Inside Broadcast VII: An Ode To The Permabanned

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At the end of the day, we can all bond over our shared hope that Zoots doesn't "know people."
I noticed at least two or more people mentioned the passive-aggressive barely-anonymous barbs flung about in threads like UYMFA. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that, while I have commented in it myself, if I'm honest the thread does more harm than good as it delays confronting issues head on. And then, as some have noted, they fester and can spiral out of control. Has UYMFA run it's course and perhaps needs to be closed? Does it help alleviate stress or does it further excaberate problems? Food for thought.

By the way, Imperor: I wasn't really referring to you, to be honest.
I didn't mean in UYMFA, actually. I meant pretty much exactly Tiger Edge, Galeongirl, and indra did within the last couple of pages.
Well, thanks for clearing that up, Gabe. Shouldn't have been quick to take it so personally. I'm just as guilty (if not more so) than my cronies more often than not, so it seemed like a good inference.

As for UYMFA needing to be open or closed, I don't really care. I understand why it's there, and for the most part, the posts are vague enough to keep anything from really flaring up. I personally don't utilize it since I have no qualms saying this to folks directly (Gabe, you can certainly vouch for this). But if some folks need it to vent, there's no reason to take it down. And tensions are really only going to get to a boiling point when the posts in there are obviously directed toward a specific individual who then is alerted to that fact.
Has UYMFA run it's course and perhaps needs to be closed? Does it help alleviate stress or does it further excaberate problems? Food for thought

No second thread should have ever begun, like Sicy said in the first place.
This is why UYMFA doesn't work:

oh, that's fucking ironic. you only seem to venture into some sections of the forum to troll and you openly admit to having no interest in those parts.

you hypocrite.

Cheers, fuckface.
I actually think he might have been talking about someone else.

For the record.

(....but I have been wrong before. :shh: )
What I'm trying to say, though, is you can see how something like that may have been interpreted by someone who earlier in the day said they stay out of parts of the forum they have no interest in. Like I did in my the post I edited to say "nevermind."
I personally don't utilize it since I have no qualms saying this to folks directly (Gabe, you can certainly vouch for this).

No, you don't and neither do I, really, and I've paid prices for this. To be perfectly honest with you, however, I've yet to see you develop the art/skill/whatever of realizing when you've crossed the line and any real or sincere attempt at making amends with the person (although, to be fair, I don't really follow your behavior in totality so I could be wrong).

I harbor no ill will towards you because of it, I've long written it off as you losing your composure/having a bad day, but you did bring it up.
You're really not wrong at all. In any case, the only folks here I think I've had any major blowups with are you and Zoney. You and I cross paths so rarely that it's pretty much an afterthought at this point anyway, like you said.
I just said this to Ian personally, but I'll say it in here too: the fuckface remark was uncalled form, definitely softened my original point, and warrants an apology. I do stand by what I said to Cori afterward about the misinterpretation aspect of it.

So again, to everyone and especially Ian: I apologize. Things seemed to be getting resolved somewhat, but that certainly didn't help.
Ha, I thought you were being facetious. Like I always call NSW a moneygrubbing, Jewish prick, but actually consider him an excellent model of the American Dream.
Well, I was. But it definitely didn't come across that way. So I'll take responsibility for it. I don't blame Ian at all for being a little taken aback.
It was the "cheers" that gave it away. Impy being serious usually involves something Texan like "YEE-HAH!"
can't really add anything that's already been said. my opinions have all been covered.

i just wonder how we will ever know if zoots got it on wit a skank now?

as indra said though - what a final post.
Yes, BVS, it's certainly been an odd day in Interference history. But at the very least, we managed to get a little reasonable discourse going on something that's been bothering a few of you folks for a while. That's worth something even if Tiger Edge never decides to chime in.
i'm sure it's prevented me being banned a few times over now.

Whatever works for you. If it's UYMFA, then I guess it has its place after all. Me? I'll continue to rely on my good looks:

Well, I'm pretty sure he said he don't get with no skank, but I guess we'll never know if that was a facade.


i don't think interference has been this moved since u2man bit the dust.

99% of all the shit on these here forums go over my head, so you just stay out of/ignore it, i spose. i was very disappointed unpopular opinions got closed, as there was some good 'cross-group' discussion going on in there.

i also have no idea what all this UYMFA stuff is you're all talking about. glad i went for a jetski out in the sun today. :happy:
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