New Forum is Up! Still tweaking things though...

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Hey everyone! The new and improved blue crack is here!

Please be patient as we continue to tweak various aspects of the site. This is still a work in progress and was a very major upgrade. The site hasnt been updated in like 7 years so it took a lot of work and we are still fine tuning everything.

So if you notice any errors please let us know! Thanks to Andy, Jeff and Janet for your hard work during the upgrade and weeks to come.

You can change the look of the forum a little by scrolling all the way down and choosing the old vBulletin 2 style (lower left corner) if you like.


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Custom statuses? I've noticed mine is gone and if it's still around, I don't see where I can reenter it in my User CP.
I don't know if this is an issue for everyone or everywhere, but I noticed this in the Lemonade Stand. Under the "Last Post" column for the sub-forums, if you go to click on the link to the last post, you get this:


vBulletin Message

No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator


However, if you click on any of the last post links for threads actually in the Lemonade Stand, they work. It's just the sub-forums.


Okay, it also happens if you are viewing the list of forums and try to click to go to the last post. It appears the only time that works is if you are actually viewing the forum and going to the last post in a thread in that forum, not a sub-forum.

Hope I explained that okay!
Why are some people's sigs's, like Wayne's (and melons) way up high with a big space below it. While mine (and bonochick's) is down at the bottom of my post with no big gaps?

Ok that's weird, between this post and my last one, my sig is at the very bottom before and now there's a small gap. :scratch:
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I just noticed that the time is off. It's currently 1:27pm for me, and it's saying that this post was at 1:09pm.

Not a big deal, but thought you'd like to know.
One other thing, when you click on "last page" for a thread, it takes you to the top of the page, not the very last post, as it used to do. Is this the way it will work on this new forum?

I'm liking what I see so far - this is fun!
Why are some people's sigs's, like Wayne's (and melons) way up high with a big space below it. While mine (and bonochick's) is down at the bottom of my post with no big gaps?

Ok that's weird, between this post and my last one, my sig is at the very bottom before and now there's a small gap. :scratch:
We are working on things so please be patient. I have a lot of formatting stuff left to do.
The Calendar link only shows 2006. Not sure what that link is for either :reject:

And where is the list of "today's birthday's"?
The Calendar link only shows 2006. Not sure what that link is for either :reject:

And where is the list of "today's birthday's"?

Birthdays are at the bottom.

Come on people, explore a little before you freak out. :wink:
I can't get to my PMs because every time I do, it tells me to log in, and when I do and click to enter, it takes me back to the page saying to log in again.

I'm just going to assume there will be a ton of quirks that will take a few days to work out, and keep taking deep breaths. :)

Actually, I had a dream last night that the site was relaunched and when I went to get on, the front page was some cheesy flash thing where it showed a dark brown office door, and when you clicked on it, it opened to reveal a very dark, shadowy room where there was nothing to click on, and no indication of what was on the site. In my dream I was all "wtf? This isn't how it's supposed to be, they ruined it!!" :scream:

So yeah, thanks for not doing that. :lol:
looks nice, modern and clean. so far very impressed.

Thank you everyone involved for the hard work.

Loved the updating messages btw! A bit disappointed that the background isn't yellow though!!!
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