Interference Thread Survivor Match 10: The Cycle of Screw vs. Refrigerator Rock

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My bridge plays So Cruel is so fabulously random. I laughed out loud for minutes after I've read that post. A phrase in that vein sounds like it came straight out of a Monty Python sketch, and that's the highest possible compliment I can give it.

The other thread is another typical example of Interference self-evident insanity, but I have the Morrissey thread for that.
I think I might have voted for Fridge had it been started by Annie, because it sounds straight out of as it is I remember the OP as being otherwise sane and unremarkable, and he didn't bite or go ballistic, so the thing dies at page 4.

Enemies of art, however, lives on forever. It is also the turning point of where I began exercising self control in excusing myself from discussions where I would likely lose my shit. (With varying levels of success since, of course..) :lol:

So, yeah, Enemies it is..
The Cycle of Screw puts Tribute Bands WAY over the top. Maybe my favorite post ever.
I think:

"The problem is you cannot change the function of art. Art will always work in a specific way. Outside variables can't affect the way art is."

has got to be some of the biggest amount of horseshit masquerading as logic I've ever read on this website.

The whole cycle of art thing is so..screwy, if you'll pardon the pun, that if I didn't know any better I'd like to think the entire group responding to him was being had by one of the best trolllololols of all time.

It'd make it easier to understand, anyways...but, no, he was dead serious.
Tribute Bands might be the front runner for me. It is a flavor of stubbornness I have never seen before, and the way he digs in is insanely awesome. The Cycle of Art is such an insane premise in its own right, and then for NSW to parlay that into the Cycle of Screw ... sometimes the stars align and you get a thread like that one. Top. Fucking. Notch.
I do have to say the thread gets epic when the OP goes very drama queen near the end.

But a fridge playing the exact same note like 3:50 of So Cruel is just too good.
You had to be there, man. Screw was a thing for a long time. That NSW was able to craft such a detailed analysis of his posting patterns kind of says it all. Hell, he has two threads in this competition.

I wish fridge guy made more threads.
Screw was a major player in B&C like four or five years ago. He loved Kate Bush and Tori Amos and generally carrying a If only women could see me for the awesome romantic that I truly am attitude that insecure guys claim as the only thing holding them back from the beautiful women they borderline stalk. The most bizarre aspect of his insecurity, though, was his complete inability to listen to others and understand what they are saying. That one thread is able to perfectly capture that stubbornness, naivety and self-pity is a testament to how great that thread is. It is a very good snapshot of a significant period of time on this board.

Man, was I bored in 2008.
Check out the accompanying paragraph for one of his Desert Island entries

What is man afraid of more than anything else? Is it death? Is it love? This is the story of a man, a woman and the female orgasm. The fear of which has brought two people together: a female drifter and a man with a car. The woman says, "Take me home." Her finger points to the west and higher. This woman lives in a house surrounded by red rock. The man on the other hand must resist the urge to engage this beauty sexually for fear of the female anatomy. In the orgasm there is a meeting with mortality and the heart of the universe itself. It is the revelation and confession before the dance. It is the soliloquy before the death of stars and children. When listening to the playlist envision the journey either by road of by bed. These are the final moments before the real show.

A Girl- "When I was a child, I used to play in the snow. It was my world and a place where I created. A strange effect followed that. In adulthood, I would chill when I was in the awe of love. Those singular moments would bring shivers. Love is the warm wrapping of another's wings around you. I now bring myself to be frozen in the awe of love with the hope that your wings will wrap me. May our wings bring us under the covers where the outside world is held back. I don't want to be alone anymore."

A Boy- "When I was a child, I almost died in a swimming pool. I've never been that alone in my entire life but I've never been afraid since. The nearest I ever come is when I think about others alone. Love is all I have ever wanted but love brings sex. In the orgasm, there lies the whisper of death and beating heart to silence. Then we're both alone. I don't want to be alone anymore."

A Man- "In a nightmare
To fuck
Too fragile to save the woman
She bleeds a river through the pass
The childhood security of life
In gasps the hand of death on her forehead
Sweat is dangerous
If we go swimming together,
Will I be accused as the murderer
As she is the one who bleeds?"

To touch
To discover
One finger down a cheek
A nose running down the other
Lips opening
Hair put down
Brushed out of a face
A blanket wrapping around
Sealing a moment inside
A kiss
A vow
A promise

A Woman- "Outside there is beautiful sunset. The kind with a purple sky and a gentle explosion of orange as delicate as straw in the wind. It is a moment when all things stop and the demons of the day rest. I miss childhood wonder. Staring at these colorful curtains before Orion comes out to play. It is like love over and over this little marble. I miss falling towards whatever dreams the night may hold. One last breath. One last lover's kiss in the presence of the awe of love. One last smile before the real show."
I've read the first paragraph and then my brain started to hurt.
Love the randomness of Fridge, it's certainly spawned an enduring running joke... But I have to go with the Screwtape insanity this time.
gvox said:
If Screwy ever does lose his virginity, something tells me it will be the most colossally disappointing anti-climax he ever experiences.

Screw's lack of acquaintance with the female orgasm really takes that DI entry up a notch.
Fuck you for putting these two threads against each other.

While the complete random zaniness that is my fridge plays so cruel may be my favorite thread ever, it's hard to deny how epic and enduring the Cycle of Screw is.

I'm tossing a sympathy vote at the fridge, since this result looks pretty clear-cut. Shame either of them has to bow out of the tournament so early.
Mind = blown

One thing I wanted to ask... If someone plays in a cover/tribute band, but is also a writer or painter of highly original works, are they their own enemy??

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