Magnificent Appreciation Thread

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In case anyone cares, U2's evil twin Coldplay :wink: said they plan to use "Magnificent" as their opening music for their next concert shows from now on.
Well after hearing this about 200 times, and then seeing the Letterman performance, I am convinced that this classic can go on and be ANYTHING... anything at all, one of U2's biggest hits of all time and a magical, truly transporting experience to see live.

I can see a live version of this song going on, being extended at the end, lasting for ten mins... the band is just not going to want to stop playing the song. In that respect, this song is a surefire candidate to one day be considered U2's best...!

After 33 years, that is amazing.

It sounds like a cross between an early 80s stadium rock hit and an early 90s techno/dance floor song... blended into one to make a space aged 21st century in many ways futuristic sounding song... They have done it again!

Also, I have been playing the new record ad nauseum, and tonight decided to splice it with classic previous U2 favourites...

To those people not inclinded to look favourably upon Atomic Bomb, I say, play Magnificent and then play City of Blinding Lights... maybe repeat this double play over and over... maybe even add Beatiful Day into the mix and play the 00s triple play over and over and over...

I have formed the view that Magnificent is the companion piece de resistance for those two songs, particularly City... my favourite song of Bomb, with a lot of meaning for me, as does Beautiful of All That...

I'd love to hear other fans views especially after a few repeat plays of the surprisingly fast paced and upbeath City, alongside its new little sibling, Magnificent....

It sounds like they are born to be played together live... Thoughts?

Looks like Magnificent is going to radio !!!

Ha ha... looks like my late post-script to my contribution above, was eerily timed! I've been sitting here fuming all night that the new single has not been announced, and I was fretting that it might not be Mag...

Thanks U2, thanks :heart:
I had a lot of sleepless nights over it too !!

While I am really starting to like Crazy Tonight after initial scepticism, I would have been devastated had it been chosen as next single.

Hearing that Mag is likely to be... or WILL be next single... once again reaffirms my faith that U2 know what they are doing in order to sell this album...

Boots was merely the Trojan Horse to announce they were back, and get a bit of radio play, and kick start some debate about the sound of the new album and whether they are still "relevant" whatever that actually means LOL

The uncertainty over the new single, maybe even misinformation from HQ, about Crazy Tonight or even Breathe... all part of the plan to keep people guessing, talking, wondering, worrying... listening!

And then the killer blow that should lead to 10 million albums sold by the end of the year... MAGNIFICENT!

Thanks U2 :heart:
How quickly people forget Zooropa. How much more epic can you get than the second half of that song. :up:

oh yeah i love Zooropa!
and yes it is sweeping and epic in the 2nd half!
I still sing it in my head b/c i never got to buy the CD (will get it-- had a tape off the radio copy) a lot

Magnifigant is.............a stunner..........
bono's voice... the melody, some of the chord changes going on
I first heard it from the rooftop London gig and I felt i could have "dropped to my knees" in sonic awe! and some of the lyrics......jusr amazing1

it's a thrill to know a band can still turn out Masterpieces ....still reaching

oh and COBL is my #3 all time top U2 song

I thnk Magnificant will be a top lister too!
legendary song, about time it got proper exposure, it has already been played more here on radio then boots
I still can't get over how this song makes me feel!!!

It's quite simply to me a life enriching experience!! No it won't change your life but every time after hearing this song, my mood changes and it make me cry smiling!!
Someone else on here summed it up in way as making them feel like a long lost friend has just turned up that they almost forgot about and it make you feel very emotional.

No U2 never went away and I love a lot of songs they have done in the last 20 years but to me I got back that same feeling as when U2 first hit me in the heart and I can't help but cherish that feeling.
This is such an amazing song!!! I'm starting to hate some of the reviews where some critics are saying Bono is so egotistical "I was born to sing for you", my interpretation is that it's a conversation between him and God or between him and a lover. It's showing how we were made in God's own image, make a joyful noise to the lord, magnify him until we die, it's flat out gospel just like a lot of U2's songs are. I love them bc it's not so overt, all of their music is sprinkled with spirituality in it's message, but they're not classified as a christian rock band bc they don't want to be hemmed in to certain expectations, but in reality, they're the biggest christian rock band this world has ever seen!!!!! MOS, fallen too my knees, help me o lord out of my own apathy and everyone else's around me!!!!

I DO believe he was born to sing for us. Luckily :rockon:
legendary song, about time it got proper exposure, it has already been played more here on radio then boots

its fantastic . . . radio stations here really seem to love it . . . even the stations that are generally skewed to the 'yoof' market are giving it a whirl

glorious song . . . i get goosebumples from the get go . . . it really lives up to its namesake and I can not wait to experience the rush of hearing it live :love:
No U2 never went away and I love a lot of songs they have done in the last 20 years but to me I got back that same feeling as when U2 first hit me in the heart and I can't help but cherish that feeling.

Beautiful Day had a similar impact on me, but Magnificent ... holy crap.

I still cannot even describe it. But, you hit on a really important reason I think why the tune is so unfreakingreal.

I know some fans are bashing it because it is formulaic U2. Others say that they wrote it to be an instant classic anthem. Ok, so what? I don't think most fans would want an album with 10 different variations of stadium anthems, but at least the effort here produced a HUGE one with few flaws.

It did remind me as well of an old friend. The song flat-out soars and I guess I am a sucker for songs that I can hear in a stadium when hearing them on a disc.

I guess what concerns me most is that I have such high expectations for this song live that I am setting myself up to be disappointed. The live versions have fallen short a bit, in my opinion, but judging it on the merits of a tv broadcast is not really fair. I do hope they don't go with the radio-edit approach to the tune that they have been working with so far.
Magnificent is awesome, but I just had to come in from having a beer by the pool (I've been listening to NLOTH for the 6th time today) that this is one f**kin' fantastic album. The more I listen, the more I appreciate all these big songs and the quiet ones too. It's an amazing album. I love it!! Thank you U2 for once again giving us a masterpiece to enjoy. Can't wait for the tour.
^ nope . . . :lol: . . . I love the beginning notes and the way it builds, by the time Edge's guitar kicks in I'm in a frenzy :wink:

glorious glorious glorious song

(and as an aside . . .my kids were sick of this song after two days but now . . . they know the words better than me aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddd they sing it to themselves while they are doing their own thing . . . love it, my plan is working :evil: mwhahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
I don't get why "formulaic U2" is even a criticism...I mean, if you think formulaic U2 is bad, then you must think U2 is bad...that means songs like pride and new years day and streets are bad....then i don't know what kind of u2 fan you are.....
this is one of best songs on an amazing album....magnificent shortly will be widely viewed as a classic
Magnificent is awesome, but I just had to come in from having a beer by the pool (I've been listening to NLOTH for the 6th time today) that this is one f**kin' fantastic album. The more I listen, the more I appreciate all these big songs and the quiet ones too. It's an amazing album. I love it!! Thank you U2 for once again giving us a masterpiece to enjoy. Can't wait for the tour.

Ah lucky git...having a beer in the pool listening to NLOTH...I need to change my lifestyle:wink:
I think Magnificent is going to be huge for U2. Its such an awesome song. Gives me a 2009 Lemon vibe. Totally danceable with the U2 magic.
Its too hard to decide the best track of NLOTH.

Magnificent is like a blend of the past and the future, because it has that "trademark classic U2" feeling in it as well as incorporating new sounds. :up:
Magnificent is definitely the solid #1 for me. They need to improve the live performances though. Doesn't have enougn umph! but still awesome. :drool:
The song just hit 100 plays on my iTunes (I waited until 3/3 to get the album). I now have 6 songs with 100+ plays on my iTunes...and Magnificent is one of them :applaud:

P.S. If you add in my “CD” listens, With or Without You would most likely be at 10,000 but hey....its a digital world now!
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