My cat just ate a spider!!!!

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oh yeah? my cat took one of my hearing aids and hid it so good, i cant find it anywhere, and its been a month! that lil' shit...:mad:
I dont have a cat but yesterday me and my brother saw a black cat and he loved us he ran round my legs then in BETWEEN my legs and i giggled a lot......he didnt eat any spiders or flies :sad: :(
She ls Raging said:
If you think that's gross... the average human eats 5 spiders throughout their lives while they're asleep! :barf:

I was told it was 5-8 a year :huh:- i hope your right tho and im wrong!!! :huh:
I have my Barbie Dream House set up in the basement with all of my dolls arranged in a scence. One of my cats always knocks them over though, and she picks up the little accessories (like plastic dishes and stuff) in her mouth and carries them all over the house...I've lost so much stuff...but I've also found so much stuff in weird places. I've caught her red handed a couple times, scootin' up the basement stairs with a pink plastic pot in her mouth.

Awww, but she's so cute! :D
She ls Raging said:
If you think that's gross... the average human eats 5 spiders throughout their lives while they're asleep! :barf:
:barf: :no: :barf: That's so disgusting! I think I can't sleep blissffully anymore! :barf:

Oh yeah, today I saw a dead spider lying on the ground and when I wanted to put it away, my dog came and almost ate that thing! I screamed at him and he ran away! :D
She ls Raging said:
If you think that's gross... the average human eats 5 spiders throughout their lives while they're asleep! :barf:

I hate when people say this! I swear to God I would KNOW if a friggin spider crawled in my mouth if I was sleeping. I mean wouldnt you feel it crawling down your throat? I'm not that heavy of a sleeper.

ew I'm grossing myself out. :no:
martha said:
He was playing with something on the carpet just now, it was a spider, and he ate it

you now have to feed it a bird...after which you will have to feed it another cat...and so on...we know the routine
Vorsprung said:
My mother tells me I used to eat all kinds of spiders and other bugs when I was around 2-5 years old.
my dad did this too. there was one infamous time where he was a baby and was in the kitchen with his mother, and she was doing the dishes or something. she turned around to look at him, and he had legs sticking out of his mouth! it turned out he'd eaten a cockroach. :barf:

luckily, the only weird thing i ever tried to eat as a kid was wood chips. i never ate crayons (much to my friends in kindergarden's dismay) or glue.
I was wondering what has happened to our seriously big Huntsman spiders, haven't seen any for a long time. I don't have a cat, but I am starting to suspect the geckoes did it!!

We have funnell web's here in autumn ewwwwwww. I was so glad when the boys grew past the crawling and eat everything you find stage. I try to wear gloves when I 'm gardening, but I find them so cumbersome. I have feeling I am going to die from a spider bite.
**cass borrows martha's cat**

That's some good advice you've got here girl..."really crank it"
I might borrow that this week's motto, if you don't mind.
does anyone else's cats catch mice and then turn them over to the dog to play with? :huh:

hey, nothing like a little protein for you kitty :D
We went to this old bookstore today and there was this orange kitty walking around. she was trying to get into the fishtank :lol:

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