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ONE love, blood, life
May 21, 2005
I've always heard some many good things about them but never actually got to get into this band. Any suggestions on where I should start? What to buy? Thanks in advance! :up:
Do not start with anything other than Doolittle. Surfer Rose is perhaps a bit too abrasive for beginners, Bossanova might bore you out of ever trying anything else, and Trompe La Monde, while great, is to homogenic to serve as a primer.

Doolittle, Doolittle, Doolittle. One of the greatest albums ever recorded.
For some reason Bossanova always felt like such a summery album to me. I love playing it once the weather gets warm again after winter. :happy:
lazarus said:
Do not start with anything other than Doolittle. Surfer Rose is perhaps a bit too abrasive for beginners, Bossanova might bore you out of ever trying anything else, and Trompe La Monde, while great, is to homogenic to serve as a primer.

Doolittle, Doolittle, Doolittle. One of the greatest albums ever recorded.

This man knows his stuff.
Thanks for the advice! I've just orderd Doolittle. Can't wait to get it.
I am certainly in the minority as far as the whole fanbase goes, but I much prefer Bossanova and Trompe le Monde to their earlier records. They're not just rehashes of Come on Pilgrim, which I think most of Surfer Rosa and maybe half of Doolittle are. Bossanova and Trompe are extremely solid albums, and definitely shouldn't be missed if you want to get into Pixies.

Also, my screen name. :rockon:
lazarus said:
Do not start with anything other than Doolittle. Surfer Rose is perhaps a bit too abrasive for beginners, Bossanova might bore you out of ever trying anything else, and Trompe La Monde, while great, is to homogenic to serve as a primer.

Doolittle, Doolittle, Doolittle. One of the greatest albums ever recorded.

I disagree with "Do not start with anything other than Doolittle". I started with Come on Pilgrim, which I'm actually quite thankful for.

Doolittle is a good album, but unbelievably overrated.
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