Nar Nar Goon, Victoria, Australia Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah, I just see a blue question mark. I am disappoint.


Clearly I missed EVENTS last night. Must catch up.

However...raging hangover of death.
bono_man2002 said:
This is like the coolest thing ever(ist) by the way.

I was all going to make a joke about the coolest thing ever not working, but you had to go and fix it :(

Daves a dick, does it even need to be said again at this point? Stay away from him.

Tool's fans are foolish tools.

There we go. All caught up.
Daves a dick, does it even need to be said again at this point? Stay away from him.

Tool's fans are foolish tools.
Hope your hangover's not too awful, Ashley :hug:

You just don't badmouth one of my favorite U2 songs right after a U2 concert and argue with me about the song's merit to try to get me to agree with you and get away with it. My strength is back, I should go rip his nuts off.
Speaking of feeling hungover, I do. And I didn't even have anything to drink last night! Ugh I hope that cold from last week isn't trying to stage a resurgence.
I like one and a half of Tool's albums, and I enjoyed both times I saw them live... I suppose that's enough to make me a foolish tool. :tongue:

Hope you don't get sick again, Ax... I'm fed up with this cough of mine and rang the doctor on Tuesday, and the earliest they could fit me in is NEXT Tuesday. :crack:

In other news, I have to share this:

MrSnuff Snuff | Buy Snuff Online | Nasal Snuff | Snuff Store

Be sure to check out the Snuff Wizard on the top right! :lol:
My trick with the doctor is to always ring as soon as they open and try to get an "on the day" appointment. My doctor makes some of his appointments only bookable on the day, rather than in advance.

I feel like I've been trying to shake this goddamn cold for two weeks now. Just when I think it's gone, next day it returns.
Aha... not sure if our doctor does that. I guess it's only a few more days, and it's not likely I'll be better on my own by then. Sigh!

I've been guzzling Echinacea and garlic and rosehip tea (Vit C) and iron tablets and strepsils and god knows what and I'm still sick. I need the proper drugs, dammit. Plus I can't stay with Dad while I'm coughing, none of us want him to come down with a chest infection at his age.
:down: indeed!

I need to mop floors tonight (probably with bleach, ick) and otherwise prepare for a big BBQ we're having tomorrow night... so not in the mood.
Whoa. I JUST lost my premium membership.

Like...I moved from one page to the next and it was gone.
:panic: Gavin Friday is following me on Twitter. WHY?! :huh: Damnit, now I REALLY have to watch what I say about U2 on Twitter...

In other news, The Idiot hasn't spoken to me since the concert. Perhaps he figured out how incredibly pissed off I was at him for being a complete dickwad that night.
Are you kidding?! That's awesome.

No, I'm not. I opened my email tonight and saw "@gavinfridaynews is now following you on Twitter" in my inbox and nearly squealed as loud as I did once I thought I was a safe distance away from Dallas.

...Bono's bestie is following me on twitter. I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with this yet. This is a proximity to the band that makes me ever so nervous.!/LookoutsGirl/followers
Whoa. I JUST lost my premium membership.

Like...I moved from one page to the next and it was gone.

Is it an automatic thing that times out after 12 months, or was someone de-premium-ing you at that moment?

:panic: Gavin Friday is following me on Twitter. WHY?! :huh: Damnit, now I REALLY have to watch what I say about U2 on Twitter...

In other news, The Idiot hasn't spoken to me since the concert. Perhaps he figured out how incredibly pissed off I was at him for being a complete dickwad that night.

Heck, don't censor yourself! If you tweet "Jeez, it would be awesome if U2 played Acrobat live" often enough, who knows... :lol:

Good. You're much better off without him in your life.
Heck, don't censor yourself! If you tweet "Jeez, it would be awesome if U2 played Acrobat live" often enough, who knows... :lol:
:lmao: I have an idea for the next time I see U2. Get a notebook and on every other page, write silly shit like "Play Acrobat," "Bono Vox, the Bionic Man" and "Larry Mullen will not smile at this sign," and every song, change it to something new, just to see if it amuses anyone besides me. It probably won't, but meh. Something to do in line.
Are you sure that's actually Gav? If I remember correctly, Caroline of U2log runs his official website rather than him having too much involvement.
Are you sure that's actually Gav? If I remember correctly, Caroline of U2log runs his official website rather than him having too much involvement.

Oh. Well, panic averted, then, if the man himself is not reading my tweets.
It's just gone 4pm, and I'm the only one left still at work out of the two teams that inhabit this section of desks. Okay, it's my own fault for not getting to work until 10am, but still. :grumpy:
I spent my time in line before the 2nd Melb Vertigo concert writing in my diary everything I could remember from the first show the night before. It was depressingly little, but this was (shortly) before I realised bootlegs were easily obtainable. Someone asked me if I was writing a book. *L*
Ihave the setlist, that's all i need to keep my memories fresh. And aww, I have to take my U2 countdown clock off my Google homepage, as it's now expired. Sigh.

I think I have a cat hair in my eye. Lousy feline.
:lmao: I have an idea for the next time I see U2. Get a notebook and on every other page, write silly shit like "Play Acrobat," "Bono Vox, the Bionic Man" and "Larry Mullen will not smile at this sign," and every song, change it to something new, just to see if it amuses anyone besides me. It probably won't, but meh. Something to do in line.

I went to a Springsteen concert once and the girls in the front had a whiteboard that they kept periodically erasing and writing new things on. I know at least one or two people in the band noticed.

Is it an automatic thing that times out after 12 months, or was someone de-premium-ing you at that moment?

Automatic, I assume, but who knows!

There are Dallases in Texas, Georgia, Oregon... and a suburb in Melbourne.

Given that Dallas, Texas' Basketball team just got into the NBA finals, it'd be most timely/appropriate.
Given that Dallas, Texas' Basketball team just got into the NBA finals, it'd be most timely/appropriate.

I'm clueless about basketball... People at school used to think I should play basketball (or netball) just cos I'm tall. Tall doesn't make up for terminally unco-ordinated. :reject:

Anyway, maybe that can make up for Dallas not being a funny place at all... well, I've never been there. Maybe it's hilarious...?

Also Winnipeg. Just sayin' :wink:

Composing an email for your review.


Gmail's chucked a spazz on the work computer, hence my not being on the chat thing. Will have to take a look when I get home.
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