Kyoto, Japan Superthread

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yeah i know, most of the kitchen stuff i own i bought years ago, back when i lived wif my parents the first time. the one upside though was buying stuff for my apartment wasn't too bad, i just needed living room stuff basically.

someone was kind enough to waste their whole day talking to me. :hmm:

if i had the money i'd buy houses and apartments just for the sake of filling them with furniture and stuff.

that was nice of them. maybe they didn't consider it a waste, of course.
if i had the money i'd buy houses and apartments just for the sake of filling them with furniture and stuff.

that was nice of them. maybe they didn't consider it a waste, of course.

god, yes. if i was a landlord i'd put stipulations about kids, not pets in my lease agreements. "tenant must have exceptional taste and no children to ruin it - dogs and cats ok"
if i had the money i'd buy houses and apartments just for the sake of filling them with furniture and stuff.

that was nice of them. maybe they didn't consider it a waste, of course.
me too! i have so many ideas floating around my head as to how i'd design a living room, etc. i'd love to somehow make them all come to fruition, so my only option is to have a huge mansion with no real theme, or own several apartments/houses/brothels.

though right now if i were to move out, i think i'd go wif a blue/white theme. the starting point would be my electric mixer. why? because i said so.

yes, it was. and if they don't then they're nuts!
fuck yeah!

you two know what will happen if you go to atlanta, don't you.... yes. :tsk:
i won't dye my hair, i promise.

god, yes. if i was a landlord i'd put stipulations about kids, not pets in my lease agreements. "tenant must have exceptional taste and no children to ruin it - dogs and cats ok"
:drool: how true. between my parents and me we have six (!!!) cats. i think our house is cleaner than some homes wif one or two kids.
me too! i have so many ideas floating around my head as to how i'd design a living room, etc. i'd love to somehow make them all come to fruition, so my only option is to have a huge mansion with no real theme, or own several apartments/houses/brothels.

though right now if i were to move out, i think i'd go wif a blue/white theme. the starting point would be my electric mixer. why? because i said so.

yes, it was. and if they don't then they're nuts!

i love that you do this too. i'm creating my entire loungeroom around 2 cushions. yes, 2 cushions are dictating everything from wall paint to furniture.
don't you hate waiting for marks which your tut says she'll have up by last week? she now owes me 2 lots!

yes. my music professor took their sweet ass time grading every paper i turned in. i don't think i found out the grades for most of my stuff till after the semester was over.

i don't know why it bothered me but the fucker was younger than me (yeah i looked him up on facebook, so what) and was a condescending prick in every e-mail to me. when he answered, that is.
we'll drink a lot of coke and......i don't know any other good atlanta stereotypes.
:cute: i'll take you to all the stuff i know in atlanta. warning: it's the coke museum and shopping malls. i've never really gone to see anything else. :shh:

i love that you do this too. i'm creating my entire loungeroom around 2 cushions. yes, 2 cushions are dictating everything from wall paint to furniture.
:love: i think stuff like that is cool, take something you own and design everything else around it. when people just put a hodgepodge of furniture together it ends up looking like you bought stuff off other people's lawns.
that sucks. i'm looking at my timetable for this year which is suspiciously incomplete. i'm in class in summer because they've fucked my timetable up once, i'm not doing it again.

so you've got classes now then? what year are you in, and what are you studying again? i always imagine it's like aeronautical engineering or something.
me too! i have so many ideas floating around my head as to how i'd design a living room, etc. i'd love to somehow make them all come to fruition, so my only option is to have a huge mansion with no real theme, or own several apartments/houses/brothels.

though right now if i were to move out, i think i'd go wif a blue/white theme. the starting point would be my electric mixer. why? because i said so.

yes, it was. and if they don't then they're nuts!

we'll win the lottery and start a business. who gives a fuck if it loses money, we'd be rich.

that theme sounds cute.

they must be nuts.


i won't dye my hair, i promise.



:cute: i'll take you to all the stuff i know in atlanta. warning: it's the coke museum and shopping malls. i've never really gone to see anything else. :shh:

:love: i think stuff like that is cool, take something you own and design everything else around it. when people just put a hodgepodge of furniture together it ends up looking like you bought stuff off other people's lawns.


eclectic isn't always the best look, too right.

so you've got classes now then? what year are you in, and what are you studying again? i always imagine it's like aeronautical engineering or something.

ha. i'm killing time before my next class at the moment. it's summer school for third year which is obvs this year, and my last degree. bachelor of communications majoring in radio. nfi why, i don't know if it's what i really want to do.
ha. i'm killing time before my next class at the moment. it's summer school for third year which is obvs this year, and my last degree. bachelor of communications majoring in radio. nfi why, i don't know if it's what i really want to do.

is your eyesight good enough for a commercial pilot licence? hmm, you could earn 200k/annum being a radio personality, or 200k/annum flying QANTAS.

can you really lose?
is your eyesight good enough for a commercial pilot licence? hmm, you could earn 200k/annum being a radio personality, or 200k/annum flying QANTAS.

can you really lose?

i'd hope it is. plus i'd probably sink myself into so-ooo much debt to do it, though. and to be a radio personality, i'd need a personality.

plus qantas are dodgy, i'd probably die.

so i can't win. :complain:
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