PGP - schlepping our arses around the world for the boys

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I just found out my best work buddy (my "work husband" for 5 years) is leaving. He's moving to Arkansas. I'm really happy for him b/c he'll be doing what he wants to do but :sad: x 10
I'd just be a fracking mess if I had an encounter of the Mullen kind and I know he'd hate me forever, like not just forget about me, but years later he'd be like "Hey Bono, remember that girl..." and relay the story of how I threw up on his shoe and then told him I wanted to have his babies.

Gimme Edge. I think I could compose myself long enough to say hi. I'd wait till he passed to start crying.

aawwwwww :hug: ZU :hug:

practice helloes and a a short thank you for larry and Edge

for Bono I managed to get out something like
"Thank you for your talent and the good work you do in the world" .

Only because I practiced--- so I wouldn't go blank! :lmao::lmao:
And because it's NYC with so many fans AND E-bay autograph dealing people ( who get :amdwife: IN the fucking way of genuine fans)..

I had to keep it quick before he went on to some one else!
Good idea practicing, just in case it happens. How many days until Anaheim? :hyper: hey Daz, are you for sure coming to Chicago? Do you have a ticket? Or are you just coming for the PGP?
Good idea practicing, just in case it happens. How many days until Anaheim? :hyper: hey Daz, are you for sure coming to Chicago? Do you have a ticket? Or are you just coming for the PGP?

I'm glad you aSKED
I don't have a ticket...... yet..... I'm still hoping somehow I can get a GA.... in the last few days before the show.

1] it really might depend on making sure i can get enough of my $ together. I'd make most of July's Budget Extra Fun $ Category go to Chicagofrom ....
I'll put some CHI $ into it in my June Budge (and raid a bit from other variable categories :lol:) A lot of May's extra $$ is gong in for my a/c fund.

BUT as much as I'd love to :hyper: meet up with Jem & Wild.. and ?dg (I forget if that one of the shows she's gong to) at CHi ..........

..... if neither VP or you are going be there..........
I might not goto Chi and try got a Philly GA instead.
If one of the 2 of you are going to go then CHi it will be!if I can pull it off. :fingerscrossed:

Philly= Less $$ AND SHORTER Travel time/ Able to leave early enough in the middle of the night to get on the GA line in the early morning or go overnight- depending on what line up is going to be.

VP is my longest time bud from PGP.
You & I connect artistically.
thats what means I guess the most to me......
as well as wanting to see U2 in GA one more time on this tour.

SURE I'd love to meet :hyper: as many of my PGP friends as possible, but that isn't possible due to needing an a/c and still getting more things for my apt. If there's a money miracle that happens..... fantasic!!! But I'm not counting on it.

GREEDY :shifty: *wishes u2 would ADD ONE MORE DATE to NJ/NY* :sigh:
Hi ladies. :wave: First of all, thanks for listening to me rant the other night. It helped. As Bono says, "I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight..." :hug:

Regarding us and Chicago - Sarah and the ankle sort of threw a wrench into my plans. I'm still going to try to make Chicago work, but at this point, I just don't know. If I have to give up a show, that will be the first to go. I'll probably have a better idea of exactly what we're doing around the beginning of June.

So, Zooey and Dazzled, I'm sorry, but the best advice I can offer right now is to not make decisions based on what I'm doing, and if you need to decide before June, then go ahead and do what's best for you guys.
:heart: Snow Patrol...won't be seeing them again it seems. IF I have the extreme luck to be able to attend the Helsinki gig that is. :)madspit: Razorfright, worst opening act ever and ONLY for those two gigs, wtf?!)

I wish they would just reveal the schedule for the summer re-exams already :sigh:
Hi ladies. :wave:

Hi there!:wave:

Hi ladies. :wave: First of all, thanks for listening to me rant the other night. It helped. As Bono says, "I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight..." :hug:

Regarding us and Chicago - Sarah and the ankle sort of threw a wrench into my plans. I'm still going to try to make Chicago work, but at this point, I just don't know. If I have to give up a show, that will be the first to go. I'll probably have a better idea of exactly what we're doing around the beginning of June.

So, Zooey and Dazzled, I'm sorry, but the best advice I can offer right now is to not make decisions based on what I'm doing, and if you need to decide before June, then go ahead and do what's best for you guys.

hi sweetie! BIG :hug::hug::hug:
shoot, you got alot on your plate , that's unfortunately you must deal with and that comes first. :hug:

but perfect timing right now on here.........
....I guess the universe at least wants me to have the convo on this in a RTime/ timely manner! :lol:

MY plans will NOT BE SET till the End of June OR right at July 3rd or so.....
MY plans will NOT BE SET till the End of June OR right at July 3rd or so.....

Ah, that's good, then. :up: I'm sure that Zooey will need to decide well before then, though. :(

I was planning on temping this spring/summer, but that's been impossible, so I'm suffering a severe lack of $. :sigh: And also, I'm not even sure if Sarah will be physically capable of all the standing required by GA, so.... :sigh:
VP - I hope you're back again soon, because OH MAH GOD do we ever need to talk about Lost!! :lol: :love: :heart: x about a billion *pileofgoo* Good lord was I ever bawling after that! :lol: It was a little too short for my liking, but it was oh so satisfying! :heart:

:hyper: I was thinking of you & VP!!!
SO annoyed I didn't have net @ home yet!

oh, mannnnn, WHAT an episode!
I was planning on temping this spring/summer, but that's been impossible, so I'm suffering a severe lack of $. :sigh: And also, I'm not even sure if Sarah will be physically capable of all the standing required by GA, so.... :sigh:

:hug: VP & Sarah :hug:

:sigh: real bummer, thank goodness no worse tho.

I had just been healing up from one of that string of Bad Sprained ankle run when my sis and I went ( no tix) up to The Boston Garden to try and get seats for Who

I was mostly OK But it was a challenge to climb over the .... extra seats, barrier ?? (SOMETHING in the way :lol: ) after the show into "the pit "area to get one of the "mini-cymbals" that fell off of the tamborine that Roger had been using.
Plebans, I miss you!!! My little Pleban doesn't allow me enough time off to check the forum anymore. aaaarrrrgh!!!:doh:
Yeah, it was a good episode. So much happened, and it sped by so fast that I almost feel like I need to see it again for it to sink in.

I got a little teary for the reunion, but it was like BAM, it was over so fast and they were on to the Next Dramatic Moment, that it didn't have as much impact on me as it could have. But I suppose that given their circumstances, it was realistic.

Some episodes, things happen, and I feel satisfied till the next one. With this one, I didn't want it to end, I wanted to find out more. They answered some things, but they also left a lot hanging.
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