Malbun, Liechtenstein Superthread (400 Superthreads!)

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leopard print: official colour of horror.


stick to your guns, ashley.

"Proud to be a fucking retard" would have been more subtle.
are you sure you aren't like a hurricane and complaining about being cold in 60 degree weather?

I *think* it's in the 30s out there, and damn it, me and my desire to be eco friendly, the heat's on 68.
apparently it's 43, a degree warmer than memphis.

i guess i'm used to the cold, given this ice box room is usually kept at 67.

so i can empathise entirely.

I'm as *used* to it as I can be, living in an ice cube.

I'm getting my blanket, it's just so not as comfortable without sleeves :(
(If one for Belarus is ever made please make sure there is a European bison included.)
I could, of course, run to Wal-Mart and buy a Snuggie. Shit, son, it's pay day after all.
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