Melbourne I...the greatest night of my life.

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin

Oh my God that was the absolute night of my life. Period. I was SO worried the entire time about my seats on 3rd Level, but I shouldn't have worried because I was so freaking into it!!!!!!! I mean there were shitloads of people sitting down around me but did I care? No!!! I just stood and tried to woo the crowd in getting on their feet!!! I looked like an idiot but who cares!!!!

We missed Kanye West because we had to line up at the ATM for likme 45 minutes and in the end Dad took only 40 bucks out, which was a waste of time because all he bought was a bottle of water and a bourbon before the start of the show. But ah well, it was only Kanye West, and considering we didn't leave home until quart to seven after I had played cricket all day, I was pleased we got there with plenty of time to spare. There were these really hot chicks in the line as well, but with a mmixture of nervousness at my first show, good-looking guys behind them I did not pick up lol

So we sat down, and there was a woman next to me who kept asking questikons I was inly happy to answer. I told her that she will no when it starts when she hears a voiceover going "everyone!". She also asked why it was postponed. "It was cos Bono's mum was sick yeah?" I said, "Umm...she has been dead since he was 14. Edge's daughter got lukemia" And we continued to chat. I was getting real excited as I ehard some of the opening songs, such as Rock the Casbah. The mexican wave went round about 10 times, thatw as great. But it was the beginning of the show which was fucking awesome!!!!

COBL begins and my spine is tingling. As the intro ends and Bono beghins to sing, I am wishing like hell I was on the floor, as the mosh pit :D were jumping up and down like crazy while everyone around me was just mouthing the words and sitting back with their arms crossed. So when COBL ended I was quite disappointed with the crowd. But that disappointment disappeared as Vertigo began, and never returned.

Teh start of Vertigo was just so goddam energetic, I couldn't help but get up and scream "unos, dos, tres, catorce!!!!" and play the air guitar. From that moment on I was so into the show like you wouldn't believe. During Vertigo there was probably about four others around me who were on there feet, and I was trying to get the crowd up while people are egging me on. Friggin awesome.

As soon as Elevation begins everyone knows that 'oooh ooh, oooooh ooh ooh oh" thing and began to sing that. When it kicked in after the first time Bono enticed the crowd to sing "elevation" it was maddness. And that solo that Edge plays live, you shudda seen me. I was absolutely shredding the air guitar. I had lost my voice by the end it.

Now with my knowledge of Vertigo shows in hand, I knew that after Elevation came a song that was not permanent in the setlkist. When I heard that shimmering opening guiatr of 'I Will Follow' I was SOOOOOOOOO excited. I knew that few people aroudn me knew of the song, that's what made it so great, because I was just screaming as loud as I possibly could while everyone else just got into it. The bridge sounded really cool, couldn't tell waht Bono was saying though.

New Year's Day. This was when I got pumping. As soon as I ehard thjose opening bass notes I was on my feet, as were many people around me. What I remember most was leaning right back with my eyes closed screaming "yeeeeeeeah oh ohhhhhhhhh......." into an air mike as Bono did. And I was on cue too. But soon people began to sit down but not me. I was so freaking into it I was jump;ing everywhere, screaming, singing, yelling at people "COME ON!" and motioning them to get up, which again was appreciated by the other people standing up. Oh my God this was an INCREDIBLE performance. I was so damn excited when it ended. And Edge's solo :drool: That has to be one of his best. Also the clapping part that Bono did towards the end was great, even though we were so out of time.

Starting straight after that was B-E-A-utiful Day. When the opening guitar notes were played the crowd went wild, but it was the moment the chorus kicked in that crowd was at its best. Wild cheering, oh my god it was so great. At the end I went mad over the outro. Being used to the Slane DVD, I was shouting "goal, goal, the goal is soul, soul, beautiful goal...etc" and pumping my fist, I must have looked like an absolute idiot but again I did not care. The only qualm I had with this performace was the outro was a tad too long, beacause everyone was cvheering at because they kewn it was coming to an end, but it continued on for another 20/25/30 seconds, so people (even me) became a fraction less excited. Still cheered loud AS when it finished though.

Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out of. I didn't know what song to expect here, I would have appreciated ISHFIWLF, or Yahweh or Walk On, but Stuck sounded fantastic. It was just the perfect bring-down song from BD. So melodic, Bono's vocals were great. It gets knocked a lot, but it really is a terrific song. One thing I am thankful for, when Edge was doing his falsetto, I was so glad the music didn't accidentally stop because my voice was breaking like a bitch.

Angel of Harlem -- oh my God I have never been so excited to hear this song! There is something about this song - especially live- which just makes it really awesome. It's such an appealing song to the crowd, very fun and all that. This was one song where the 3rd level around me sat on their ass while I got up and tried to woo some singing, standing, etc. Tehre was one other woman who continually gave the thumbs up and was loving my work - that was cool :D lol. But what a performance! I have nhever been so into this song! I cheered and sang like crazy, and when Bono pulled the girl out that was amazing as well - the crowd went wild aagain. He kept saying stuff, but due to the acoustics I couldn't make out very much of it. But it made the crowd laugh. at one stage he said "before I commit a felony" or something like that.

Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own was another wicked performance, and the first of a number of songs to make me a bit emotional. Bono was really on, and I love how Edge has adapted the guitar to the live version, it was terrific. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of the No Regrets snippet - I was hanging otu for that, but it didn't come sadly. It ended and people were expecting to be able to rest for like a minute. Nuh-uh.

Straight away Love and PEace began. I was standing up yet again while everyone else around me sat down apart from the chick who was supporting me and this wild yet cool woman behind me. The aeroplane noises or whatever they are and the drumstick tapping sounded very eerie, I really liked it, especially when Bono's voice came in. And then Larry started and I pulled out the air drums this time. God it was good fun. I knew all teh words, unlike some around me, which made it better, in a way. I felt like I was the hero of all the people around me. And it finished with :bonodrum: as usual, and as everyone cheered I multi-tasked by playing along doing :danieldrum:. It was so cool. And then came the part wheere I was finally happy with the 3rd level crowd...

...those familiar pounding drums that begin Sunday Bloody Sunday, ?It brang everyone to their feet, and boy were we into it. I was destroying the air drums and absolutley raging as I was singing (sorry scrfeaming( along. It was so funnyt tyough, because I had seen the Chicago DVD (and this was probably what took away from the night a little, knowing already what was going to occur, liek the coexist, the slot machine, the dream speech at Pride outro/Streets intro, the human rights decleataition etc) so I was pointing at my head and turning around to everyone going "Jesus! Jew! Mohammed! It's true!" and I must have again looked so idiotic but ah well. It's a rock show, I could not ahve cared less.And then Bono pulled that kid up. His voice was made incredibly high-pitched by the acoustics, but still we all screamed "NO MORE!" along with everyone else. And then it came to a close, but again I knew that it would restart and kick into Bullet the Blue Sky. When it did, man I went crazy.

Still, I though Bullet was the weakest performance of the night,as it was on Chciago, but it was still magnificent. I would like to see Edge return next tour to the all-powerful, god-defying solo that he played on Elevation, instead of the pluck version he has played on Chicago. still lvoed it but. I was hoping for a Please snippet, but it didn't come unfortuiantely. THis song trio, LAPOE/SBS/Bullet was the combo where my air drums got the most beating.

I was really hoping to see Running to Stand Still next but I knew it was going to be Miss Sarajevo. But it didn't matter. People began to sit down again, but not me :D I was soooo into it. It was proably, maybe along with a bit of Saints, the only song played where I wasn't 100% sure of all the words. But that did not matter. Teh wild yet cool woman behind me confessed that "this is a great song" and I turned around and said, "do you know it?!?!?" quite excitedly that someone in the 3rd level besides me had heard of it. Of course it was teh Pavarotti part that got people roaring, but I was so enwrapped in myself that I missed Bono doing it sadly but that's alright, because as I did for the "yeeeeeeah oh oh" part in New Year;'s Day I leant right back and screamed "L'amoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore" which was perhaps the most satisfying part of the night. Evenutally it finished and everyone got up as the intro to Pride was played.

Now we all seem to say here that Pride, Bullet, SBS etc should be dropped, but I never realised how popular they are at shows. They can't be dropped. Sure, they aren't the best quality but that doesn't makie it any less exciting to see. Pride saw even teh 3rd level begin to jump a bit. And everyone knew the words to this song. It was such a great feeling when Edge started playing the guiatr part before the opening lines. When we all sang "oh oh oh" part Yuo just felt so happy, so joyous, like life was absolutely perfect...that's the effect that Pride had on me.

Where the Streets Have No Name was teh absolutel highlight of the night. It was was INCREDIBLE. The crowd went mad when Bono said "also an Australian dream" Now I'm going to make a bold statement here - Melbourne 1 were officially the best crowd of any show on the Vertigo tour. You cdould not hear Bono at all during Streets. AT ALL. Every single person in the stadium knew every weord I reckon, every single person stood up and sung it at the top of tehir lungs. It was absolutely AWE-INSPIRING. I could not beleive how much the entire creowd reacted. Even Bono said before One "that was mad. Melbourne are crazy!" Even he could not believe how much we were into it. I was on cloud 9999999999999999999999 during Streets.

Then of coruse One began, with the number flashing on the screen. I scrambled to send a text, but sadly my name did not come up. It was funny to see that yet again Sharon Stone was at the show. :lol: One was great. Everyone was on their feet still, and just sort of swayed and were taken away by the emotino in the song. In the outro I had the biggest lump in my throat, I was choking up, quite emotional, and sung to myself the "do you hear us coming Lord?" verse, knowing Bono would not. AMAZING. And then U2 said goodbye for the first time. The cheers continuted at an unbelievable volume for ages. Thjen the slots began.What I did appreciate about One, was that I don't think it was as logn as it was on the Chicago DVD, but time went so damn quickly that it might have gone for longer.

Not many people around me had a clue what was going on. So I would have looked incredibly stupid as I shouted "Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" as that zooropa kid did. But again I just did not care. Funniest moment came when the two zooropa kids were on either side, and John Howards appeared in the middle, and the whole entire crowed just booed! :lmao:

I did not know what to expect here, I was really hanging out for Zoo Station, but we got The Fly instead. But my disappointment lasted maybe half a second as opnce again I shredded teh guiatr along with Edge. Again I would have looked absolutely mad, and embarrased my Dad (rhyme ooh yeah) with my antics. But people continued to support me, especially that lady, I felt a connection with her that made the experience tons better. At least someone beside me was into it. People still knew the chorus words though, and even timed the falsetto/chorus voice right. Very impressive :up:. I loved this performance. Still gets it ass kicked by Boston, but I enjoyed it immensely.

I didn't know what was coming up next either, but was very happy with Mysterious Ways. Usually this track, something about it annoys me, but not tonight. The entire I night I just jumped and threw my arm forward, but durinng MW I moved about like a vertical worm. It was very sexual, I wish I could have seen people's reactions. The crowd aroudn me, especially the ladies were very into this song. And fair enough, I've always Considederd MW to be more for the ladies :lol:. DAMn I love Edge's solo at the end. That is wicked.

Next up was teh song I was desperately hoping they would keep in the setlist. With or Without You. I have loved this song so much lately. In fact it is probably now my faovurite song, maybe behjind Streets, but Streets is to me kind of a 'given' #1, like Bohemiam Rhapsody is to Queen. It was amazing. Teh crowd was fantastic, and I really loved how Bono kept adding parts, like encouraging the crowd to sing "oooohhhhh" again, and the snippets of Never Tear us Apart and Love Will Tear us Apart. They were great. But as it is with this song, I find Edge's outro - one of the most simplest and least-technical parts in his catalogue - is the best. it is so simple but so satisfying - he says so himself - it is just amazing. the second song to give me the chills - that lump in my throat was back.

Again they went off and then out of the darkness you heard Bono start Saints from the "cry to my daddy on the telephone" line, and we were into it again. The people around me weren't as into this song as they were ohters though the still stood up. But I was, and I was just hanging out for that guitar part to be played - and it was awesome. I started yelling as loud as I could, waving my arm as Bono sung "the saints are coming" then screaming and holding it still as he sung "seenomatterhowitry..."whatver it is. Still some more approval from people around me.

Slot 21 was the last song which I did not know what to expect, I was kinda hoping to see Party Girl but we got Desire, and it was awesome. Right from the begnning everyone knew it, and it was performed so well. It wasn't the best ever - I don't see ZooTV's Desire ever being surpassed sometime soon but it was still good, and a very fun performance.

And finally came the song which I NEEDED to see live. When I first heard they were rehearsing Kite, I was just amazed, as I was hoping against hope to see it played, knowing it was unlikely. But it was played, as it has been at every Oz show soa far, a\nd I was so grateful. It was absolutely AMAZING. The perfoirmance of the night. It sounded magnificent, the band did not miss a beat. It put such a big lump in my throat, I was all over the place, a far sight from the jumping fanatical idiot that was the song before. I just stood there with Dad, amazed at the fact I was seeing U2, Kite was being played, so many thoughts running through my head. Edge was amazing. That solo at teh end was so unexpected, yet it was just incredible. I broke up during that heart-wrenching solo that comes just before the 'I'm a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...' part. Oh, I can't put into words the way I felt when this was played. AS it closed, with the Kite in the air, the didgeridoo, the band, tight-knit as they waved goodbye, I just stood there, quiet and with the deepest sense of satisfaction.

For all that I had worried about my seats, my incredible jealousy at my cousin who had a freak meeting with Bono at Southbank on the 17th, my stress becase I had not met him, thoughts of 'oh myaybe we could get backstrage and meet him/them or see him/them or something' and nervousness, the fact I would not be seeing them tonight, I was expecting a panic attack at some stage.

But as Kite finished I left with teh strongest sense of satisfaction. I had one of those smiles on my face that is natural, and can't be removed. As I walked out, with a t-shirt, tour program and a poster in tow, I wondered why I wasn't 'up'. But then I discovered I had just had the best night of my life - and I was so filled with satisfaction the 'high' and 'up'ness couldn't come out.

Thank you, U2. :)
COBL_4, glad you had an awesome time. I reckon you summed up the night with your amazingly detailed descricption of what they played, what happened around you and in the crowd and most importantly how you felt. I'll certainly keep the review to remind me of the gig (i'm getting old and my nmemory isn't what it was!). I was in GA in the Ellipse and was about 3 metres from the left stage. Amazing to be so close to Bono,Edge and Adam. They seemed to be enjoying the gig so much! An awesome nigh that I won't forget in a hurry!!
Melbourne 1 were officially the best crowd of any show on the Vertigo tour

This is what I have been trying to tell all my many friends around the world and they believe me.

U2 know it and that is why they are completing their IMAX 3D movie in Melbourne.

No 1 city for sport in the World - Official

and now

No 1 city in the World for Music and fans.
What I just can't get my head around was the fact that you could literally not hear Bono in Streets. And he said so himself that it was crazy.
Yere Bono looked overawed at one stage by the total bonding he had with the crowd.

At the end of the night well he just didn't want to leave the stage. He would have played for another 3 hours.

Thought it was very funny when he pulled that 6ft tall dark haired angel from the crowd and then jumpled into her arms like she was an Amazon goddess.

When they kissed, Bono did linger.
Bono in Melb said:
Melbourne 1 were officially the best crowd of any show on the Vertigo tour

Except for the third deck crowd, which sat for most of the show, unlike the crowd in Mexico City.
:up: Enjoyed your review very much, COBL, thanks for sharing!! Almost makes me feel like I was right there beside you-the parts you enjoyed most and least are similar to mine! U2 ROCKS!
Bono reckons it was one of the best nights and shows of his life too.

It is very rare that he gets picked up these daze.
Thanks everyone. :)

I'm getting emotional reading over this again -- 18-11-07 will take some beating for best night of my life.

16 years old and I have already achieved one of my life goals. :)
It was a fantastic night and I'm so glad it was the best night of your life COBL_04! It's so good to be able to re-read those amazing memories!

I went to both Melbourne shows but I'd have to say that the 19 -11-06 show was even better. :reject: Unexpectedly, the crowd seemed so much more enthusiastic and yep, way louder....even Bono commented on that after 'Streets'. This night was definitely the highlight of my life! :bow:

All in all, every single U2 show is memorable for it's own wonder we're eager for them to return to our shores!
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