June 25th Dublin - Croke Park

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Okay so here is my review, and story.

Okay so I arrive at Croke Park at 5:45, go up with my dad to our premier seats:drool: , I buy a tour t-shirt and a tour book(Which i thin was a rip off, 20 euro for barely anything), so we get in your seats and The Thrills come on, about 10-15k were there and The Thrills were good, sounded good, and played there good songs, I was happy.

So at 7:30 Paddy Casey comes on and plays his first song, and it sucked, i was dreading the next 45 minutes, then I heard his secnd song and it rocked, he was brillant, had abit of a ego but brillant.

So at about 8:50 U2 ejnter the stage to play, stadium still not full, but people rushing in

Vertigo, Great opener everyone on there feet, brillant when the chorus came around, loved it.
Out Of Control, couldn't believe it when i heard the opening, i was jumping up and down, it was brillant.
The Electric Co, One of my favourites from Boy, it rocked hard, and was a great song to play.
Elevation, the place was rocking, I was jumping, I love this song, it ruled, the concert was in fulll swing with this song, blow me away.
New Year's Day, The concert continued to get better as new years Day began, everyone was still standing, and it just ruled.
Beautiful Day, it was great, hearing 80k people chant, Beautiful Days chorus, it was great.
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, this is when i started getting so worked up in the concert i didn't care what song was on, it blow me, away, loved it.
All I Want Is You, beautiful version of this beautiful song
City Of Blinding Lights, this song rocked out loud, the lights were amazing, it was amazing, my favourite song of new album
Miracle Drug sounded brillant live, much better then the studio version, even if few people sang along.
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, heart touxching brillant, in black and white Bono sang my 2nd favourite song of HTDAAB, it was a brillant recording
Love And Peace Or Else, ths song was great, it is killer live, the songs from this album sound so much better live
Sunday Bloody Sunday, ohhhh my god, this was amazing, it was the best version i have ever heard, it was amazing, i can not describe it in words.
Bullet The Blue Sky, not one of the best versions of this song i have ever heard, but still good, a bit of hand that built America in there, and it was still good.
Running To Stand Still, Sounded brillant, but the only song i sat down for, great but my legs needed a rest, and the reading out of some of the declaration of human rights was good
Pride (In The Name Of Love), short but brillant, I lost my voice in this sog, it was brillant.
Where The Streets Have No Name, this song gets better each time I hear it live, it was brillant i loved it what a song, what a night, my 2nd favourite u2 song in all its glory
One, beautiful, my favourite U2 song, and one of the best songs on the night, I sang out loud brillant, the ,oblies lighting up and all.

Zoo Station, okay the crowd was going so crazy i couldn't hear a word of what Bono said, so can't say much
The Fly, I went crazy, me and the person behind me, seemed to be the only people who knew the words, with were rocking, we were singing, my dad couldn't believe i loved this song, he doesn't like it, it ruled, what a performance
Mysterious Ways, I couldn't sit down this was great, best version of this song EVER, it rokced so hard, i screamed the chorus at the top of my lungs.
Party Girl, wen they got somene out of the crowd to play, everyone was cheering and when Party girl, started everyone who knew it was singing, and going crazy, brillant.
All Because Of You, this song sounded so brillant, amazing live, great, somepeople hate this song, i love it
Yahweh, sounded brillant, could have been the closer great song.
Vertigo2, this rocked even harder then any other song, everyone went crazy, i couldn't leave, we were singing out loud, and then the little Jailbreak bit(Brillant song by the way, Thin Lizzy were great), made it better, vertigo 2 was brillant.

Well it was a amazing night, I am going next tour, because U2 are brillant, and they are still getting better.
amazing gig, better than Fridays.
That's all I can say for the moment - off to rest my bones for tomorrow night!
I agree with almost everything Irishteen has posted above. Love and Peace and Mysterious Ways were fantastic. Particularly Edge's solo on Love and Peace. Streets was (as usual) amazing, the second Vertigo had a great extended bit at the end where he added in Jailbreak which was brill. I still don't like the whole posturing that goes with Bullet and I wasn't too sure about the Declaration of Human Rights thing though. My overall impression (reinforced by the fact that my friends who I went with - non fans - weren't too pushed) is that they really pulled it out for the fans last night. Party Girl, Out of Control, Electric Co (with 'Despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage'), and the FANTASTIC Achtung Baby trilogy (on which the visuals were excellent). Miracle Drug does sound fantastic live too, it should've been a great single, but I suppose it's not likely now. And SYCMIOYO still doesn't seem to be the anthem that they'd like it to be.
One complaint and a mistake I'll never make again if I can help it is to be in the upper tier. Sure the view is great, but when most people are casual fans at best and sit down for tracks like The Fly and Zoo Station, it makes you feel like an idiot to be belting out 'I'm ready for the laughing gas'. Still, idiot it was, and idiot it will be in the Cusack Stand lower on Monday evening. Apologies if the above was disjointed - have to recuperate today!

PS Paddy Casey - I really don't understand the man's 'music'. Roll on Ash and the Bravery - should be a bit more rocking!
Could I just add that Paddy Casey came across as extremely humbled to be playing in Croker. I was not a huge fan of his but thought live he was excellent.

the Thrills however were not thrilling and I went for a burger when they were on.
2nd Croke Park gig

First of all hello everyone. Was a great show but did anyone think the sound was terrible? It was hard to make out Bono's voice most of the time.Don't think it was the venue cos Paddy Casey sounded OK. As a result it took me a while to get into the gig. It was my fifth time seeing U2 live but the first time I had that problem. I live near the city centre so i could hear the Friday night gig from my house and dare i say it sounded clearer

As for the set, they blended in the old and the new songs brilliantly, going straight into Sunday Bloody Sunday after Love and Peace especially. SYCMIOYO didn't sound as great live as i thought it would as did City of Blinding Lights but that' probably due the problem mentioned earlier. I'll give Bono & Co the benefit of the doubt on that one.

The stage & lights kicked ass but the gig wasn't a patch on Slane in 2001. What do you think?
Irishteen said:
Okay so here is my review, and story.

Okay so I arrive at Croke Park at 5:45, go up with my dad to our premier seats:drool: , I buy a tour t-shirt and a tour book(Which i thin was a rip off, 20 euro for barely anything), so we get in your seats and The Thrills come on, about 10-15k were there and The Thrills were good, sounded good, and played there good songs, I was happy.

So at 7:30 Paddy Casey comes on and plays his first song, and it sucked, i was dreading the next 45 minutes, then I heard his secnd song and it rocked, he was brillant, had abit of a ego but brillant.

So at about 8:50 U2 ejnter the stage to play, stadium still not full, but people rushing in

Vertigo, Great opener everyone on there feet, brillant when the chorus came around, loved it.
Out Of Control, couldn't believe it when i heard the opening, i was jumping up and down, it was brillant.
The Electric Co, One of my favourites from Boy, it rocked hard, and was a great song to play.
Elevation, the place was rocking, I was jumping, I love this song, it ruled, the concert was in fulll swing with this song, blow me away.
New Year's Day, The concert continued to get better as new years Day began, everyone was still standing, and it just ruled.
Beautiful Day, it was great, hearing 80k people chant, Beautiful Days chorus, it was great.
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, this is when i started getting so worked up in the concert i didn't care what song was on, it blow me, away, loved it.
All I Want Is You, beautiful version of this beautiful song
City Of Blinding Lights, this song rocked out loud, the lights were amazing, it was amazing, my favourite song of new album
Miracle Drug sounded brillant live, much better then the studio version, even if few people sang along.
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, heart touxching brillant, in black and white Bono sang my 2nd favourite song of HTDAAB, it was a brillant recording
Love And Peace Or Else, ths song was great, it is killer live, the songs from this album sound so much better live
Sunday Bloody Sunday, ohhhh my god, this was amazing, it was the best version i have ever heard, it was amazing, i can not describe it in words.
Bullet The Blue Sky, not one of the best versions of this song i have ever heard, but still good, a bit of hand that built America in there, and it was still good.
Running To Stand Still, Sounded brillant, but the only song i sat down for, great but my legs needed a rest, and the reading out of some of the declaration of human rights was good
Pride (In The Name Of Love), short but brillant, I lost my voice in this sog, it was brillant.
Where The Streets Have No Name, this song gets better each time I hear it live, it was brillant i loved it what a song, what a night, my 2nd favourite u2 song in all its glory
One, beautiful, my favourite U2 song, and one of the best songs on the night, I sang out loud brillant, the ,oblies lighting up and all.

Zoo Station, okay the crowd was going so crazy i couldn't hear a word of what Bono said, so can't say much
The Fly, I went crazy, me and the person behind me, seemed to be the only people who knew the words, with were rocking, we were singing, my dad couldn't believe i loved this song, he doesn't like it, it ruled, what a performance
Mysterious Ways, I couldn't sit down this was great, best version of this song EVER, it rokced so hard, i screamed the chorus at the top of my lungs.
Party Girl, wen they got somene out of the crowd to play, everyone was cheering and when Party girl, started everyone who knew it was singing, and going crazy, brillant.
All Because Of You, this song sounded so brillant, amazing live, great, somepeople hate this song, i love it
Yahweh, sounded brillant, could have been the closer great song.
Vertigo2, this rocked even harder then any other song, everyone went crazy, i couldn't leave, we were singing out loud, and then the little Jailbreak bit(Brillant song by the way, Thin Lizzy were great), made it better, vertigo 2 was brillant.

Well it was a amazing night, I am going next tour, because U2 are brillant, and they are still getting better.

Sounds like you had a "brillant" night------lol. Rock On!!!!!!!
Brilliant set. Universally agreed that this show was better than the good (but tentative) first night.

Arrived at Croke at noon, after walking for an hour to get there. About 300th perhaps in the queue. At 1 they opened the gates and lined us all up inside in barriers. At 3 we were let into the stadium and it was a mad walk to get to the Ellipse. Got in on Edge's side, about four people from the rear.

The Thrills and Paddy were both excellent -- is it me or did the lead singer of the The Thrills look like Orlando Bloom? Paddy was great -- awesome percussion and genuinely humbled to be at Croke.

U2 came out with little fanfare -- no Everyone, but when everyone heard Arcade Fire, they knew it was on....

U2 were on fire tonight. The band exploded into Vertigo, then jumped right back to Out of Control and Electric Co, which were brilliant. I think them being in the old town brings back thrilling memories, they were jumping around and enjoying the hell out of the show. A few songs in Bono said, "It's always the second date, isn't that right girls?" leading to a chorus of cheers from the ladies in the house (including my wife).

Nothing completely surprising about the setlist, although Love and Peace is back rightfully at the start of the war trilogy set. Party Girl was a great surprise, though I wish they'd pull up someone from the crowd who could surprise them a la A Sort of Homecoming during Elevation. Matt from Canada seemed stoked to be up there though, and it was great to see him grinning from ear to ear. Overall they played 25 songs for nearly 2.5 hours -- certainly a longer show than in the US. A feeble attempt was made to launch "How long to sing this song," but honestly -- anything else they did would have been anticlimactic.

The band all seemed in fine form, relaxed and smiling, really using the catwalk this time (as opposed to the first night). They all came down for Love and Peace, but Adam took a walk during New Year's Day, Edge was out there quite a bit for Electric Co and Zoo Station, and Bono ran down during All I Want is You and plucked a lucky girl who was sitting on someone's shoulders. Security wanted her down but Bono waved them off and brought her up. Unlike some of the more inappropriate women who have been up there, she was polite, calm, and having the time of her life.

The biggest surprise was the visuals -- so much better than the US. They are really using the wall of lights behind them much better than they did on leg one. Catherine Owens has added some great new images for the tour that expand on the visuals from leg one.

Overall, nothing more can be said about the show -- it was amazing, and it will be interesting to see the momentum they take with them into leg three....
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Hello from Ireland! :wave:
I was lucky enough to see all 3 shows (24th and 27th courtesy of nice fans who had to give up their tix for face) and the 25th from the pre-sale. Anyway, I think the 25th was the best!!!! And wow, were there a lot of photographers and a couple of video cams filming it. I ended up at the very front of the pitch! :combust:
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