Pleban Girls Party - Look out we're on a roll!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
SG I hope you feel better. Thanks for the great pictures! :hug:

Molly I did get to see them. It was wonderful. But I ended up only making it to one show. I decided to skp the second show so I didn't get to sick. I had a hard time just getting through the first show. It would help if they didn't play for three hours! :lol:
Bri! :hug:

Don't think about politics, just party! :dance:

I'm tired of politics. We're weeks away from electing a governor in my state, and I'm tired of their stupid commercials. And the stupid phone messages about one candidate or ballot issue or another :mad:
jobob said:

If only he could at least speak in complete grammatical sentences. That bothers me as much as anything about the man.

That, and the whole war thing. And maybe a few other things ...

:lmao: :lmao: It would be lovely if he could speak, wouldn't it? Everytime he opens his mouth I cringe. Did anyone watch Oprah today? If not, you missed a great episode. She had Frank Rich on who just wrote a book about the Bush administration called "The Greatest Story Ever Sold" It covers everything through the government response to Hurricane Katrina. It was a true audience participation day. Everyone was expressing opinion. It was truly eye-opening. There was a great discussion going on between Oprah, Rich, and the audience. I've been watching Oprah since I was little, and this is probably the best episode I've seen next to the problems with the U.S. education system she exposed last year. God Bless!!

Currently Listening: "Material Girl"/Madonna

"What no man can own...No man can take.": Yahweh-U2
Oh, man! I wish I'd seen that ^ Oprah episode U2isthebest!

I will always believe Michael "You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie" Brown should be in jail for his actions immediately after Hurricane Katrina. He is now doing consulting work and giving speeches. This infuriates me. :mad: :mad:
Hi BD :wave: :heart:

Sorry I had to put the little one in bed.

Molly Bono looks good in that picture. Now if we could just get the bush out of it. :lol:
jobob said:
Diane, I thought Bono spent his day at the Gap with Oprah. Since when was he with the president? :confused:

the president was also in Chicago doing a press confrence for someone...cause it's election season in Illinois.

I saw the NBC news report on that too...I thought Bono was :cute: the way he was locking arms with Oprah.

Molly Bloom said:
HI weldy!! how have you been?

I'm doing fine Molly....cold cause of the drastic weather change....:grumpy:....but I'm fine otherwise.
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