New Album Discussion/Speculation Continued...

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Is there any upside to keeping this thread/subforum open?

There does not look to be an album and there probably won't be an album.
Is there any upside to keeping this thread/subforum open?

There does not look to be an album and there probably won't be an album.

Page hits.

I don't even mean that in a negative way. I remember the forum getting renamed after NLOTH was released for the express purpose of SEO. It's just a reality.
Kenny: The band, what are you up to at the moment? Back in studio, or finished or ... what?

Bono: The band? Uhm, we're nearly there, I think -- though this can change. There's no sense from the band of any commitment to any release schedule, any ... to anything. They just want to be really -- make some great music. But I think we're nearly there, and once we're there we'll know it. I'd like to think that next year, there'll be a U2 release. I mean, it sounds like we've been flaffing around, but actually what we've -- what's just happened is that we just got lost in the music and went right back to why we wanted to be in a band in the first place -- listen to the music of the mid-70s, punk rock, electronica -- we're really sort of beginning again. I know we do this periodically, but you have to. And so ... it's very different, very fresh sound, and some beautiful songs ... big hooks ... and yeah, you'll be sick of us. I hope!

well that sounds alright to me! he said the songs are very different, very fresh, beautiful! stop your collective snivelling people :D

Come by for a beer sometime guys. We can chat about non-trivial things.
For the people who at so concerned about closing this thread and sub forum in general... Why? If it bothers you so much, don't open it.

Don't go telling me "oh then I'll never know when there's real nooz!"

When you see 200 members names listed at the bottom of the sub forum as currently viewing the page? There's real news.

Until then this sub forum is 10% speculation, 88% pure bullshit, and 2% useful information. Which is what this sub forum has always been, through every single U2 release cycle.

(side note... there's also twitter, @u2, Google alerts, RSS feeds, etc etc etc... It's actually pretty damn easy to get breaking news these days)
DJ on Sirius XMU 35 just said they have a new song to debut by a huge band Monday night at 11.45pm. Wankpot teased if and said he knew much more than that but couldn't say.

Yes. Desperate. Count me in.

Obviously this turned out not to be U2, but curious, does anyone know what it was?
WTF has happened in here this weekend - holy crap!!!

Am I missing something but.....
I was just thinking that we are all saying that this album has been "delayed" but how could that be so? There was NEVER an official announcement that this album was coming out in 2013 in the first place.... Yes I know differing band members and principles had said almost throwaway comments like " maybe by the end of the year", nothing was ever written in stone. Delayed might be in the minds of Interference methinks :hmm:

Maybe... just maybe the album for all intents and purposes has been finished but for a few tweeks NOT by Lillywhite.... Maybe .... just maybe seeing one of the members is getting married this fall and releasing an album at the same time wouldn't be fair to either him or the rest of the band. Maybe.... just maybe the death of a close ferind has shaken them a bit and finding a new stage designer wouldn't be hard but maybe.... just maybe this designer is contractually obligated to someone else. Maybe this might be the last Huge Tour they embark on and they want all of the usual touring suspects with them so they get it just right.

Just sayin'
Maybe the album just isn't finished yet.

Bono's comment about going back to the music they were listening to when they started is encouraging because some good influences might seep back into their sound, but it also indicated that they might be a bit lost.

I hope that they give it to Flood to mix when the time comes. He's always been a great mixer, but his work on Delta Machine is astounding.
At the risk of sounding repetitive...

Let's be honest with ourselves here.

We, collectively, as a fandom have rather arbitrarily dictated that there must be a new album in the next few months. We've really no concrete facts on which to base this expectation, do we? Serious, legitimate evidence is lacking. We're all a-twitter (literally!) over supposition, right? Much as we all want it, they don't owe us jack.

I think I'll retire from the guessing game, sit back and wait and be ever so pleasantly surprised if we get anything at all in the next two or three years. :|
At the risk of sounding repetitive...

Let's be honest with ourselves here.

We, collectively, as a fandom have rather arbitrarily dictated that there must be a new album in the next few months. We've really no concrete facts on which to base this expectation, do we? Serious, legitimate evidence is lacking. We're all a-twitter (literally!) over supposition, right? Much as we all want it, they don't owe us jack.

I think I'll retire from the guessing game, sit back and wait and be ever so pleasantly surprised if we get anything at all in the next two or three years. :|

Speaking for myself, I based my expectation for an album this fall mostly on Larry's own words - he said months ago that they were hoping to release this fall.
For the people who at so concerned about closing this thread and sub forum in general... Why? If it bothers you so much, don't open it.

Don't go telling me "oh then I'll never know when there's real nooz!"

When you see 200 members names listed at the bottom of the sub forum as currently viewing the page? There's real news.

Until then this sub forum is 10% speculation, 88% pure bullshit, and 2% useful information. Which is what this sub forum has always been, through every single U2 release cycle.

(side note... there's also twitter, @u2, Google alerts, RSS feeds, etc etc etc... It's actually pretty damn easy to get breaking news these days)

No. U2 are never releasing a new album. Be sure to shut this place down.
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