June 4th, 2011 - Qwest Field - Seattle, WA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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With cooked seafood, I really only care for shellfish. Not a big fish fan (I do like occasional salmon). And yet I love sushi.

Go figure.

We need to make that picture happen at the stadium. Who wants to bring a giant vat of melted butter for dipping?

I'm showing my age here, but does anyone else remember one of the old MTV promos, where the M was made out of crab legs on a plate or something like that, and then they showed this couple who turned to the camera and exclaimed "Crab legs!?! Mmmmmm!" (maybe it was "Ahhhh!")

Whenever someone says "crab legs," that's immediately what I think of, and I have to bite my tongue not to say it like that.

Edit: ZOMG!

Mmmm... sushi and crab! :drool: Two of my favourite food groups. :wink: I'll definitely be seeking out sushi at some point over the weekend, but it's not like I'm living in a sushi wasteland here in Vancouver. :wink:

looks like there is a fridge in every room, but a microwave is only for some rooms. Let me know if you want me to buy some salad or something for backup. Although I'm sure we can find a late night pizza joint in the area too...

Salad sounds like a good idea for late eating.

if all else fails re: food, hit the booze.

empty stomach + me + booze = drunken mess

I didn't realize you guys were roomies! :cute:

yes, ma'am she is my roomie. I think this is the 3rd or 4th time we have roomed? Alma is becoming my tour roommate.
I'm showing my age here, but does anyone else remember one of the old MTV promos, where the M was made out of crab legs on a plate or something like that, and then they showed this couple who turned to the camera and exclaimed "Crab legs!?! Mmmmmm!" (maybe it was "Ahhhh!")

Whenever someone says "crab legs," that's immediately what I think of, and I have to bite my tongue not to say it like that.

Edit: ZOMG!

YouTube - ‪1993 MTV Crab Legs Bumper‬‏

YES I remember this promo!
Just got an email from ticketmaster saying that the GA entrance has been moved from the West Gate to the North East Gate
Just got an email from Ticketmaster that the GA entrance gate has moved. It's now the North East Gate. Not sure if everyone else will have gotten that, but thought I'd let everyone know, just in case.

YAY!! :D

ETA - and I was beaten to the punch! :lol:
Which reminds me, in Denver I just walked in the first entrance I got to. There was no GA line so I figured everyone was already inside. Once I got inside I saw the actual GA line still piling in, in a relatively early stage. I unknowingly got in waaaaaay before all those people who had been waiting in line all day. My sister was freaked out by the idea of GA to begin with and just wanted to hang in the back and that was cool with me, but now that I am going to be waiting all day in an actual GA line I say beware the multiple entrances!!
Just got an email from Ticketmaster that the GA entrance gate has moved. It's now the North East Gate. Not sure if everyone else will have gotten that, but thought I'd let everyone know, just in case.

YAY!! :D

ETA - and I was beaten to the punch! :lol:

ok so if im looking at the map would this be on 4th ave?
ok so if im looking at the map would this be on 4th ave?

If you're looking on google maps, and looking on street view from the north of the field, you can see signs pointing to the NE gates. Looks like it's closest to 4th, although there are train tracks right in between 4th and the stadium, so I'm not really sure where we'll be lining up. :hmm:

cori can probably give a better idea - I haven't been to Qwest in ages, so I don't remember the lay of the land there...
Sounds like heart attack heaven.:barf:


The bacon wrapped hotdog is a Los Angeles specialty. Sold after concerts, and bars. The best ones are found in the Santee Alley. These come with pico de gallo and guacamole. My nickname for them is a suicide dog. 1) because it's admittedly not that healthy and 2) because they are often sold from converted shopping carts.
I have no idea which entrances are where. But yeah, the east side would be the side facing 4th Ave. Never been over there.

I was planning on maybe taking the bus or light rail down there on Sunday to see what's going on, and I can plan on getting off by the stadium so I can investigate that side of the stadium to see if I can pinpoint it. From the road, it doesn't look like there's much on that side other than delivery areas, but obviously I'm missing something!

So, today's big news:

The trucks are apparently in Seattle a day and a half early. (There's a soccer game at Qwest tomorrow afternoon, and then the trucks are apparently scheduled to get to Qwest at midnight tomorrow night.)

We (and when I say "we," I mean "my work place") may be hosting a few of the trucks in our offsite parking lot. Apparently we usually charge for the space, but since Bono and our CEO are such good buddies, we're letting them use it for free. :wink:

My friend who's in that department said that originally it was supposed to be like 10 of the 20 trucks. And then it was 4, and now he doesn't know if any of them will be there or not. He's going to let me know once he hears either way. And he will know, as he would coordinate to make sure there's someone there to unlock the gates.

If they're there, I'll swing by on my way to my friend's house tomorrow and take some pics just for fun. (I mean, they're just trucks. :lol: ) Unfortunately, the gates will be locked so I can't drive up to them, but it's just a chain link fence surrounding the lots, and it's an open road next to it, so I should be able to easily snap some pics.
Bono probably never has to pay for anything, anywhere he goes.

Isn't that how it works once you're effing Bono?
Okay, so I feel like this is a safe place for me to make a slightly embarrassing confession.

My team had gone out to lunch and then we were given the green light to leave early to start the long weekend. So I drive to my neighborhood and stop for an errand (bought some cheapo camp chairs for GA - yay!). I get a FB message from my friend at work that we're hosting the trucks at the lot.

I responded "You are yanking my chain," he replied "nope," so I immediately turn around and race back down to work (it's about 9 miles). I zip over to the lot. No trucks. WHAT????

yeah. Guess it would have helped to actually ask him "when" before I took off. :lol:

Oops. Oh well. I didn't realize I was going to get so damned excited over some stupid semi trucks. I guess I'm a little excitable right now.

Checked my work email from home - got that Ticketmaster email. I wonder if it'll be too crazy on the west side of the building, as there will be streams of baseball fans heading to and from the game, and it'll make for too much chaos? Who knows.
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