Pasadena Setlist Party 10/25 Thread #3

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
PurpleReign my wife X'd outta of it & went back in & this time we did not put it on full screen and so far is working ok ........ for now:sad:
Can't wait to (hopefully) get a rip of this and burn it so I can watch it on the TV. I fucking love this tour.
Wait a minute you drive there and back right from Dayton ? Should be a tad over an hour there and back

Yeah it's about 1 hr 20 min from Springboro. 73 out to 71 and straight on from there. I'm staying overnight tomorrow er today though so thankfully I don't have to drive back.
This whole night I've been saying to myself, well I'll just hang around for this bit, and then this bit haha. You'd think knowing what's coming and having seen it 3 times in person would have made it easier for me to wait until tomorrow, but nope, it might have actually made the anticipation bigger.

Haha. Story of my life. :lol:
Stick your finger back in your asshole.. that will hold shit together..

Another caring, compassionate Bono disciple are you? Shouldn't you be following some angry band with that attitude of yours? Grow up, or put the booze down before you reply again...
my alarm just went off :ohmy:
the show isnt finished and i have a 2 hour bus journey :ohmy:
but im buzzing :hyper:
One love :D
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