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Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
Okay...well...I think that Matt is mad at me and doesn't want to see me. :sad:

I know what time he gets off from work today...he works at this ginormous outlet mall a half hour away. He claims he lost his cell phone, so I can't call him (I think he's just not answering when I call).

Would it be considered stalking if I were to happen to be in need of some Customer Service for the mall, therefore I would happen to be in his area of work, therefore I would have to talk to him to request information in order to service the customer (me)? :shifty:

I will make him talk to me. :mad:

Should I not go?


I don't even know where the hell Customer Service is in that horrendously huge place. :mad:

It means an hour of driving total too.
I wouldn't do it, that's for sure.

Malls + Me = insane rampage
I must clean my hamster Benny's place of residence. While doing so, I will discuss this matter with him.

Benny = Wise

:heart: Benny :heart:

i dont know u at all but if i were u ...

when he does eventually call ... which he will do.... i would ignore his calls

but then this could just be a case of misunderstanding - like u said, he said he'd lost his phone :huh:

let him sulk and he'll soon see what he's missing = you.

but dont go 'stalking' him or ringing him lots cos that just pisses guys off, makes u look needy :( - have been there done that :no:

hope that makes sense :| ;)

good luck. :wave:
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I AM needy though...:reject:

I understand what you're saying though, and it makes sense. Thanks for the advice. :hug:
If he IS mad at you, that will probably piss him off more. Just give him time to cool off, then if you haven't talked to him in a while, try to get in touch with him. But I'm sure he'll try to get in touch with you first. :hug:
bonosloveslave said:
Why don't you call the customer service # and just ask for him silly? ;)

I don't know if he's supposed to receive personal calls at work. He used to always call me while he was at work, but then he'd suddenly say, "I have to go, bye!" and he'd hang I figured he probably was sneaking calls to me when nobody else was around.

I don't think getting him in trouble at work would help things. :slant: :sigh: :(

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