NFL 2007 Part 4

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speedracer said:

The money line on NYG is currently +250 (risk 100 to win 250, 28.6% odds). Hmm...
They have cashed at +130 and +260 so far in the playoffs...I had them both games, might have to try for the trifecta. (Though the under at 42 might be the best play if the weather forecast holds).
LemonMelon said:

If Headache's theory that "everybody cheats a little" is indeed factual, our teams are probably already doing it, but not well enough for it to take any effect. It figures. :mad:

I have been afraid to say this since there is an abundance of Pats fans and apologists here, however, is there even *one* other person here who will admit that it is a little strange that the *one and only* team who has ever been *caught* officially *cheating* is the *one and only team with a perfect record*? :uhoh: :shh: :reject: How can it be completely ignored and accepted that there is no correlation between the two?

As a child on the playground, or even playing video, card, or board games, two things were always stressed: *winners never cheat, cheaters never win* and *its' better to do your best and lose with honor than win by cheating* guess this no longer is true. So hang me, but I cannot shake that there is a connection between the Pats 'success' and the methods proven to have been utilized by their staff ealier this year.

Even though I'm a bitter Dallas fan, I will cheer on the Giants, or Packers, if it comes to that. This Pats team does not deserve to go down in history. What message does this send little kids about honor and fair play?
^ they were caught during the FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON. After everything erupted, do you really think that they would be stupid enough to continue videotaping or "cheating" in other forms? All videotapes were turned over to the league and destroyed negating any positive impact they may have had. To try and equate the one team caught cheating and their undefeated record is downright stupid.
AnnRKeyintheUSA said:

I have been afraid to say this since there is an abundance of Pats fans and apologists here, however, is there even *one* other person here who will admit that it is a little strange that the *one and only* team who has ever been *caught* officially *cheating* is the *one and only team with a perfect record*? :uhoh: :shh: :reject: How can it be completely ignored and accepted that there is no correlation between the two?

As a child on the playground, or even playing video, card, or board games, two things were always stressed: *winners never cheat, cheaters never win* and *its' better to do your best and lose with honor than win by cheating* guess this no longer is true. So hang me, but I cannot shake that there is a connection between the Pats 'success' and the methods proven to have been utilized by their staff ealier this year.

Even though I'm a bitter Dallas fan, I will cheer on the Giants, or Packers, if it comes to that. This Pats team does not deserve to go down in history. What message does this send little kids about honor and fair play?


Its not quite 007 James Bond versus Goldfinger, but this weekend's Patriots Jets game could be a different type of spy vs. spy.

New York Newsday is reporting that the Jets were caught spying & videotaping the Patriots last season.

The newspaper, sighting " league sources familiar with the situation", says the Jets were caught using taping during a game in Foxborough last season. Here's the difference though: The Patriots apparently didn't report it to the NFL and instead just had the offending employee removed.

Chargers linebacker Shawne Merriman has been notified he will be suspended for four games for violating the NFL's steroids and related substances policy, league and team sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen.

Giants quarterback Eli Manning was found to have taken the governor off of his tractor in the 20th annual Manning family Tractor Pull Comeptition. Despite this, Cooper Manning was still able to win the competition when Eli overshot the finish line by 20 yards.

everyone cheats a little.

and on behalf of giants fans everywhere, there is no room on the bandwagon for cowboy fans.
AnnRKeyintheUSA said:

I have been afraid to say this since there is an abundance of Pats fans and apologists here, however, is there even *one* other person here who will admit that it is a little strange that the *one and only* team who has ever been *caught* officially *cheating* is the *one and only team with a perfect record*? :uhoh: :shh: :reject: How can it be completely ignored and accepted that there is no correlation between the two?

As a child on the playground, or even playing video, card, or board games, two things were always stressed: *winners never cheat, cheaters never win* and *its' better to do your best and lose with honor than win by cheating* guess this no longer is true. So hang me, but I cannot shake that there is a connection between the Pats 'success' and the methods proven to have been utilized by their staff ealier this year.

Even though I'm a bitter Dallas fan, I will cheer on the Giants, or Packers, if it comes to that. This Pats team does not deserve to go down in history. What message does this send little kids about honor and fair play?

I can tell you that there are few teams out there that I dislike more than the Pats( I'm a diehard 49ers fan). That being said, I have a lot of respect for them and what they've accomplished the past 8 years or so.

To say that this videotaping scandal precludes the Patriots from being considered one of, if not the best teams of all-time is utter nonsense. One could assume that the Patriots have been using these videotapes for a few years now. If that is the case, then by your logic they should be win every game each season and have more than three Super Bowls right now.

To continue to point to "spygate" as the reason for their success is totally neglecting the fact that in the offseason they added a certain Randy Moss along with Wes Welker. They have very few, if any holes, at any position, and their stable of coaches, led by Belicheck, keeps them prepared week in and week out.

Anyway you look at it, if they win the Super Bowl to go 19-0, they would be one of the best teams in history.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

Giants quarterback Eli Manning was found to have taken the governor off of his tractor in the 20th annual Manning family Tractor Pull Comeptition. Despite this, Cooper Manning was still able to win the competition when Eli overshot the finish line by 20 yards.
Might I say I found this particular tidbit quite entertaining.
BonoManiac said:

To continue to point to "spygate" as the reason for their success is totally neglecting the fact that in the offseason they added a certain Randy Moss along with Wes Welker.
Also Adalius Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Kelley Washington...there was a lot of talk about the Pats having a shot at 19-0 before the preseason began.
To equate the spygate incident with an undefeatd season shows a complete lack of understanding of football or just a blind hatred for the Patriots (or both).
7 minutes of videotape which was coonfiscated and never viewed does not give the team an advantage.
Had they discovered it in the Saturday night game vs the Giants and not week 1 vs the J-E-T-S, the argument might have some validity, but since its not the case, its just irrational rambling that reeks of envy.
in the NFL it is.



it can help you get endorsements. :up:
AnnRKeyintheUSA said:

I have been afraid to say this since there is an abundance of Pats fans and apologists here, however, is there even *one* other person here who will admit that it is a little strange that the *one and only* team who has ever been *caught* officially *cheating* is the *one and only team with a perfect record*? :uhoh: :shh: :reject: How can it be completely ignored and accepted that there is no correlation between the two?

As a child on the playground, or even playing video, card, or board games, two things were always stressed: *winners never cheat, cheaters never win* and *its' better to do your best and lose with honor than win by cheating* guess this no longer is true. So hang me, but I cannot shake that there is a connection between the Pats 'success' and the methods proven to have been utilized by their staff ealier this year.

Even though I'm a bitter Dallas fan, I will cheer on the Giants, or Packers, if it comes to that. This Pats team does not deserve to go down in history. What message does this send little kids about honor and fair play?

The Pats' argument might've had merit if they were caught cheating in the middle of the season. But, they were caught in the first 5 minutes of the season, so the Pats' accomplishments this season are legit to me.
And when/if New England goes 19-0, they can shove that up everyone's ass.
if we're going to call every incident of breaking a rule "cheating" then every time someone commits a penalty on the field they are attempting to "cheat."

the pats broke a rule that is vague in it's writing and is done by everyone.
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Headache in a Suitcase said:
if we're going to call every incident of breaking a rule "cheating" then every time someone commits a penalty on the field they are attempting to "cheat."


Next thing you'll be telling me is that the Patriots offensive linemen cheat by holding their opponents' jerseys and that Randy Moss cheats by pushing off his defender.
I'm still annoyed at the fact that if the NYG-DAL game had been one point closer (within three, either team could have won), I would have won $160 on a $5 bet. :angry:

I picked GB, NE, and SD in the first three games and just had to get the last friggin' one to be a 3-point game. And the worst thing is I originally picked the Giants to win by 4 or more, and when I went to place the bet I changed my mind to a non-cover game at the friggin' counter. :sigh:
Wow. This forum is turning into a bunch of gambling degenerates.
speedracer said:


Next thing you'll be telling me is that the Patriots offensive linemen cheat by holding their opponents' jerseys and that Randy Moss cheats by pushing off his defender.

they do. and belichick cheats when he cuts his sleeves off of his sweatshirt. the 24 inch pythons simply intimidate the other team, giving the patriots an unfair advantage.

not to mention the fact that it makes him more aerodynamic.
CTU2fan said:
Anyone see this Randy Moss restraining order business? It's strange...not really confirmed, not even that it's actually the Randy Moss. Here's a linky:

I'm obviously hoping it's BS.

as a follow up to that:

Posted by Mike Florio on January 16, 2008, 8:56 a.m.
Our friends at Sporting News Radio tell us that, by 1:00 a.m. EST on Wednesday, roughly two hours after our story regarding certain allegations against “Randy Moss” was posted, the Florida radio station reporting the incident pulled the item from its web site.

Our friends at (amazingly, we actually do have multiple friends) did some more digging, and they found the Broward County judicial web site at which this story was first posted.

The Broward County web site shows the existence of a case involving “Randy G. Moss.” There is a “Randy G. Moss” who plays for the Patriots and who has a residence in Florida. WDBO-AM in Florida apparently reported this story under the assumption that it’s the same “Randy G. Moss.” The fact that WDBO-AM yanked the story makes us wonder whether it is indeed the same guy.

We’re in the process of attempting to contact the station for an explanation. Stay tuned.

I have my doubts about this because it's not mentioned anywhere but profootballtalk. One would think that the media would have run with this.
the smoking gun has a lovely collection of mug shots of criminals who share the same name as pro athletes.

for example...

ted williams, murder

alex rodriguez, grand theft

joe morgan, aggrivated sexual assault

daryl strawberry, cocaine posession, solicitation, probation violation
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