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I've been meaning to read Waiting For Godot, even if I'm not usually much for reading plays.

I remember I once looked it up on Amazon and it was easier to find Cliff Notes and various studies ABOUT it than the actual text itself.
And of course I've had that REM binge this year, which if anything is re-visiting one of the bands I enjoyed before the whole prog and metal thing began.

And we can't forget how we found out that you are similar in appearance to Mike Mills. :wink:

But I can't wait to get into R.E.M., I mean, if I love U2, wouldn't I love R.E.M.?
I've been meaning to read Waiting For Godot, even if I'm not usually much for reading plays.

I remember I once looked it up on Amazon and it was easier to find Cliff Notes and various studies ABOUT it than the actual text itself.

Plays are my personal favourite form of literature, actually.

And really? I figured it was popular?
People don't read plays anymore? There's so many literary classics in there! Seriously, this is disgusting.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you an film major, too?

Yes, sir, I am. We were watching it as an example of Dual protagonists, though I vehemently disagree there, but whatevs.
Well, yeah. You go through phases.

I'm going through a big R.E.M. phase right now, actually. What do you think of New Adventures In Hi-Fi?

You're probably going to declare death on me, but I don't like New Adventures at all. I gave it 1/5 on RYM.

My REM phase has subsided a little in the last few weeks, but it's still there. Shoegaze/noise rock and The Church have had a fair deal of attention since mid-November.
You're probably going to declare death on me, but I don't like New Adventures at all. I gave it 1/5 on RYM.

My REM phase has subsided a little in the last few weeks, but it's still there. Shoegaze/noise rock and The Church have had a fair deal of attention since mid-November.

Nah. I can understand why. There are some BRILLIANT songs and some mediocre ones.
Plays are my personal favourite form of literature, actually.

And really? I figured it was popular?

My favourite is the cliched old novel.

Oh yeah, well that's why there's so many associated texts, heh. It seemed for every pressing of the play, there were ten other books ABOUT it.
Nah. I can understand why. There are some BRILLIANT songs and some mediocre ones.

I honestly just found it ... boring. No songs at all grabbed me. Say I were to go back and listen to three or four of the best right now, which would you suggest?
My favourite is the cliched old novel.

Oh yeah, well that's why there's so many associated texts, heh. It seemed for every pressing of the play, there were ten other books ABOUT it.

Novels can be good too. I'm about halfway through Lolita at the moment, too. And Atlas Shrugged, but I won't come back to that for a while.

Did you see any French editions?
...er, what? Virginia Woolf doesn't have dual protagonists...

I find it pretty obvious that George is running the show, so I have no idea where he was trying to go with that. He said it's more like it moved between George and Martha, and I say he has a mental deficiency.

Actually, I hate Shakespeare.


I dig Macbeth and Henry V.

Romeo And Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream are shithouse. The only other Shakespeare I've read is The Merchant Of Venice, which I found a bit boring at the time but honestly, I was 13 and probably didn't appreciate it as much as I would now, or even if it had been a set text a couple of years later. Asking grade eights to read Merchant was just silly.
I'm reading The Eyes of the Dragon right now. I think Charlotte was one of the people who got grumpy with my status about how bad it is. I LOVE the story, don't get me wrong, but I've never seen King's writing style be poorer.
I find it pretty obvious that George is running the show, so I have no idea where he was trying to go with that. He said it's more like it moved between George and Martha, and I say he has a mental deficiency.

Exactly. Godot would be a better choice, as it has the two obvious main characters. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, too.

Actually, I hate Shakespeare.


I know you do. I've read the entire screenplay of The Dark Knight. :nerd: I like plays beacuse they don't have a lot of purple prose like some books can. What you read is what you get with plays.
I dig Macbeth and Henry V.

Romeo And Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream are shithouse. The only other Shakespeare I've read is The Merchant Of Venice, which I found a bit boring at the time but honestly, I was 13 and probably didn't appreciate it as much as I would now, or even if it had been a set text a couple of years later. Asking grade eights to read Merchant was just silly.

Yeah, my exposure was through school too. I just didn't like it, found it inaccessible and deriative.
Exactly. Godot would be a better choice, as it has the two obvious main characters. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, too.

I love the film of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead!

I'm a Gary Oldman fangirl.
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