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dandy said:
ooh, zzzziiing!


You love the Rambo movies. You made a thread about it for gods sake :grumpy:

1) why I Dand, love Rambo
--- The plot - Amaaaaaazing. They captured war, knife action and emotions better than anything before and after.
2) Because Rambo travels + provides somekind of public service wherever he goes :love:

Thats directly copied and pasted from that thread Dand, and you know it :grumpy:
Rambo blows arse, Stallone. Suffer in your jocks.

car·ni·vore ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kärn-vôr, -vr)
A flesh-eating animal.
Any of various predatory, flesh-eating mammals of the order Carnivora, including the dogs, cats, bears, weasels, hyenas, and raccoons.
One who victimizes or injures others; a predator.
An insectivorous plant.


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