Manchester 1 Setlist Party Part 2

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L03VIk said:

What was wrong with this setlist?
OK, so it wasn't too different from last nights, but I bet 99,99% of the people in Manchester Stadium wasn't in Gelsenkirchen last night...

Neither were U2....they played Sunday night!:wink:
Lets face it a GOOD CHUNK people will be at multiple shows - especially in the UK as its so easy to get everywhere.... A good chunk WILL have heard it all before...
mo786 said:
Lets face it a GOOD CHUNK people will be at multiple shows - especially in the UK as its so easy to get everywhere.... A good chunk WILL have heard it all before...

If they play the same songs tomorrow, that would be an argument...
you're right my mistake, NO BAD Tonight.....

Still a nice little addittion : I will Follow! it"s better than Vertigo Twice and i'm sure 99% of the fans in Manchester was happier to get the First I will Follow live in 4 years instead of Vertigo TWICE in the same night!
vertigo twice stinks... i've seen it 4 times in 2 weeks, and i want to hear 40....
apl said:
vertigo twice stinks... i've seen it 4 times in 2 weeks, and i want to hear 40....

its funny how night one of the european tour had uteotw 2nd, they should have just played that 2nd and closed with i will follow. its not rocket science and with the internet how it is today, this will amount to bad press. in nj when driving home from night two, the djs were making fun of how they played vertigo twice the night before. for a band so concerned about being the biggest band in the world, this doesnt help. word travels fast. this isnt a club/bar show in 1980 where half the crowd shows up late and U2 is looking to impress them as well with their best songs.

ive heard many people say you have to hear the 2nd vertigo to understand the power and the passion. i have from the stairs exiting the venue in disgust.
@Berhooz (oops : Jack Bauer) ''They've played it 3 times live since the end of the Elevation tour...'', Yeah, I know....But not Really live ON TOUR since 4 years....For me, the brooklyn gig and promo show are not what i meant, sorry for the confusion.

By the way, do you think that jack bauer will have a new name in season 5? :p
Ok, I saw the first ever double Vertigo show in Seattle. It was ok, but really confusing. Luckily, I saw three shows, so I wasn't denied my first ever chance to hear a full band "40". That was the best of the three, but a perfect show would have combined that night's set list with "40". I really get tired of all the double Vertigo defenders saying that everyone who has seen it loves it. Um, no...I'd much rather hear another song. If they want to play Vertigo again as a rare treat after "40" or Bad or something, fine, but don't play less songs to play the same song twice.

I just hope Bono is tired of this silliness by Decemeber.
i agree that it is cool when its a rare spotaneous type thing, but when its planned its kind of lame

that said i dont really like 40 as the closer either
It hit me while driving home. I've got the perfect tracklisting for HTDAAB.:hyper: :hyper:

Miracle Drug
Fast Cars

I know, I know I had to drop Crumbs but it's got Vertigo again at the end.:hyper: :hyper:
Just to play devil's advocate...

Would there be any complaining if they played a different song twice instead of Vertigo? Perhaps one of the songs that people drool over, like UTEOW or even--shhh!---Acrobat? (it seems like a requirement to orgasm at Acrobat on this board!) I haven't figured out if I've got an opinion either way....just wondering what folks think.
(p.s.---I like Acrobat, too :wink: it's just not in my top five)
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Well just got back.

Twas awesome.

The closing version of Vertigo was amazing. Superb.

Now I do it all over again tomorrow..... :wink:
stuwilky said:
Well just got back.

Twas awesome.

The closing version of Vertigo was amazing. Superb.

Now I do it all over again tomorrow..... :wink:

Wow, that was fast.

Are you sure you liked Vertigo 2?? :lol:
Just a quick walk to central manchester for us.

Elevation was excellent, as little twist in there. RTSS as well.

Far surpassed Pop for me this one.
Have to make a comment about tonight and pre-warn anybody going tomorrow - They made a right hash of the enclosed elipse area - I got there at 12:30 and was within the first 300 people at the gate - No wristbands, nothing. Then they split the queue into 3 just before the gates opened so people who had just arrived could get to the front. Once inside people were arguing with staff and suddenly it became a free for all and they were letting anybody in. In the end there was loads of space in the enclosed area and it didn't even seem half full :(
you need to upload them to the web somewhere, like, and then post them using *
* tags around the link

actually photobucket displays the link of the picture with the img tags already there, so you can just copy and paste that link
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