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Oct 12, 2000
Corcaigh, Eire
How do PLEBA gals celebrate St. Paddy's???

after spending the last couple of days at Adam?s mansion due to his b-day, I?ll just take a quick shower, change, pick up my sis Cat and just keep on partying


"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Well I go to this Irish pub called Durty Nelly's and it's really I am goin to dye my hair green too
With Koolaid or something me thinks...Lucky Suzie I wish I was in Dublin for that..I know that it's a huge party that they have
Well no St. Patty's day would be complete without the Shamrock Shake from Mickey D's. Yumm.

Gotta dig out my "Kiss me I'm Irish" pin and load up on green dye for the beer. We usually have a party at someone's home, much safer than going out to a bar. The Shhhtreets can get a bit rowdy (sorry just been watching my Elevation DVD)

Daisy can be a guiding light

AIM: daisyone75
My friends and I will go to the local Irish pub. We will most likely drink Green Beer (perhaps Guinness), then stumble home!!

Unfortunatly, since St. Paddy's day is on a Sunday, We will either celebrate on Saturday, or have a wicked hangover on Monday morning
I was just reading my St.P story in my old skool books from when i was 5 aaaw so cute theres this wee bit..and we all sang a lettle song lettle lol instead of little aaaw!

The snakes: The snakes were the pegans who he chased from ireland.

Oh oh i climbed Croagh Patrick about 2 years tough, and its neary fr ted island but its not actually craggy island!

Anyhoo we will prob go out and about and go to some party or other
Yay! I love st. Patrick's day! Lets see...I'll probably dig up my glitsy green nail polish and paint green streaks in my hair and head off to The Dubliner (Irish bar in town) and inhale some Guinness.
Wahoo...I'm all excited now!
Well, since this will be the last St. Patrick's Day of my 20's I plan to have a huge time !!!!

I'll turn 29 Sunday and my friends and I plan to start the party early.....

Hopefully I'll have some pics to share with you girls.....

I do have to say I'm very jealous(but in a good way) of you Cat, getting to spend St. Patrick's Day in Dublin....I've ALWAYS wanted to do that !!!

She's ellipical
Also political
All so spiritual
Not superficial......
After the bad news of them not touring today I might just buy myself a flight ticket and go and visit you Cat lurve. My so hard saved money won't make any better use right now....
*sigh* After a wonderfully relaxing Spring Break, my St. Patty's day will be spent traveling back to school

But I'm sure the roomie and I are going to do SOMETHING cool! I was thinking...decorating the hallway in the dorm and blasting Irish music while singing along at the top of our lungs and painting things green
But who knows?

When you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come when you see we're all one
And life flows on within you and without you.

"You say 'erbs' and we say 'herbs' because there's a fucking 'h' in it!"

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!
Here is a good thread to ask, what date is St. Patrick's Day?

Also, what does that thread title mean? It's Gaelic, right?

"I have a dragon, and I know how to use it. I'm a donkey on the edge!" -Shrek

Happy Birthday, Adam!


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me and a couple of friends are throwing a party complete with a shamrock-shaped cake, and yeh get to come dressed as a famous Irish(or Irish-related) person...
I'm Bono of course...and I heard someone was coming as the Lucky Charms man

and since most of us at the party are under 21, we'll be having


*Owner of the BonoDoll*

"No, I will not do the snake dance for you!" ~ Bono after the post-Super Bowl party

WARNING: Insanity is highly contagious!

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"I don't usually come across as a very deep person, but really I am deep. I'm deep when I need to be. When I'm frustrated I'll let all my feelings out, I'll be deep. So let me be deep, but don't get me frustrated." ~ Me, when asked how I could write such a deep response to the meaning of "Beautiful Day"
Originally posted by mad1:
Monday 17th, Madonnas Child

belfast will be packed........esp if sunny.......they play irish music and pple drink Guinness til they cant see their toes no more.............

uuuuuuh sun + Belfast bwhhhhhaaaaahahahahaha i doubt it...they'll all sit like louts @ the city hall
*hate city hall, dont like lord mayor too much either met him lastweek* booooooring!
This is acutally the first year I dont have any set plans! Usually I go to Doyle's in Boston with my family, but we arent this year since my mother isnt up for it! But there is always plenty going on in Boston, it's also a city holiday -Evacuation Day, since it's when the British were driven out then... the city is usually bustling!
there's an early morning parade (9:00) the Saturday before, where people start drinking about that time, and continue throughout the day! Then the regular evening festivities of course. There used to be this awesome place in town called BirraPoretti's ("a great Italian restaurant and a heckuvan Irish bar!") that used to hold the biggest and wildest St. Paddy's parties every year. The restaurant is no more, but the parties were legendary.

Personally, I may just head to a local Irish pub...maybe with some U2 friends??

Would LOVE to be in Dublin for the big day! (reports! we want reports!)
Originally posted by MissVelvetDress_75:
i just picked up some cupcakes for the office today that are decorated for St. Patricks day. on two of the cupcakes it has "Erin Go Bragh". What does that mean?

That means "Ireland Forever"


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