PLEBAn Girl Party: GA tix are MAGNIFICENT

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:wave: to lurking Drea. I haven't been in here the same time as you in a long time.

I should really be taking a nap since I"m going to see Franz Ferdinand tonight but I'm just not in the mood for a nap yet. I am in the mood for some chocolate cake, however. Anyone got some?
Here's a pic of where we went for our swim today

except there was a little more water, so that big sandbar type thingy was actually covered with water.
Would you swim in the River Thames? :yikes:

:no: Does. Not. Want.

We truly appreciate natural bodies of water, however small, since we live in the desert. This was probably the last weekend we'll be able to do fun stuff outside. New weekend will probably be too hot (and for the next 6 months :rolleyes: ).
I should really be taking a nap since I"m going to see Franz Ferdinand tonight but I'm just not in the mood for a nap yet. I am in the mood for some chocolate cake, however. Anyone got some?

I have most of the solid milk chocolate rabbit I got for Easter, will that do? :wink:
I was taped by Bono like 3 times in NYC and they never did anything with it yet. He walked right up to me and Zey with the camera
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