PGP - are you too good to show us your bloopers??

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Thanks, zu! It's my quads that are sore. I'll be hobbling a bit tonight, I fear (and tomorrow). Oh well!
:crack: I got my brussels tickets at last. But it's great how the tickets arrived in a cracked enveloppe completely wrecked. And how they printed the wrong name and title on it. If I'm supposed to identify for my tickets how the F am I when they put MISTER *my MOTHERS name* on it. :| Brilliant. I bought them with her credit card but the purchase was made in my name. And even if they use the CC name, I'm pretty damn sure my mother's female!

Wild, it's perhaps safest if we meet up for the 22th gig as well, in case they're doing the ID check. I can probably talk my way out of trouble since it's my mom, but if NI has that ticket and gets checked there may be trouble. :sigh: Why are they making this so fucking hard?
Tickets have both name and adress on it. Great. Well that helps me because I can prove that's my adress as well!

That's ok, Stupid Belgian people :angry:

If my nan was alive i'd get her to call then & sort it :lol:

The flemish temper didn't get passed to me :lol:

Yeah, Thora. I know the 2 days of shows in Anaheim and the inherent parties/gatherings will be way more epic than Oakland.

K, I don't know. I don't have my plane ticket yet and it depends on when y'all are coming AND if anyone from my grad school (I went to grad school in Chicago) wants to meet me there for a mini-reunion. Mr.Z doesn't mind how much time I take, as long as the little guy has child care (summer vacation and all).

What day are you arriving in Chicago Zooey?

I'm driving down a few days before with my mom cuz she wants to see the sights.

We're aiming to get there on 2nd July :sexywink:

Are we going to have to keep our perving to a minimum around your mom? :shifty:

Last summer, DG was gonna come to Oakland and stay at my folks' house with me. I told her she had to watch her mouth around my mom! :lol:


:giggle: PLEBA hotel? Sounds like fun!

mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :evil:

Plays scary music...

Welcome to the hotel Pleba Mr Rattler.....Our staff will be happy to cater for your every need, they'll be happy to perve serve you
Best. mom. ever.

My mom just thinks we're still insane and doesn't understand why we have to line up if we already have tix. She also sometimes gets confused and tells people I'm really into The Eagles :lol:

She's awesome cuz she puts up with my obsession :lol:

Your mom sounds cute :cute:

We're aiming to get there on 2nd July :sexywink:

Perfect :applaud:

I'm getting there on the 1st.
There is a new passion fruit malibu rum. We mixed it with coke and it tasted like Dr. Pepper!:heart:

I have had a rough few weeks, so it felt good to giggle... a lot....laughing so hard that I was crying!!:wink:

I wish you could come to Montreal or TO Zooey. I really hope to meet you one day!:hug:
ooh - that sounds good. Almost as good as Stoli Vanilla and coke :drool: I'm not really drinking for the next 6 weeks and I hate to sound like a lush, but I miss it.

I know what you mean about the Montreal/TO shows. :sad: Maybe someday... Maybe on a non-tour year, I'll go to Into The Heart.
i would just like to leave evidence that Bono is not the only one with a *cough cough* glowworm / python / pirate sword


Um... I"m gonna go look through some old Freestylin' Friday threads.. I'll be back :shifty:

Look what you people have done to me :reject:
Tonight I drank Maker's Mark and 7-Up because they didn't have ginger ale as a mixer. I had three. YUM.

I also sang three songs, one of which was The Unforgettable Fire.

It was super crowded, which SUCKED, because the last two times we've been there, there's been hardly anybody there. Whatever. :grumpy:

It was fun anyway because my friends were there.

Love you all, PGP ladies. MWAH! Thanks again for the birthday wishes! Now I am 37 and shiny fabulous.

*throws kisses*
Stupid guitars are in the way most of the time :angry:

Glad you had a good time, Cori. (we're the same age :wink: )

*looks at the pic one more time before heading off to bed*
i would just like to leave evidence that Bono is not the only one with a *cough cough* glowworm / python / pirate sword


Um... I"m gonna go look through some old Freestylin' Friday threads.. I'll be back :shifty:

Look what you people have done to me :reject:


i have no idea why I'm dancing...

Tonight I drank Maker's Mark and 7-Up because they didn't have ginger ale as a mixer. I had three. YUM.

I also sang three songs, one of which was The Unforgettable Fire.

It was super crowded, which SUCKED, because the last two times we've been there, there's been hardly anybody there. Whatever. :grumpy:

It was fun anyway because my friends were there.

Love you all, PGP ladies. MWAH! Thanks again for the birthday wishes! Now I am 37 and shiny fabulous.

*throws kisses*

Happy Birthday once more :applaud:
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