas and NOTHIN'!! I found one site that had a couple really cool looking jobs in London but you had to register so when I registered, I obviously have a US address. So it wouldn't show me any overseas jobs! :banghead:
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