It's Official: I hate removing stickers/security devices from cd's

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Blue Meth Addict
Aug 12, 2000
I hate it SO much when you buy a cd and they have those stupid security sticker things on the inside of the case. I dont know how many cases I've broken trying to get those things out.

I also freaking hate it when you buy a used cd and bring it home and spend about 10 minutes trying to remove all of the stickers they put all over the stupid thing.

I also hate the stupid little sticker/barcode thing they have on new cds, that sucks to remove too.

Other than that, I support cd's, except for when stores are selling them for too damn much.
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I'm super anal about those stickers and things on the inside of the case. I just cant stand to see them in there. I must remove them, must remove them, must remove them...
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Use a razor blade to help you peel it off then spray it with a lubricant like WD-40 or Goo Gone and they'll come right off.
Sicy said:
Use a razor blade to help you peel it off then spray it with a lubricant like WD-40 or Goo Gone and they'll come right off.

Thanks for the advice! I'll try that!

Anything has to be better than my "scrape with fingernails" system.
Re: Re: It's Official: I hate removing stickers/security devices from cd's

u2popmofo said:
I'm super anal about those stickers and things on the inside of the case. I just cant stand to see them in there. I must remove them, must remove them, must remove them...

It's scary how similar we are... I think they only put the stickers on cd's with parental advisories, so the government can secretly track the migration and sale of 2LiveCrew albums...
eh? I didn't know they put stickers on goo goo doll albums...
I feel like I'm aboot to be attacked by scary moderators... did I do something wrong... am I in the doghouse?
There's a restaurant here called the noodlery... I always pronounce it nudelery...
u2popmofo said:
I hate it SO much when you buy a cd and they have those stupid security sticker things on the inside of the case. I dont know how many cases I've broken trying to get those things out.

I also freaking hate it when you buy a used cd and bring it home and spend about 10 minutes trying to remove all of the stickers they put all over the stupid thing.

I also hate the stupid little sticker/barcode thing they have on new cds, that sucks to remove too.

Other than that, I support cd's, except for when stores are selling them for too damn much.

ok, i'll be the devil's advocate for the annoying security stickers...

i used to work for a record store, and we had to put those security stickers on the inside of the cd cases, because some shoplifters became smart and started removing them with razor blades. now most cd's are enclosed in a plastsic security case to prevent those stickers from being removed from the inside. it is a big necessity to have those stickers.

the top stickers that are put on the side of the cd, that has the name of the band, the barcode...the best way to remove that is to open the cd case from the bottom, like you would 'unhinge' the cd case, and then slowly lift the front case away from the other case, and the sticker would peel off if done slowly. then remove the other side slowly also. i hope i made some sense in this dept.

as for those parental advisory stickers and price tags that stick too well...what sicy said. razor blade and wd40.
whats a cd

i havent bought a cd in ages...aside for U2...i think...yeah...probably about 5 cds in the last 2 years
Re: whats a cd

kobayashi said:
i havent bought a cd in ages...aside for U2...i think...yeah...probably about 5 cds in the last 2 years

I bought that many in the last few weeks.
Re: whats a cd

kobayashi said:
i havent bought a cd in ages...aside for U2...i think...yeah...probably about 5 cds in the last 2 years

Holy shit! Do you get all your music off the net, then? CDs sound sooo much better than mp3s though....

In the last 3 months I've bought about 35 cds.

Buying cds is fun. I love making impulse buys that turn out to be really good. And so far I haven't really hit any duds. *knock on wood*

If only cds were cheaper...
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