Interference Random Music Talk Part II: The Wrath of Khan

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I only know In Ghost Colours as well, so I am the last to judge. You should still make one, I have a sweet link...
"Bixby Canyon Bridge" was pretty damn good, too. But those two are about it. Tremendous disappointment.
"Bixby Canyon Bridge" was pretty damn good, too. But those two are about it. Tremendous disappointment.

I am listening to that now as I don't remember it. You're right, 'tis good.

I don't know, I may have just moved on from the band for now. I never really find myself wanting to hear their music any more. I go through phases like that with some bands though (particularly after overlistening), so I'm sure I'll come back around sometime.
I'd probably say that The Photo Album is my favorite of theirs (at least it was when I was listening to them a lot), but it's a close call with Transatlanticism. The old stuff is more or less the same, a little more lo-fi. While I felt like Transatlancism was a big step forward for them, the last two have almost felt like a de-evolution of sorts (which is odd considering the major label backing).
I won tickets to Duffy's ACL taping this Wednesday.

Now who the hell is Duffy and should I care? Tapings are a blast, so I might just go anyway.
I like Duffy, and her album, a lot.

Maybe she only got signed or popular thanks to Amy Winehouse and her retro, big-voiced vibe. I don't care. She's still good, regardless as to whether she's riding Amy's coattails or not.
Quick question; do any of you still buy vinyl?

Every once in a while, for collecting purposes only. I don't have, or plan on buying, a record player. Usually just get albums I really like and would like to display the artwork in that large size, or artists I love (Sigur Ros discography for example, Radiohead In Rainbows discbox, Okkervil River, etc).
Quick question; do any of you still buy vinyl?

Yes. It's all I buy.

Pomo, you of all people ought to hop on the vinyl train.

Woo wooooo.

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Quick question; do any of you still buy vinyl?

I have very few records (Unforgettable Fire, Magical Mystery Tour, REM's Fables, Def Leppard's Pyromania and Coldplay VLV... that's it) but I plan on getting more esp. since I have a turntable now to play them on. But I doubt it will be stuff that I don't already have. This is just for novelty sake so I'm sure I'll still be buying CDs for albums that I don't have and want.
When I went to get the new Oasis at the local record store at lunch, they had two copies of the new David Gilmour live album in this huge 5LP set. It was freakin' $92!

It looked beautiful, though.
Who the hell is that singing with Colin Meloy on the song Yankee Bayonet (I Will be Home Then)? She sounds lovely, and that song is just gorgeous. A current favorite of mine.

I saw them live with My Brightest Diamond opening. The beautiful Shara Worden came out to sing that duet with Colin and it rocked.
I've decided that I don't like The New Pornographers. They seem like just the sort of band I'd love - good pop sensibilities, Neko Case, a little bit of quirkiness.

And yet ... and yet. There's just something about them that grates on me. Save for one or two songs, I just don't like them. I have tried for years to cram them into my musical liking, but it's like a rhombus peg in an isoceles triangle hole.
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