Pet Shop Boys - Fundamental

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you are what you is
Jul 5, 2000
sicne I haven´t been able to download music lately I haven´t been able to hear any songs of this album yet
the reviews seem to be very good (so far)
so I was wondering whether any of you has any input in this matter
was watching a show that was aired yesterday on Channel 4 about the pet shop boys and i was wondering if anyone has listened to their new album.
Anyone know if these are going to tour NA soon? a friend mentioned they were but I can't find anything on their site or anything...
*rubs eyes*

Johan, is that you? :wave:

I haven't heard the record, personally, but I investigated the first single 'I'm With Stupid' and it's got that cool electro-vibe about it.
I hope 'The Sodom And Gommorrah Show' is the next single. 'I'm With Stupid' is OK, with a great clip (gotta love those bargain basement recreations of the 'Go West' and 'Can You Forgive Her' clips) - but 'The Show' is awesome. Best (possible) PSB single since 'Go West'...

The album as a whole is hit and miss - but its the most intersting album of theirs since 'Very'.
This album has really started growing on me. I don't know that I'd say it's their best work since 'Very,' especially because I love 'Nightlife' so much. But 'Nightlife' was a grower, and I think this one is too.

I couldn't agree more that "The Sodom and Gomorrah Show" is a fantastic song. It reminds me a bit musically of "Yesterday When I Was Mad," but it is a great little song by these musical legends.

So if anyone is out there still wondering how the album is or whether they should buy it, I'd definitely recommend it. If you're a PSB fan, I don't think you can go wrong with it. Neil Tennant still sounds like a discotheque angel, and the music is as grand as ever. :love:

P.S. They are touring...I don't have the details, but I know they're gonna be in Utah, so I'm guessing a NA tour is imminent, if not already underway. :up:
I know I'm talking to myself here... :shifty:

But I just had to add that the song "Integral" is dancetastic, or whatever extremely positive adjective you use to describe the PSB's genre of music. I think it would especially appeal to fans of the PSBs in the 80s. I won't be surprised if it's released as a single. :happy:

Okay, more people need to buy this album so we can talk about it! I really like it! :scream:

HeartlandGirl said:
I know I'm talking to myself here... :shifty:

Pet Shop Boys addict!!


Your recent addiction has actually kinda made me want to listen to Very some time soon. I can't even look at that album cover without having fond memories of listening to it while getting ready in the morning during high school.
I also prefer Nightlife at the moment
(so no need to even bring up Very and Bilingual :drool: )

it is a very good album though
Intergral being my favourite :up:
Salome said:
I also prefer Nightlife at the moment
(so no need to even bring up Very and Bilingual :drool: )

I played Very last Sunday when we were going to and coming from the zoo. Although I wouldn't normally do that kind of thing. :shifty:

If I had this on vinyl I'd have worn out The Show already!!

I have to agree with the Integral comments, very :dance: :dance: tastic!

I'm very annoyed though...they seem to have sold tickets for every date except Toronto, which looks like it will be Oct 11 @ The Hummingbird...I check every day...and nothing:sad: :sad:
If anyone notices they are on sale can you let me know ASAP?

My best friends brother is waiting to book his flight home for Thanksgiving to see if he can fit the show in too...can you tell we're excited?????????????????
I saw them last night :drool: :drool:

It was awesome...I have some pics and I used the video thingy on my camera for a couple of songs..Integral is alright the rest are crappier...if anyone wants to see them let me'll have to tell me what to do though as I'm a complete idiot.
If you like the new stuff it would probably be worth your while.

They were fantastic...I hope I see them again soon :sad:

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