No grass

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 21, 2004
Let's see, they can prescribe oxycontin, morphine, all manner of narcotics. What the hell are they afraid of with marijuana?
Stupid, stupid decision. It's between a patient and doctor.
Here's where I'm actually going to agree with the Supreme Court (reminding people that the 3 "activist judge dissenters" were O'Connor, Rehnquist, and Thomas). Drug policies of all schedules from the most severe of drugs to prescription drugs to over-the-counter drugs are determined at the federal level. The majority opinion that determined that medical marijuana was illegal in light of federal law was correct, but they also made sure to note that Congress has every right to change the law regarding medical marijuana. Now let's see if Congress will respond or leave it alone. Congress is more like an overpaid, hysterical paperweight, though.

Okay, then it is a stupid ass policy. Insufficient pharmaceutical profit, I guess. I just never understood the big deal about grass.
Will read the dissent.
It's stubbornness, more than anything. Whole generations of people have been taught that marijuana is evil and that legalizing it would be a "gateway" to harder, more clearly dangerous drugs. To legalize it even at this most banal of levels would be an admission that they were wrong all these decades. They won't do that.

It just fries my puny mind, though. I've seen firsthand people who have been on prescription drugs for so many years now having so many serious health problems created by those very drugs, and here's this herb that is basically harmless for people who are really, really suffering and bedridden and it does alleviate their pain.

I had a friend who was in so much pain from her breast cancer that she deliberately overdosed on the prescription morphine.

It just makes me so angry.
BonosSaint said:
Okay, then it is a stupid ass policy. Insufficient pharmaceutical profit, I guess. I just never understood the big deal about grass.
Will read the dissent.

The Supreme Court did not take evidence regarding profit and loss of the pharmaceutical industry.

It is a simple matter of federalism. State law cannot supercede Federal law.
A couple of weeks ago on a flight to Oakland, I sat next to a person who ran a medical marijuana retail outlet. She described it as a very lucrative business with a lot of risk. The businesses are run on a cash basis and work on referrals from select doctors.

California should have thought through the regulatory scheme before making it legal for sale.
I think that if medical marijuana can possibly be used as a cure for something....then it should always be allowed to be used. Just like anything else, if it cures somethin', then use it.
If you study drugs for any length of time, one thing you'll be amazed by is the remarkably arbitrary line drawn between "acceptable" and "unacceptable" drugs.

Tobacco is regulated less than alcohol even though nicotine is highly toxic. Marijuana is medicinally illegal, even though drugs derived from THC are not.

Drug regulations are much more about society than science.
unosdostres14 said:
I think that if medical marijuana can possibly be used as a cure for something....then it should always be allowed to be used. Just like anything else, if it cures somethin', then use it.

I don't know that it 'cures' anything but it definitely relieves pain and nausea. A lot of people with AIDS and cancer are so nauseous from drugs that they can't eat and marijuana not only relieves the nausea but increases the appetite as well. I have had personal experience with its medicinal benefits with zero negative side effects.
I had a friend with Lupis (sp?) at school, and we found out one afternoon that we shared the same paediatrition as you see them here until you are about 16, he was a very old school fellow, the doctor, and on one coincidental bumping into her in his surgery I noticed she was wearing a hat to hide her new hair loss. I didn't want to ask her about the chemo as such, but I asked how she was finding ways to deal with the sickness and she absolutely bowled me over when she grinned and said he had recommended she utilise the medicinal smoke approach. As I talked to her, it hit me. Whatever it takes, you know.
joyfulgirl said:

I have had personal experience with its medicinal benefits with zero negative side effects.

It must be my lack of sleep, but I read that to say "with zero gravity effects" and thought wow that's some good shit.
joyfulgirl said:

I don't know that it 'cures' anything but it definitely relieves pain and nausea. A lot of people with AIDS and cancer are so nauseous from drugs that they can't eat and marijuana not only relieves the nausea but increases the appetite as well. I have had personal experience with its medicinal benefits with zero negative side effects.

Marijuana does indeed have legitimate therapeutic values. I really don't see why it can't be used as medicine for this reason.
BonoVoxSupastar said:

It must be my lack of sleep, but I read that to say "with zero gravity effects" and thought wow that's some good shit.


Well yeah, then there's that...the getting high part is definitely not a negative side effect, imo. :wink:
It's not a matter of what's right in the United States - very rarely has been. The reason for not wanting to allow medicinal marijuana use is simple...THE DRUG COMPANIES DO NOT WANT THIS "DRUG" TO BE USED!!! PERIOD!!!!!! They would rather make billions on all the junk they have peddled to America and the World. This is not to say that some drugs actually do some good - that they do - but if you were to really look into the Drug Companies and the "drugs" they are selling you'd be shocked. There may be an even more diabolical reason - prison for profit.
How many thousands of people in the United States are actually in prison for marijuana possession???
I find the suggestion that drug companies are trying to supress medicinal marijuana use outlandish. Don't you think drug companies would be practically salivating at the potential profits they could tap into with the medicinal mary jane market? If the government did legalize marijuana, it wouldn't be Tom, Dick, and Harry selling it anymore, it would be Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer.

The involvement of pharmaceutical capital could bode very well for the development of cannabinoids as drugs. While smoking some Maui Wowie isn't as bad as lighting up a Marlboro, smoke is still pretty darned bad for you.

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