PGP-I feel like starting a new thread.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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greeneyedgirl said:
Mr GG said that after Amy died, he never wanted to be without a dog again. It was so hard on me to miss her. I slept alot, spent a lot of time in bed reading, didn't come onto interland much, just worked and slept.
As soon as we get DJ all grown up and trained, we'll get another puppy so that when DJ goes we won't be alone.
Sounds sort of selfish, but we don't have kids so we shower our pet with all of our love and attention.
Plus....the late night walks together are sort of romantic and we get to spend time as a family doing something DJ likes :hug:

Yeah, we're the same. I decided no kids, so it's all about the dogs! I did better than my husband, though, I think, because I *saw* that look in Guinn's eye and he didn't. And I was the one who had to decide to put him to sleep, Argh, it was awful, but I could just see that he wasn't happy anymore, and suffering to breathe. I hope someone does the same for me. And Murphy is fun and all, but she seems lonely, too. I know she misses picking on her big brother!
Hi GG, DG and Mot :hug:

I saw a lot of Bono on the page, I figured a bit of Adam couldn't hurt :wink:

How is everyone? :)
daygloeyes2 said:
Bono mot-my thoughts exactly.:wink: GG its not selfish at all to want another dog to have with dj. If i hadnt had my 2 girls left after losing the other 2 dogs in 05 it would have been even harder.

Doggies need company too! Poor Murphy here has nobody to bully all day! :lol: She's not an "only child" kinda dog!

*Mots pokes at her -- meanie*

(She's sitting right next to me, watching me type...I swear, these JRTerriers take *everything* in!)
kafrun said:
Hi GG, DG and Mot :hug:

I saw a lot of Bono on the page, I figured a bit of Adam couldn't hurt :wink:

How is everyone? :)

I've got a rare day off! So I'm lovely!


Sometimes I go to visit my friend, who has a new puppy, just to smell its sweet, milky puppy breath.

Oh yeah! *nuzzle*

*MY* DOG, no longer a puppy, is all confused having me home and she's decided it's time for walkies in the 102F heat. Okay then! She better do it and run back in. ha!

See you girls later....
Bono Mot said:
Trust me, I'm going someplace with this. Because if you wear jeans and your pink and a pony-tail, you'll look very cool-casual, IMHO. WITHOUT freaking him out.

What's your feeling about earrings?

I usually forget them :wink: but I'll be sure to put all four in...

:shifty: but he's seen me with earrings enough times... so yea...

I think I'll go for mah pink combo tho... :hmm: or I could do the pink shirt with white top?

I also decided I'm not gonna give him his poster yet.. I'd have to carry it around with me on the train and such, and I don't know if I'm meeting him at the shop or if he's picking me up or w/e yet, so I'll just tell him I have something for him and I'll give him it at school next year when I'm going there for a good jamming with bassplayergirl :D
greeneyedgirl said:
Mr GG said that after Amy died, he never wanted to be without a dog again. It was so hard on me to miss her. I slept alot, spent a lot of time in bed reading, didn't come onto interland much, just worked and slept.
As soon as we get DJ all grown up and trained, we'll get another puppy so that when DJ goes we won't be alone.
Sounds sort of selfish, but we don't have kids so we shower our pet with all of our love and attention.
Plus....the late night walks together are sort of romantic and we get to spend time as a family doing something DJ likes :hug:
:hug: it's not selfish at all...
:wave: :wave:

quite quiet here.

i'll be here & there [doing art] till at least 6PM
though might be here till 7PM [know later :)]

Alis! i see your name up there... i don't know of you forgot to sign out OR are just arrivng, or in another thread....

if you visit here.....I hope you are having a great :happy: vacation!:hug:
I'll be in Cornwall for a few days, then off to Scotland for a week :hyper: Maybe I'll have a chance to stay away from the sun up in Scotland - I got burned the second day I was in England and the bits of me that show have gone browner in the last week than they've been since it was summer in Australia... :lol:

Perhaps you could swing by Ireland and get Adam to rub some aloe on your skin :shifty:

Ciao Ali :kiss: Have fun!

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