Larry's Botox shots

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rihannsu said:

You know Larry never confirmed that. Bono tossed that story around and if you remember Bono likes to spin tails. Kiss the Blarney stone anyone? Also given that Larry is a vegetarian I take the bulls blood thing with a grain of salt. I don't think he's getting Botox shots but he put back on some weight this last year which has made him look much better. He was getting kind of skeletal toward the end of the Elevation tour.


What did Bono say exactly? Bulls blood? :ohmy: :huh:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
the edge would never use botox. he also isn't bald... he just shaves his head in that manner in order to make real bald people feel better.

Of course the wrinkles and lines in the faces aren't enough for some people.

I like the hair plugs stories even though we have clearly seen pictures of Bono's hair thinning and even some bald spots.
I'm surprised that we are in PLEBA and nobody posted pictures until now :wink:
OK... these pictures should clear everything... See? Larry DOES smile :D and he has a few wrinkles:




he's gorgeous anyways... :drool:

thanks to Bibien for the caps! :hug:
Ehm - I know my eyesight is terrible (yes, yes it is[ I'm squinting as I type), but Larry does, indeed, have wrinkles, he does, indeed actually look about 35 - 40, and yes, he's a hairless wonder. Look at his arms, which I suspect he does shave for bandaging: you can clearly see darkish blond hair. He does NOT, however, have chest hair. Never has, and isn't likely to start sprouting it now.

And yah, I gotta agree, he was looking like a starveling orphan child for quite awhile, there. He actually looked older for most of the Vertigo tour. I actually showed a pic of him to someone, who told me he looked like a pterodactyl. Much as I crush on him, I had to agree. And laugh uproariously. :wink:
MullenGirl said:
I'm surprised that we are in PLEBA and nobody posted pictures until now :wink:
OK... these pictures should clear everything... See? Larry DOES smile :D and he has a few wrinkles:




he's gorgeous anyways... :drool:

thanks to Bibien for the caps! :hug:

:combust: Hot DAMN!! God created the perfect man and named him Larry Mullen Jr.
MullenGirl said:
I'm surprised that we are in PLEBA and nobody posted pictures until now :wink:
OK... these pictures should clear everything... See? Larry DOES smile :D and he has a few wrinkles:




Wow, thanks for the :drool: pix.

Dare I say it he`s got signs of a double chin in those pix - or maybe his shirt collar is too tight? Larry please undo at least 4 buttons - we need a close up of your chest to inspect for hair - I volunteer for first look and feel :faint: :combust:
am i the FIRST person here to point that out

Well, you and I have both been here since July 2001 and I don't know when you pointed it out, but I've been saying it for years. I get so tired of all the 'Larry never ages' comments and "Dorian Gray" jokes. Of course it's Botox! Not that there's anything wrong with using Botox, I think Bono and Adam need to start because they look OLD. But just the same, Larry does use it.;)
What is wrong with looking old when you ARE old? why pretend something you're not?

I'd rather have Bono the way he looks now than that he becomes a 2nd Cher! :yikes:
Galeongirl said:
What is wrong with looking old when you ARE old?

Well, 45 is not very old to admit to being 'old.' A person could live well into their 80's or beyond. What's wrong with hanging onto your looks as long as possible? Look at Marlo Thomas. She's almost 70 and she looks as good as she did at 30. That's not natural, of course, but I'd rather look at her than some old haggard person in the store. As someone who is a lot closer to middle age than you, I say you might just change your mind when you get your first gray hair at 35;)

why pretend something you're not?

Actually this is backwards. As you start to age, it's the OLD person that is not 'you', you still feel like the same young person inside and the ageing scares the hell out of you! (at least this is how it is for me and others I know) So by keeping your original looks, you feel like you haven't lost what and who you really are. I'd say the time will come for everyone to finally give it up, maybe 80, but certainly not 40!
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U2Kitten said:

Well, you and I have both been here since July 2001 and I don't know when you pointed it out, but I've been saying it for years. I get so tired of all the 'Larry never ages' comments and "Dorian Gray" jokes. Of course it's Botox! Not that there's anything wrong with using Botox, I think Bono and Adam need to start because they look OLD. But just the same, Larry does use it.;)
Good gawd, botox/plastic surgery looks scary enough on women, it's even worse on men :yikes:

Larry is just one of the lucky few who ages slowly, but yes, he is starting to look older. That's not a bad thing either. He looks great :)
U2Kitten said:

What's wrong with hanging onto your looks as long as possible?
Because it's desperate. And looks unnatural :no:

They don't look haggard either, IMHO :shrug: They all look older, happy and content, comfortable in their own skin. Nothing sexier than that, many would agree.
I still think Larry is using Botox, but like I said it doesn't matter, if he wants to, go for it!
I don't think he does. Botox removes wrinkles. He has them - they're just not as prominent as Bono or Adam's. Edge has them too, but again, for whatever reason, not as noticeable. Probably has to do with the skin type being finer, or something. People don't always show wrinkles at 45. I mean, seriously, my sole living grandmother hasn't shown a wrinkle until /very/ recently, and she's, like, sixty-something. My other grandmother, who died recently, did have wrinkles, but not very many. My mother is in her mid fifties and doesn't have more than crows' feet. LIterally.

For those of you who are afraid of getting older or a gray hair - what's so frightening about it? You can't stop it - accept it gracefully and you'll be much, much happier. But then, maybe I'm coming from a family where everyone, no matter how old they are, is active and happy, and literally don't gi ve a damn about gray hair or wrinkles. Nobody dyes their hair. THey don't obsess over wrinkles. They're all beautiful. So - I dunno. I don't get it. Thank God I don't - the anti-aging obsession scares me.
I think all of the guys look great. And I'm grateful none of them have become plastic surgery nightmares. A little bit of refreshing is okay, but some people go way too far.

And some of us just look young for our age. I turn forty next March, and most people think I'm still in my twenties. I haven't had a suntan in over twenty years, and I don't smoke, but maybe I'm just lucky. Would I ever get botox or Restalyne? Maybe, but right now I can only afford to have bangs covering my forehead.

And U2 are more than the sum of their parts. I think all four of them look very handsome.
Ok no big deal but just an example. I'm the same age as Adam with his beautiful silver hair, but my hair is still the same dark brown it's always been and I have never dyed it in my life. I also don't have any wrinkles yet, except for a frown line which I know I got from squinting so much my whole life from having light green eyes. Anyways... people show their age in different ways and at different ages. I think all the guys look exactly like they are in their mid-40's and all look great in their own unique ways. :)

oh oops edit: Adam is one year older than me, I'm actually the same age as Larry. :D
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Devlin said:

For those of you who are afraid of getting older or a gray hair - what's so frightening about it? You can't stop it -

Oh yes you can! :evil:

accept it gracefully and you'll be much, much happier.

Not a chance I'd ever be happier as a withered up old crone with gray hair before my time.

But then, maybe I'm coming from a family where everyone, no matter how old they are, is active and happy, and literally don't gi ve a damn about gray hair or wrinkles. Nobody dyes their hair. THey don't obsess over wrinkles. They're all beautiful. So - I dunno. I don't get it. Thank God I don't - the anti-aging obsession scares me.

I'm from a family where everyone does dye their hair (even most of the guys!) and prides themselves in their appearance, and feel better about themselves because of it. The ladies in my family are beautiful into their 70's and even 80's, and I plan to be one of them (if I live long enough!) Nothing is more depressing than 'letting yourself go.' If you plan on doing nothing to try to fight off ageing, that's your choice, but don't knock those who do otherwise.

I don't see what the big issue is, really, look at all the commercials for 'age-defying' products and makeup. It's clear the majority of people aren't ready to give up and be old too soon.
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That comment wasn't meant for them. Look at the last few posts, the discussion had spread to people in general, not only the band.

I personally think Bono and Adam look much too old for their age, but that's my opinion.In all honesty, I think EDGE is the one who's held up the best and and looks the youngest (with the beanie on)
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Yeah I know, I just was commenting on them tho, because I know they have been personally commented on before for letting themselves go, but I don't think so. I have nothing against anyone choosing to age gracefully or fight it, to each his own! But I like that they have chosen to not always feel pressured into thinking they do have to do one way or the other. I like Adam's silver hair, but if he wanted to dye it, that's fine too. I also like Bono's dyed hair, it looks awesome when he dyes it dark. But when he lets the roots show I think thats sexy too... I dunno... I just LIKE the way they all look right now, that's all. They're all good looking men, no matter what the color or amount of hair.
U2Kitten said:

I'm from a family where everyone does dye their hair (even most of the guys!) and prides themselves in their appearance, and feel better about themselves because of it. The ladies in my family are beautiful into their 70's and even 80's, and I plan to be one of them (if I live long enough!) Nothing is more depressing than 'letting yourself go.'

Well, like you said, it's your opinion. Personally, I'm glad my fam and friends don't really care about looks or judge themselves by it.

I guess I feel the complete opposite. I've seen my best friend waste away to nothing at age 20. Thankfully, she didn't care that her skin turned a weird color and half her hair fell out. We didn't care either. If she'd asked, I would have shaved my head and put iodine on my skin too. She was happy and enjoyed her time with her family.

I guess seeing someone so young endure so much, and someone like my dear gran with cancerous sores all over her face, still able to laugh and be fulfilled gives an entirely different perspective on the marginal significance of wrinkles, hair, and skin.

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