Please ride the hype train with me AKA Vampire Weekend

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
u2popmofo said:

If you weren't such an enormous liar, I'd probably believe you.

of course. :wink: i may or may not be lying when i saw that i should be around the internet to tell more untruths now that i own a laptop and frequently find myself parked outside of wi-fi hotspots when i'm at work.
Friday, November 21:
NBC: Late Night With Conan O'Brien: Vampire Weekend

Hopefully this isn't a rerun.
Saw them live a month or so ago along with about half of the kids who attend the high school where I work :wink: They put on a pretty good show but I don't think they'll last 5 years.

Sorry I'm so late to the discussion.
Just gave this album a spin today in my car and dug it more than I thought.

"A Punk" could very well be the most exuberant, indietastic song not by Los Campesinos! that I've heard all year.
It's great bubblegum music!
Good to play at parties or driving.
No real substance though..... I still love it though. :D
My fave radio station has recently put a new(ish) Vampire Weekend song into their regular's not on the album, I think it first appeared on the soundtrack to the movie Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist that came out a little while back.

Anyway, I really like it. It's got a bit of a different vibe than the songs on the LP, although it features a repeat of the lyric "feels so unnatural, Peter Gabriel too" from Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa.

It's called Ottoman. Check it out -

YouTube - Vampire Weekend - Ottoman
For some reason I had misunderstood that Ottoman was just a redone version of Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa without the swears, this is completely different. I'll have to buy this of iTunes. Thanks for the heads up, Gaffer.
They'll be performing a new song tonight on Jimmy Fallon's terrible show.
They're playing at Smith College next month. If it were on a weekend, I'd make the trip up to see them for sure. I've been playing this album like crazy for the last few months.
I just decided that I'm going out tonight, so I won't be able to watch this. Someone make a detailed, 12 page report of the goings on. Transcribed lyrics would be a plus, as well as a diagram of the chord progressions in the new song and a summary of Ezra's shifty eye movements/goofy stage antics. Thanks.
You could have just read the four posts above yours, would have taken about 15 seconds.

I still haven't watched the clip though, so this will make it considerably easier despite my complaining.
Way to brink back the Patagonia/Land's End fashion. This is the kind of guy you really want to beat up, isn't it? And a baja-wearing orchestra? WTF?

Still love them.
You could have just read the four posts above yours, would have taken about 15 seconds.

I still haven't watched the clip though, so this will make it considerably easier despite my complaining.

I didnt ask if anyone had heard it was going to be on, I asked if anyone had seen it. Why act like a dickhead?
I prefer to think of it as being a "cock-head".

I was just being A Punk.
Pitchfork: Vampire Weekend Announce Everything About Second Album

January 12, 2010


01 Horchata
02 White Sky
03 Holiday
04 California English
05 Taxi Cab
06 Run
07 Cousins
08 Giving Up the Gun
09 Diplomat's Son
10 I Think Ur a Contra

I don't know, but I'm sure GAF will come in and say something about her.
Who's the girl? :wink:

But, in seriousness, this is good news. I like this band. Haven't listened to anything off of the debut LP in months, though.

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