PLEBA Misc News and Articles #6

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
^lol. In 10 years' time, your 3 yo will be the crowd he's after.

I will not be seeking Bono out the rest of this year, but I would just say something short like "U2 is a bigger idea than how you perceive one album to have performed"

I dunno. say something from your heart, fans!
Great interview in German with Bono and The Ege in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin: Legen Sie sich nie mit dem Gitarristen an

Read it a while ago, since German is my mother language, and loved it, very smart and funny with some surprising and interesting quotes. Loved the parts about "fighting" in the band and Bono screaming like a madman when he gets angry, so the others had to leave the room :giggle:

The newspaper is usually very critical of U2, many of their journalists have strong anti-U2 tendencies, so it's nice to have a positive article like that for a change.
Ok,I put this through a translator.

"Lie down with guitarist never!"

Hardly a partnership in the pop is more successful than the U2 musician Bono and The Edge. But why be friends right? An open conversation.
By Lars Jensen (Interview) Illustration by Philip Burke

Bono and The Edge sitting in the booth of a restaurant in Toronto and studying with the air of a connoisseur wine list. On the eve of the Toronto Film Festival has begun with "Down From The Sky," a melodramatic documentary on the making of the album "Achtung Baby" in 1991 in Berlin. U2 were at that time just before the release, the film is now to see how the four men were fighting together again. Director Davis Guggenheim has been granted access to the complete archive of the band, was a surprisingly open-hearted film about dwindling creativity and the vanities of young men who achieved too much too soon. Bono and The Edge attend the premiere, the audience got a standing ovation.

What is even more important: In the summer of her two-year "360 °" tour came to an end, it was again the biggest ever, with 7.1 million viewers and revenues of over € 500 million. The wine is poured, Bono and The Edge smell there glasses and wait grinning on the questions.

SZ Magazine: Good mood, the gentlemen?
The Edge: Whenever we have a tour behind us, I am happy in my life.

The audience yesterday was enthusiastic about the film Down From The Sky. Do you like it too?
The Edge: Let's say this: The movie really surprised us. The director Davis Guggenheim, the dilemma in which we used to put processed into a universal story. We had sent him during the cut a few ideas and suggestions - he ignored them. Now it's a Davis Guggenheim film, not a U2 film. So much the better.
Bono: For me it was painful to sit in the cinema. I hate to remember. I hear our old albums and never look back, because I always cringe so bad I think our music.
The Edge: That's what he says seriously. He hates almost all the songs of U2.
Bono: But now we have collected the pieces and unreleased versions of Achtung Baby for an anniversary edition of the album, and I really liked a few songs. Heaven and Hell, Blow Your House Down. Even Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses sounded better than I had remembered it. Could you publish today, and everyone would think it was a song from 2011.


After 35 years of working three songs you like?
The Edge: We conclude from our songs do not, we will publish them at some point. Bono hears only the margins.
Bono: Miss Sarajevo is one of the few songs where I did not flinch. The Edge: The worst is when the disco Sunday, Bloody Sunday comes and suddenly empties the dance floor. I've seen a couple of times.

I think I understand better U2, since I recently went to Dublin with my one and a half year old daughter to a playground. She pinched a boy whose mother has cried out: "Next time you bitch of a purely lives!"
Bono: I think the story immediately. We have been beaten in Dublin for most of our career, until we were on the ground.
The Edge: Dublin has always been a place of the bully. You have to watch what they say.
Bono: My goodness, have I often get in the face.

Because you have a big mouth?
Bono: Yes, a couple of times I'm just not able to keep my mouth shut. In Ireland, there are all these aggressions, the dam itself where you have a decaying working-class culture. Take a look at John Lennon or the Gallagher brothers of Oasis, whose ancestors came from Ireland, then, are the basically all Irish. It works like this: "What you said" oomph And, you have one sitting. I grew up in a street that was not too shabby. But it was between two dangerous neighborhoods. Extreme anger, anywhere, anytime.

Is that the reason for your own aggression?
The Edge: He has never justified its aggression. If he snaps out, we simply bring us to safety and wait until it cools.

Who provides for compensation in the band?
The Edge: That's me. But my patience has limits.
Bono: That's the idea of ​​rock 'n' roll: anger, rage and turn it into a tune! The Who were furious, The Clash as well. The Beatles made only out of anger: "I Saw Her Standing There - FUCK OFF"

They felt just as earlier?
Bono: In the late eighties I was very undisciplined. The success went to my head. It went so far that one for me behind the stage hung a punching bag, I beat up after concerts; energy shot through my body like I was stuck with his hands in an electrical outlet. A girl working in our wardrobe, she tried to dry my sweaty hair while I fidgeted in his chair like an idiot. Since she took the hair dryer and beat him over my head.
The Edge: Has that helped?
Bono: You acted as if nothing happened and just keep föhnte.

Page 1: "Lie down with guitarist never!"
Page 2: "From zero to ten: What was then the probability that U2 will split up," "Nine"?.
page 2.
The film makes your anger now visible. One scene shows begin to feel like you left with a concert of your three colleagues in the lurch and scream.
The Edge: What you see in the film is totally harmless.

Really? What does it because of a genuine outburst of Bono?
The Edge: It can be very loud. So that we must leave the room. Ten minutes later he apologized.
Bono: I had such attacks for years and more.
The Edge: That's correct. We are getting older and softer.

When you have both beaten the last time?
Bono: long ago.

Who won?
Bono: I'm just saying: Lie down with guitarist ever. They have a perfect hand-eye coordination. His right hand is really hard. Believe me, I have made acquaintance with many rights.

Pity that such scenes are not to be seen in your film.
Bono: We have left our Davis archive material from the late eighties and early nineties, including many things that we had never seen myself. No idea what there are hidden treasures for.
The Edge: We have to keep some secrets, we are finally no peep show.

When the crisis began by U2?
The Edge: When we had the mid-eighties huge success in America with our Joshua Tree tour. The organizers forced us into the halls of the largest stadiums to move. This has overwhelmed us. We had no technique, no team, no experience. We were four guys from Dublin, a club band that suddenly appeared in front of 80 000 people every night. We felt like it tore us.

Why did you not played in clubs?
The Edge: Because the demand was so great that tickets for concerts in smaller halls on the black market already cost several thousand dollars.
Bono: Suddenly we were superstars in America. The worst thing that could happen to a Maoist in the British music scene.

What has the British music scene with the Maoist China to do?
Ideologies that played a big role. Mao had forbidden color, birds, flowers, music. The British music scene knew a ban: go to America. And then there was Prince. On a purple Honda. Boom! As the music-Maoists were helpless, because Prince was American on a cool way.
The Edge: We have solved all ideologies. What advantages and disadvantages. On Rattle and Hum, we have tried to make our own blues and folk. We have committed no crime, but it was a little tasteless. This album, we would rather not have published.
Bono: The fans were annoyed with us, and we were annoyed each other. We were buddies since childhood, had to say to us but nothing more.

From zero to ten: What was then the probability that U2 would be separate?
Bono: Nine.
The Edge: We could not be separated but with a bang, but slowly we lost sight of.
Bono: We were at a loss, we could think of nothing. The Edge split from his wife, who was part of our band family. He sat silently in the corner and daddelte on the guitar. It was clear that we need a change of scenery.

Why Berlin?
Why not? The city was after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the capital of the change.

How did you solve your conflicts there? Alcohol? Boxing? Group therapy?
Bono: The music that saved us. We wanted to make an album that sounds electronically and by Einstürzende Neubauten. Then the music came to us, I must say so esoteric, and has redeemed us. When we had taken one, we knew that it would go with U2.
The Edge: The other two, Larry and Adam, sometimes complain that they can not get enough recognition for Achtung Baby.
Bono: You have crabbed that time, our songs were not good enough.
The Edge: The guys were wrong.

U2 live and work together since 1976. Would you get married, when marriage was permitted between four men in Ireland?
The Edge: Our relationship has nothing of a marriage, we meet only in the studio or on stage.

Good record, but take your tours up to three years, and a plate also needs at least six months.
Bono: We have a normal male problem: The older men, the less space they leave the arguments of other men. Especially when all these men believe to have achieved something.
The Edge: It is here, but not create the impression that we constantly beat us or pull her hair. We had some dispute, but if done wisely, you learn from every conflict. Today, with U2 saying every every everything. Bono, The Edge what annoys you?
Bono: His perfectionism.
The Edge: I'm trying to be perfect, but I can not quite yet.

The Edge, Bono, you should probably pissing off close to guys like George W. Bush.
The Edge: He knows not well received. It does not mean that the band is suffering under Bono's humanitarian work. Anyone can do what he wants, as long as he performs at the thing is, if we work.
Bono: Bush and I were never friends. We needed his help in our work for debt relief in Africa - and he helped us.

But as the Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen once with its celebration evening band in the studio stopped by, the band was pissed.
The Edge: True, if Bono invites his celebrity friends to the samples, we can not amused.

Go off and have a drink together?
The Edge: We have come together in a villa in southern France. As we drink the odd bottle of red wine.

What mistake you will not make again?
The Edge: We succeed only when we take risks. Just to be sure is killing us.
Bono: Today we are a better band than before - therein lies a danger. There is a huge difference between very good and brilliant. Right now we tend to be very good. We used to be garbage. Or we were brilliant. Very well, we were rare. What did it matter that we have done things that we did not understand.

They want to take more risks?
Bono: U2 have been fighting for twenty years against the irrelevance. We have cowered before her, slapped her face, she put one leg. Nevertheless, we are now on the verge of becoming irrelevant. We could fill every day somewhere in the world a stadium. But we still falls a music that the people really means something?

The history of this famous band started with a piece of paper and Larry Mullen Jr. in 1976 on the bulletin board of his school are put up in Dublin. Among the boys who volunteered, were Bono (real name Paul Hewson), guitarist The Edge (real name David Evans) and bassist Adam Clayton. Meanwhile, U2 have sold 150 million records and thrilled with their wide-screen rock millions of concert goers. Its gone 360 ​​° Tour, coming to an end, broke all records, their last album "No Line On The Horizon" (2009) was commercially but fell short of expectations.
U2 live and work together since 1976. Would you get married, when marriage was permitted between four men in Ireland?
The Edge: Our relationship has nothing of a marriage, we meet only in the studio or on stage.

Who won?
Bono: I'm just saying: Lie down with guitarist ever. They have a perfect hand-eye coordination. His right hand is really hard. Believe me, I have made acquaintance with many rights.

Now,I'd like to know how many times exactly has Bono felt that really hard right hand?
The leader of U2 sent via email, (Thursday, 10th) a message improves the former Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who since last week are dealing with a cancer of the larynx.

The message:


The complete article (in portuguese)

Em carta, Bono diz a Lula que vai incluí-lo em suas orações | U2 Brasil
Now, that would be a nice picture for a change!

Don't give the man ideas. In his hands, harmless machines may turn into powerful weapons.
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