June 4th, 2011 - Qwest Field - Seattle, WA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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My car will be nearby - someone can borrow the backseat if needed. :wink:

I'm going to bring as many small, portable/folding chairs as I can snag .... or as many as will fit in my car, plus a handful of old pillows I don't really use, and hopefully some blankets to spread on the ground. These will be available to share for whomever.

I would hope that Qwest will have some porta-potties, but I have no idea. I figure there are enough bars right in that area that once they're open (and as there's an afternoon game, they should be open around 11 or so, if not earlier), and people probably can waltz right in and use the restroom.

There should be plenty of food options within short walking distance as well, right in Pioneer Square. Especially with the game going on, the street that runs along Qwest will be filled with food vendors, with cheap hot dogs and other ball-game food, which is cool.

And, of course, there are several Starbucks locations within easy distance. :wink:

You will save the day! :applaud:
Going back to what was said earlier about vantage points in the pit - the video I've linked to here is highlights of the first part of Coimbra 1 as I filmed all from the same position - within the pit at the outer-rail on Edge's side about at the furthest point of the bridge's travel.

We did not move from this position so all video was from this place. Hopefully gives an idea of what can and cannot be seen from there. Like I said before the downside is we were pushed back against the rail at times which caused back pain (and this time we're looking to try for very front in the pit if we get there early enough) but you certainly get a good view.

Lol, you guys, I stepped away for a minute for lunch and came back to 3 new pages. :lol:

We've no problem holding a spot for you - in fact krisi83 is well practised at outstretching her arms at the rail and growling at anyone who comes close! and I'm good at making myself wide.
Thanks for the offer, Paul. Normally I prefer the outer rail since I like to see all 4 of them onstage. But it would be cool to watch the show next to you and Kristin. :) Good thinking on Adam's side. I've been on both Edge's and Adam's side, and you are right, Adam tends to be flirtatious with the crowd while Edge seems to focus on his various machineries at his feet.

I may not decide until later. Usually I get my best spot when I decide at the spur of the moment. So my strategery for now: look up when I'm running/walking in and check for the best view. :)

Cori, your back seat can be for napping. ALONE. :D
What, not even autographs? :wink:

Now I'm wondering if there's going to be anyone around at O&T at 6 who already hasn't gotten their numbers.

Maybe we should make it more: If the line has started and you haven't already moseyed down there to get a number, come to the O&T at 6 and see who else needs one, too.

I'm sure that's what will end up happening. If I'm near the stadium when the line starts, I may not be able to resist going to get a number right away, now that I have a better general feeling of the way things work and how others feel.

Maybe a list of numbers isn't a bad idea to make sure anyone who wants to know, knows when the line has started, and if anyone still needs one at 6 at O&T, then we've still got a meeting point to do so.

(there I go, overthinking things again. :reject: )
Its not overthinking. Its U2 security level amber (near red, whatever that is). It is in the Art of War. Something about the victory is in the pre-line plan. :D
Its weird, it has not sunk in yet that I actually have a ticket in hand and am counting the days.

I have not been this excited for a concert since I flew to NYC in 2008 to see the final Police show at Madison Sq Garden
I think it was seeing the 2nd setlist for this leg that has me :hyper:. The reality of certain songs looking like staples. I don't want to spoil things here.
I failed at going spoiler free, and then realized I didn't care (I was too excited). But am entirely too thrilled to see that a few certain songs are in the setlist. :hyper:
Remember how I was panicking because the SLC line was up to 145 the night before? Someone said the numbers only ended up going as high as 228. :lol:

That sounds a lot less scary, considering it probably stayed at 145 from 7 at night until noon the next day or something. Ha.

That makes me feel better.
I initially thought I'd get in line a little later. Like 3:00 or 4:00 pm. But, after reading all these posts I may give the early lineup a try, for once. I'm a little bummed I couldn't get an earlier flight on Friday. I won't be getting in until almost 7:00 pm. I hope that won't be too late to get a good number. Maybe we can stop by the Stadium on the way from the airport. I'll for sure be at O&T but, won't be there until a little later. I hope I won't be stressing out on the plane thinking about what I'm missing out on :) I maybe texting some of you when I land to see what's going on as far as numbers go.
There are a few people who won't be getting in until that evening, and they're planning on getting a number before coming down to Owl & Thistle. It'll be good! :)
^You are coming!! YES!! That's the most important thing first... :)

Yes, I finally got a plane ticket. Waited to long and yes, plane tickets do go up at the 21 day mark. I had to move my arrival up a day. I had wanted to arrive on Thursday.

It'll be nice just to meet and catch up with people. Oh, and see the band :heart:
I can't make it the night before. I barely get to see my dad much (especially when it is just us) and I need him to know that we're "good" even though we don't call each other on a weekly basis. That said, I do hope to hit the line at some point to say "hi" to some fellow Interferencers. :wave:

I'm getting excited!
i think i'm going to talk chris into going straight to the stadium from the airport and seeing what the deal is. if there's already a number system, we'll get ours and hang out for a bit before going to the hotel and possibly hawk and gristle in the evening.
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