Lara, Victoria Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Daniel! :wave:

Been meaning to ask - you going to be able to come along to Superthread/birthday Good Times on Sunday? We've been trying to sort out a time ...
Daniel! :wave:

Been meaning to ask - you going to be able to come along to Superthread/birthday Good Times on Sunday? We've been trying to sort out a time ...

Ax Man!

Well possibly. I believe Nicole is working. So I should be free, however I'm still working out what to do with getting some GOOD fish. Likely I should be able to go!
Ax Man!

Well possibly. I believe Nicole is working. So I should be free, however I'm still working out what to do with getting some GOOD fish. Likely I should be able to go!

Cool ... so what time would you likely be free if you can make it? Because the spanner in the works is that U-Wen is only free in the evening. Not that that precludes starting earlier in the arvo.
I, like a dork, am trying to figure out what species of bat that is. And I would name him Bruce.
Cool ... so what time would you likely be free if you can make it? Because the spanner in the works is that U-Wen is only free in the evening. Not that that precludes starting earlier in the arvo.

Whatever time works. Preferably not the evening because I'll be needing to get back to Shepp.
Holy crap, that John Mayer thread in EYKIW is making me laugh. Although the mashup song someone posted is really doing my head in.
Two things just happened to me (and the total differences between the two activities involved shows my ADD multitasking skills.)

First, I discovered the American Sign Language sign for "Mexico". It looks like a freaking gang sign. This amuses me greatly.

Second, I actually gasped out loud when I saw how pretty the new Paint Shop Pro brushes I downloaded are in action.
I've totally forsaken the tour forum, which is probably bad of me ... :uhoh:
There are three stages to my evil plan.

Stage 1 - wait until he's away from his house, get into his garage and steal his stash.

Stage 2 - wait outside his house until he goes out to smoke, and call the Sandy police on him.

Stage 3 - Drive around trying to find his dealer's house again (he took me there once) and report both of them to the DEA.
Yeah, I'm a lab accident away from becoming a supervillain.
You go through with that and you'll have made an enemy for life. :lol:
:ohmy: Woah Reggo, what has he done!

Where do I begin?

Well, when I got there, I texted him that I'd arrived and waited outside for five minutes in the freezing cold till he looked at his phone and dragged his ass upstairs. he lets me in, we go downstairs to his room (in his dad's basement, how original), I give him and his fucking cat (and you'll see why i call her this in a bit) their Christmas gifts and he seems unimpressed with his. I did an hour of internet research and asked Edge_Orchestra for help so I got the right guitar strings for his acoustic guitar that also happen to be the kind one of his idols, Jimmy Page, plays with. But whatever. He asks me where I want to go to dinner and after fifteen minutes of hemming and hawing and watching idiotic videos on YouTube, he decides on Chili's. I hate Chili's, but he didn't like any of my suggestions. To Chili's we go. Wait, he has to go take a hit of weed. Now, to Chili's we go. And we can hardly find anything to talk about. So he starts telling me about the other girls he's been hanging out with since I last saw him. Funny, that's what he calls what we do. Just 'hanging out'. So I start talking about how I want to get my Ph.D. in physics and move out of state to a good research university as a defense mechanism. I should've stabbed him with my steak knife. And then he starts complaining that he needs a job and that he has nothing to do. Well, how about you stop smoking weed for five minutes, put down the XBox controller, and get some fucking motivation. We go back to his place cause we've missed the start of one movie we wanted to see. And I play with his fucking cat while he plays acoustic guitar with his heavy metal albums. I told him he wasn't boring me, but it did get kind of tedious after the first twenty minutes. I have to remind him of the movie again (that I'm paying for with a gift card from doing something awesome at work), and he has to get high again. In the car. While we're driving to the theatre. I was secretly hoping he'd get pulled over. Just a little. We get the tickets to Youth In Revolt, which is a pretty good movie. Michael Cera is really funny. He doesn't seem to like it. We go back to his place again and watch the Family Guy spoof of Empire Strikes Back and I discover a drop of blood on my arm after his cat has been crawling all over me. Gross. The only other possibility, which is entirely more disgusting, is that it somehow came from Dave when he had coughed earlier. I scrubbed my arm like I was going into surgery and then told him I had to go. I went upstairs, let him kiss me, then practically ran to my car and burned rubber getting home.

So yeah. Kind of sick of him, really.
This just in: the Australian news media cannot pronounce "Haiti".
Ugh. Kill it with fire.

Or better yet, tell everyone you know that he has herpes.

We don't know any of the same people, so doesn't matter. I'm just gonna disown him. Excise him from my life like a cancer.
Ugh, tidying is so goddamn tedious.

The one I heard earlier was more like "height-E" than anything else.

High tea?


We say "Hay tea" :shrug:
For whatever reason, "height-E" cracked me up. I just imagined the country as a very tall E. The inconsistency is great though, height-E, hate-E, hay-tea, hay-she ...
I think I'm going to have to completely resort one of my bookshelves to somehow make room for all the books I accumulated last year.

Entertaining afternoon coming up ...
Running is good to clear the mind.

But Jesus is it rough.

I'm going to start an exercise regimen, as well. A$hers has inspired me.
Oh yeah, I was going to go start going for daily walks.

But right now sorting out my place is more important. :crack:
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