PGP - schlepping our arses around the world for the boys

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I do too! :lol:

Some shows just don't interest me at all. I've made it this far without ever seeing an episode of Seinfeld! :lol:

My mom was obsessed with that show. She just loves it! I watch it sometimes but I'm not a huge fan.

I watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and Coronation Street, oh and The Tudors of course :wink: Kinda random shows.

You're into a little show about an island right?? Can't seem to recall the name. Hmm like Lost or something :hmm: :sexywink:
i have a U2 question yay, i just found what looks to be an actual video for Until the End of the World on youtube, so why didnt they put that on the 90-00 dvd instead of that live version?
It's U2. They would prefer we forget the entire Pop era.
My mom was obsessed with that show. She just loves it! I watch it sometimes but I'm not a huge fan.

I watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and Coronation Street, oh and The Tudors of course :wink: Kinda random shows.

You're into a little show about an island right?? Can't seem to recall the name. Hmm like Lost or something :hmm: :sexywink:

Yup. That's definitely my favourite. :D

I keep meaning to finish watching The Tudors. I've seen the first 2 episodes of Season 3, but nothing beyond that yet. I think it starts up again soon, right?
Yup. That's definitely my favourite. :D

I keep meaning to finish watching The Tudors. I've seen the first 2 episodes of Season 3, but nothing beyond that yet. I think it starts up again soon, right?

Season 3 is kinda boring. But the new season is soooooo good! It started up again on Showtime two weeks ago.
Have you seen the first two seasons?
I have them all on dvd :D
Season 3 is kinda boring. But the new season is soooooo good! It started up again on Showtime two weeks ago.
Have you seen the first two seasons?
I have them all on dvd :D

Of course I've seen them! :wink: I don't jump into shows in the middle. :lol: I think we've talked about that show in that show's thread, but you're forgiven for forgetting about it. :lol:

They used to air the show on CBC at some point, but I think it was an edited version. :lol: I wonder what the point of doing that was, as they'd only have like 15 minutes left of show after they edited all the sex and other "objectionable" stuff out. :laugh:
Of course I've seen them! :wink: I don't jump into shows in the middle. :lol: I think we've talked about that show in that show's thread, but you're forgiven for forgetting about it. :lol:

They used to air the show on CBC at some point, but I think it was an edited version. :lol: I wonder what the point of doing that was, as they'd only have like 15 minutes left of show after they edited all the sex and other "objectionable" stuff out. :laugh:

:lol: Sorry, my brain is mush right now cuz I'm watching yummy U2 vids on youtube.
I'll have to go bring that thread back up since the new season has started.
Ya I don't think cbc can air season 4. It's only been two episodes so far and basically the whole thing is sex, especially the second episode :shifty:
I re-watched the first two episodes of season 4 on youtube. I can send you the links when you're done the third season if you want.
:lol: Sorry, my brain is mush right now cuz I'm watching yummy U2 vids on youtube.
I'll have to go bring that thread back up since the new season has started.
Ya I don't think cbc can air season 4. It's only been two episodes so far and basically the whole thing is sex, especially the second episode :shifty:
I re-watched the first two episodes of season 4 on youtube. I can send you the links when you're done the third season if you want.

No worries! :)

I have a site where I can watch all kinds of TV shows for free, and The Tudors is on there. I just have to find time when I'm at home to watch them. :lol:

Hi zu! :hug:
Work is almost pointless today - my first two classes were in the computer lab, 3rd period is directing their own shows and in the afternoon we have an assembly. Easiest. Day. Evah.

How are y'all? (besides hot and bothered K?)
oh, I have decided that this summer I want to watch ALL of "Rescue Me" (I have a weird crush on Dennis Leary) and ALL of The Tudors. Gotta get a netflix account or something.
Oh, and Thora, did you go to the chiropracter yesterday?

I went on Monday. :) It was great. He did a few things to my back, but it was basically physio for my leg, as my knee has been overcompensating for the strained ankle, and had started to hurt like crazy. I've been feeling a bit better, and will be going back a few more times. He's optimistic that I should be able to run for the race, so that's awesome! :D
I'd just be a fracking mess if I had an encounter of the Mullen kind and I know he'd hate me forever, like not just forget about me, but years later he'd be like "Hey Bono, remember that girl..." and relay the story of how I threw up on his shoe and then told him I wanted to have his babies.

Gimme Edge. I think I could compose myself long enough to say hi. I'd wait till he passed to start crying.

When i met Larry with Jem at Abbey Road it happened so unexpectedly that we didn't have time to freak until after :lol:

And that time we "met" him in Toronto in 2005 was just an OMG moment :lol:


Don't touch me.



:hyper: Can you share or do we have to wait for the rare SG appearance?
Not many people write Larry stuff - it's all Bono this and Bono that :rolleyes:
*ducks from the B Girls*

Some of us have written Bono, Adam, Larry & Bono/Larry and Bono, Edge & Adam stuff :shifty:

My mom was obsessed with that show. She just loves it! I watch it sometimes but I'm not a huge fan.

I watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and Coronation Street, oh and The Tudors of course :wink: Kinda random shows.

You're into a little show about an island right?? Can't seem to recall the name. Hmm like Lost or something :hmm: :sexywink:

As in sexy JRM Tudors ? :drool:

i mean if they had that available when i did the Tudors at school i'd have paid a lot more attention :lol:
I see a pattern emerging here considering a certain facial hair style...:hmm:

Edge - early 1990's

Adam - 1994 (all right, not quite a goatee, but it kind of has that "fuzzy bug" quality that Larry seems to have adopted lately)

Bono - 2003 (?)

Brad P--Larry - 2010

Go Edge! :reject:
I'm talking about going to the North Pole to try to detect slow-moving monopoles to try to prove String Theory. Or trying to prove the existence of the Higgs Boson Particle, Hawking Radiation around black holes, the black holes themselves, that sort of thing.

Scientists aren't even sure what lightning is. Well, it's a plasma of electrons, but they don't know why lightning strikes where and when it does. Like, if you start up a Tesla coil, you can't predict where the bolt will strike and how strong it will be.

ah yeah.... String theory, Higgs Boson....

Black holes.... I knew about those waaayyyy back when I first read about them when I was around ?12.
Do they really open up into another part of the universe as some people theorize.

thats interesting about the uncertainty of where the lightning would strike
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