Interference's Top 100 Albums of All Time - Results Thread

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#90 - Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home


All the folkies wanted to hang him for this. Doesn't sound all that bad to me.

it's not bright eyes

He said he's bringin it home, but he's not taking it anywhere.

Poetry for sheep. Music for the faint-of-heart. If you're too stoned to detect bullshit lyrics, or too afraid to experience truly emotional music, then give up audio pleasures altogether, instead of fooling yourself that you're being immersed into a "whole new world of low-key working-class (my ass) intellect". Actually, what you're really doing is falling into one of the many traps that quasi-artists-turned-charlatans have set for the gullible among us. Whether it be Picasso, Andy Warhol, Velvet Underground, or li'l Bob, they're all the same at the end of the day: a**holes who get rich because some people simply can't tell their ass from their nose, let alone quality art from quick-buck bullshit "art".

Oh, and "Mr.Tambourine Man" is junk, not a classic. "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream" is to rake in enough dough to shame Mother Theresa! And that was a high-class crook, barely to be matched by anyone.

The gaul this ugly little twerp has to name a song by referring to himself in the third person. "Bob Dylan Wipes His Behind With 100-Dollar Bills"; that's still in the third person, but at least it would be honest. "Mr.Zimmerman Has Decided Not To Give Any Interviews In Order To Preserve His Baloney Mysterious Aura". Now, THAT would be truly honest! Isn't folk-rock supposed to be drenched in truth and honesty? Yeah, right.
#89 - Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends


Damn straight. Their best album and absolutely, 100% deserves to make the list. Such a pretty, unassuming record.

I love Simon & Garfunkel, but I hate this [in my sincere opinion] pretentious-pseudo-intectual-shitty-work.

Floats past without making much of an impression[...]

The music is, for me, questionable, but I've always found their music questionable. It is nice enough, and I admit to liking it, but it exudes a sense of process, and it is slick, and nothing too much happens.

Can YOU guess which quote is from Rolling Stone?
My current CD collection and my former LP collection are pleased so far.
#88 - The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour


Fuck every other album on this list. THIS one has Strawberry Fields Forever.

Remove 'Strawberry Fields' and 'I Am the Walrus', forget it's The Beatles, and listen to this album. Yeah, that's right, it's absolute shit, just like the movie.

Flying, Blue Jay Way, Your Mother Should Know, Baby You're A Rich Man. Did the group just not try to write a complete album or were they out of ideas? The so-called better tracks, Penny Lane and Strawberry Fiels suffer from Paul's lightweight writing and John's nasally singing - "Straw Berry Fieeeelds For Eveh.."

Who knows, but it sure doesn't stand up to anything before or after its release. Anyone who rates this 5-stars is simply swept up in the Beatles. They can't be listening to the music.

Resale Bin Candidate, August 15, 2000
By A Customer
With tracks like "Blue Jay Way", "Flying" and "Your Mother Should Know", this album has the worst Beatle filler on it of any album except the White Album. "Strawberry Fields" always gets recognition, but John Lennon just couldn't sing - with that nasally "Strawberrie FIELDS For-eveh" being repeated.
#87 - The Strokes - Is This It


The Velvet Underground reincarnated or just a shitty garage band? Neither. Listen and make up your own mind.

Yeah this is a 5 star album by a cover band. But since this is not VH1's "Coverwars" they get the real world: 1 star. Why? No real ground is broken, the songs are sung in a whiny spoiled brat way about what they experienced while "slumming" that weekend. Boring!!!
Do yourself a favor and pick up Television's "Marquee Moon" and you will see what a real band can do without distortion and you will also realize why The Strokes should be named The Hoax.

when people act cool for so long that people believe it,this shit happens.douchebag mall-hipster trash.iggy and the stooges did it for real.this stuff is a joke

this album is pretty bad. i think the strokes succeed on marketing more on their actual music, which, even ignoring the bands they rip off, is pretty lame and repetitive. the singer uses the same distorted effect on his voice in every song, which doesn't help at all. it's actually painful to hear this getting so popular when new bands such as The Shins, Trail of Dead, and the White Stripes are doing similar things much better.


Is this (sh)it. All this sets out to prove is that any band, regardless of talent, can get an album out and with a little push and payola can succeed. But will The Stokes be remembered? I think not. The music press loves them, but lets face it, what do these guys really know? Nothing, judging by the "quality" of their journalism. Rock music is is in a state, a bad one. The music the Strokes make is stagnant and dull, they rob inspiration but never are inspired by it. Play but never get the ball rolling and reach heights they might believe they do. Insipid and lifeless, functional and repetitive. Yes, this is indeed it.
#86 - Love - Forever Changes


One of the better pissed-off '60s hangover records.

I couldn't believe my ears the first time I heard this. I thought this music was horrid. But no, it couldn't be that bad, could it? Yes, yes it could. And it is. It's so horrible I'm still trying to forget how awful it really was.

So the ultimate cultural statement of the 20th century's most turbulent decade is a jingly, bady dated, folk LP with piss-poor production and laughable vocals?

Just another heavily overrated product. Maybe we are living in an age of icons and idols were content means nothing provided the packaging is Ok.
A sad example of how abuse of drugs can spoil the imaginary talent of a man who's able to pen lyrics like "The snot has caked on my pants", which is just a sample of the stupid words that flood the record.
The orchestration is simply not working, the utterly cheesy and ridiculous latin flavour or light psych, the whole of it all shows a band trying with despair to imitate Beatles' Sgt Pepper/ Beach Boys' Pet Sounds without really getting to anything with a little substance.
Of course this is a really overrated record, and we can say it.
#85 - Led Zeppelin - III


For those who don't want II and IV on the list...this is a BAD sign.

These reviews are classic. Some of my favorites so far:

Cover of CD nice. It interesting. Music not good. First song sound like band trying to scare people. And man who sing songs, not understanding why people like him. He look a like a man, but he too much sound like woman. Pretty sure he a hippie too. It sound like they use cheap guitar on songs. Sound not clear, it just very loud. Maybe they make some money first and buy better guitar. Songs not very understanding either. Not good!!

1 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars An embarrassing hippy relic , July 18, 2006
By JACkory - See all my reviews
Any band that writes a tender love song about a piece of citrus fruit needs to be forgotten about as soon as possible.

If these guys had decided to release an album under the name "Joe and the Dudes" just to see how they'd do without their already famous name, this album would be long forgotten. In fact, in this day of wonderful recording quality and post-primitive guitar technology, I cannot understand why anybody listens to 80% of Led Zeppelin's _oeuvre_. Page's guitar always sounds twangy, Plant's falsetto is only slightly pre-Bee Gees falsetto, and the rhythm section ... well, let's put it this way, I'll take Mike and Alex. What do these guys have that 10 bands since haven't had? Only fame. Yuck. I give it three stars to denote mediocrity.
Cover of CD nice. It interesting. Music not good. First song sound like band trying to scare people. And man who sing songs, not understanding why people like him. He look a like a man, but he too much sound like woman. Pretty sure he a hippie too. It sound like they use cheap guitar on songs. Sound not clear, it just very loud. Maybe they make some money first and buy better guitar. Songs not very understanding either. Not good!!

omg :laugh:
#84 - Husker Du - Zen Arcade


Adolescence can kiss my ass.

They surely had "fun" playing this music. Lots of people had and still have "fun" listening to it and identifying with it.
Hmmm. Hardcore... Yeeeeeeeah... Whatever. It is not a noisy music. It's simply noise and nothing but noise. If it's true that the Minutemen were inspired / influenced by this release than thank God they've chosen a different way.

This hardcore is noise pollution ):

Frankly, this album bores me to my very core. The sound quality is awful, the band forgot to construct anything resembling a tune, the entire album is one long dirge-like guitar chug-a-thon. Add into the mix the fact that whichever vocalist takes over, they neglect to even acknowledge a key, and you have yourself a genuine overheated horror.
Cover of CD nice. It interesting. Music not good. First song sound like band trying to scare people. And man who sing songs, not understanding why people like him. He look a like a man, but he too much sound like woman. Pretty sure he a hippie too. It sound like they use cheap guitar on songs. Sound not clear, it just very loud. Maybe they make some money first and buy better guitar. Songs not very understanding either. Not good!!

:lmao: :applaud:
#83 - Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures


Little crybaby emo kids were indirectly influenced by this record. But, then again, so were the people who influenced the people that directly influenced them. Society sucks, and the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Period.

Ian Curtis plunges into the depths of post-existential, post-structural connotative ruminations on the implications of our "thrown-ness" (as Heidegger put it) into this world, into its light, its darkness, and the transluscent twilight of the ambiguity we confront as we try to choose between good and evil with nothing to guide us beyond the pull of our compulsive pusilanimity. Curtis's inept baritone proves the perfect counterpoise for Joy Division's disinterested, motoric rhythms and the barely competent guitar of whatsisname. All in all, an album for the ages. The early middle ages, to be precise, during the last few years of Pepin the Short's reign.

More than any band I can think of, Joy Division makes it plain that it's virtually impossible to underestimate the intelligence, or overestimate the gullibility, of Western Man. There's no arguing about individual taste, or one's ability to perceive the paradox of beauty in ugliness, or any subjective point of view when it comes to this band. Joy Division is objectively crap. Musically, lyrically, conceptually, aesthetically, even the production blows. In 35 years of obsessive record collecting, I've never seen any band even come close to Joy Division when it comes to pulling the wool over peoples' eyes. Come to think of it, why do you think you never see Ian Curtis and Karl Rove photographed together?

this album should have been called "unknown lows in the field of crappiness and sucking." what do you get when you take a singer that's more boring than listening to a garbage (-bunny!--zing) dispose-all, and some boring hard rock guitars/beats and put them in a broken blender? the worst band in the world, joy (more like misery) division. the only time i listened to this craptastic mess was when i was stone drunk (and stoned) at my friends house, and i didnt even like it then. actually, I don't really remember it that much, just that it sucked ass. if you want some real music, listen to simon and garfunkle, who could make these pansies run home to their mamas if they ever met em in a dark alley! overall, this album serves as a testimony to human stupidity, mostly because no one is smart enough to see that it sucks. bottom line: it sucks!

Just fucking awful. It wouldn't be quite so bad if they weren't so highly praised, but reading these endless panegyrics to Ian Curtis really makes me want to kick the shit of someone. About as "dark" and "terrifying" as a day at the Bureau of Motor Vehicle Registration. No wonder they all dressed like low-level civil servants during many of their performances. No question about it: the most overrated band in the history of modern music.
#82 - Bruce Springsteen - The Wild, The Innocent, & The E Street Shuffle


My favorite Springsteen record. Seriously.

The name's "DUD" Frank Dud! I rate DUD albums like this one here by Bruce Springsteen.

This is the one of the best album, apparently, that he release in 1975. Both my brothers liked it but I cannot stand it. First off his voice stinks and his E street band is no picnic either. Making his career a hollow tree.

Bruce Springsteen will be forever one of worst artist I ever encountered. Number one: He has a terrible voice. Number two: His arrangement terrible... Number three: His E Street Band is terrible. Number four: He is a loser!

To prove this point, and it is forever in the record book, that during the 2004 presidential elections. He endorsed John Kerry as Candidacy President of the United States. Though very involved in his campaign, he put out a concert some where in the U.S. for that endorsement though many people showed up, all he had was a "good concert" to which the public says. After the election. I believe that both New York newspapers, The Daily News and the New York Post, indicate that the song should have been titled "Born to lose" instead of Born to Run". A very good analogy for the man that deserves a .5 in all his records.

I proved my point!!!

Have a wonderful day

Frank Dud

He deserves a -100
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