MERGED ----> U2 by U2

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I'm surprised there wasn't more talk of this book on the forum yesterday. What a great book, nicely put together. I'm up to the 1980-era chapter...very good read. Interesting stuff..
Bought it yesterday. First I went to Target and they were sold out, so I had to go to B&N and pay a little more. It's a great book! Definitely worth the extra few dollars! :happy: I'm in the 1980 chapter too. :D
Nate Dogg said:
I'm surprised there wasn't more talk of this book on the forum yesterday. What a great book, nicely put together. I'm up to the 1980-era chapter...very good read. Interesting stuff..

maybe that's because it was in the book sub-forum :wink:

check out "every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a theif"
So, what's the verdict on this book? Essential like At the end of the world or maybe U2 Show?
My favorite picture so far is the wedding picture of Edge and Morleigh, the one I had never seen before. It's so beautiful.

And there are so many U2 pictures I had never seen before, the old ones are great.

Edge talks about his daughter, it is heartbreaking. I just skimmed the book last night but that part really bothered me. It's best left to just reading the book, I don't feel comfortable saying it on here.

On so many pages it is so difficult to read, with all the background behind the text. I know they were trying to make it visually interesting, but that's annoying. Or maybe I just need glasses.
Got to Target about 8:45 am - only three copies left - got mine - took about an hour just to look through the pictures - so far I have only read through Adams story - ought to keep my occupied for a while - definately worth it:wink:
In the UK its £22, I was lucky enough to get mine signed last Friday in London.................. great book

you guys probably already know but the deluxe version has now been scrapped, shame me thinks
I bought mine yesterday at Chapters, and had several discounts, so the price was excellent. I love it so far! I skimmed a bit to look at all the pictures, and now I've started to read it. It looks incredible!! :drool:

ponkine said:
Actually I'm wondering one thing:

Is this the book something like Beatles Anthology one?:drool:

Yes, it's very similar in style. I have the Beatles Anthology, and that's an awesome book. :up:
u2wildhoney said:

Well, I ordered the U2 By U2 DE Luxe version, but I gonna get it only in November :( :sad:

actually, they've canceled're not going to get it at all! they should've refunded the money to your credit card or whatever.
Looks amazing. i went right after work and picked it up at barnes n noble. i skimmed it also, ended up falling asleep before i had a chance to read it. i cant wait to start reading it here in a few minutes.
I just received my book from Amazon, $28 with shipping!! I looked briefly through and was amazed at the detail. I love how it is broken down with each band member talking about the albums/era. I can't belive Larry was involved in something like this.
U2 by U2

Man, this thing is awesome. Being a young college age music dude myslef, Ilove to hear stories of the bands that made it and all that they had to come up against. So far a fantastic read.

Well, anywho, your opinions?
So far I'm actually quite disappointed by it. Great pics but there's very little info here the band haven't already discussed on numerous occasions (and more in depth) in interviews. I don't know, I guess I though there was going to be more "revelations".

Still love it, though...
Slapnutz said:
So far I'm actually quite disappointed by it. Great pics but there's very little info here the band haven't already discussed on numerous occasions (and more in depth) in interviews. I don't know, I guess I though there was going to be more "revelations".

Still love it, though...

Have you read the whole thing? I haven't finished it yet.
Slapnutz said:
I don't know, I guess I though there was going to be more "revelations".

Did you see the part about Larry having three nipples?
I got mine for 19.99 in Virgins megastore yesterday.. and I am loving it,

I left my hubby in the store browsing so I could get back up to the house and start reading it quick, thank goodness its only 10 minutes walk from where I live...:lol:

I have got up to mid 80's so far:dancing:
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