PLEBAn Girl Party: GA tix are MAGNIFICENT

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I'm sure NI must feel appreciated now :lol: And I apologize for any bad spelling that might occur, been up pretty much all night so I'm really, really tired.

A friend of mine got beat up by her boyfriend, so I was rather busy with that. :madspit: <-- This is aimed at her boyfriend, not the situation she's in, btw. :reject:
:lmao: I'm watching a quiz with the most stupid women on the planet in it!

It's about two guys, who have to guess what two women answered to random trivia questions. :lmao: The women's answers are even more hillarious than the guys' guesses!

Buenos Aires is somewhere near Italy, our prime minister earns about 3 million a year and oh, hey, the Cietnam war was fought in China! :happy:
I'm sure NI must feel appreciated now :lol: And I apologize for any bad spelling that might occur, been up pretty much all night so I'm really, really tired.

A friend of mine got beat up by her boyfriend, so I was rather busy with that. :madspit: <-- This is aimed at her boyfriend, not the situation she's in, btw. :reject:

Wow that's pretty damn bad! Is she going to press charges?
Yup, the guy is in custody now, will probably be released tomorrow. That's why I'm gonna stay with her for the rest of the week. "fortunately" she only has a concussion.
I'm sure NI must feel appreciated now :lol: And I apologize for any bad spelling that might occur, been up pretty much all night so I'm really, really tired.

A friend of mine got beat up by her boyfriend, so I was rather busy with that. :madspit: <-- This is aimed at her boyfriend, not the situation she's in, btw. :reject:

her boyfriend = :censored:

There is NO excuse on this earth for him to do that :madwife:

How is your friend? Is she ok?
Yup, the guy is in custody now, will probably be released tomorrow. That's why I'm gonna stay with her for the rest of the week. "fortunately" she only has a concussion.

My ex did that to me,:angry: it took him pushing me in front of an on coming car to realise that he was bad news

I'm sure you being with her is a great comfort and support :hug::hug:
Yup, the guy is in custody now, will probably be released tomorrow. That's why I'm gonna stay with her for the rest of the week. "fortunately" she only has a concussion.

Phew, glad to hear that. Well, not that he's going to be released soon!

I better hope for that gal she's calling him her EX boyfriend now!
I'm sure you being with her is a great comfort and support :hug::hug:
Well, I'll do my best, but I'm not really sure what I can do. She says it's enough that I'm just there, but I'd sure like to do something a little less passive.
Phew, glad to hear that. Well, not that he's going to be released soon!

I better hope for that gal she's calling him her EX boyfriend now!

Well, she says he's not coming back, but he's had trouble with his temper before. It's the first time he's hit her, but he smashed her bedroom a couple of weekends ago. And she forgave him for that...
First time is ALWAYS one time too much.

Yup, that's what I think too. However, I also think it's easy to believe it when the guy apologizes and promises it'll never happen again, especially if you're really in love with the guy :shrug: I hope that if I ever end up in that situation I'll be strong enough to walk away, but I think it takes a lot of courage to do that.
I know you want to go and do him but you're better than that

I'd like to think so, but I'm not so sure. I've known this girl since she was four, we became friends over 22 years ago. She's more like a sister to me than anything else, and I've disliked the guy from the beginning.
Yup, that's what I think too. However, I also think it's easy to believe it when the guy apologizes and promises it'll never happen again, especially if you're really in love with the guy :shrug: I hope that if I ever end up in that situation I'll be strong enough to walk away, but I think it takes a lot of courage to do that.

That's true, love is blindness, but I do hope she sees trough that. If a man hits you once, the treshold is lowered and he might do it twice. Or more.
Yup, that's what I think too. However, I also think it's easy to believe it when the guy apologizes and promises it'll never happen again, especially if you're really in love with the guy :shrug: I hope that if I ever end up in that situation I'll be strong enough to walk away, but I think it takes a lot of courage to do that.

Ive been there and it's hard not to believe what they say especially if you "love" them. Tell her from me to be brave and strong and to get rid now. I met NI not long after and look what happened there.

I'd like to think so, but I'm not so sure. I've known this girl since she was four, we became friends over 22 years ago. She's more like a sister to me than anything else, and I've disliked the guy from the beginning.

It was the same for my sister when i told her, my whole family disliked him from the start to. Whereas they all liked NI from the very start:heart:
I'll tell her that, Wild. And I'm glad things worked out for you :hug: NI is a great guy, and I haven't even met him :wink:

But I have to leave you all now, doing my school placement now, so I have to get up really early tomorrow morning for the staff meeting :sigh: No rest for the wicked ;)

Night girls :hug:
Girls have good gut feelings about guys, unless they're in love with them. Then the judgement's really poor.

I'm going to bed too, see ya guys tomorrow! :hug:
I missed a party. But I was having an awesome day with my family, hiking the canyon. My son did a 2 mile hike, no complaints! :up: Then we swam in the river and had a picnic :love:

Sorry to hear about your friend, Jez. Sounds like you're a good friend though. :hug:
I put some feelers out about sharing a room with someone in Vegas. The only person who responded was a 35 year old surfer / snowmaker from Australia (male). Mr.Z didn't approve :lol:
I have zero respect for men who beat their girlfriends/spouses. :down: I found out a few years ago that my father hit my mother when they were married quite frequently. Reason. #9655434 why he fails at life.

GG is right, once is too many times.

Wild, I'm so sorry you were in an abusive relationship. But thank goodness you got out. :hug:
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