I thought U2 were supposed to be rehearsing...

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Oct 31, 2002
I just saw Larry at the rugby on the TV!

I think this is shocking and just shows what an arrogant band U2 are. After all the hassles they have out us through trying to get their tickets and now they cannot be bothered to rehearse again.

(Cheers, Jick)


seriously good to see Larry watching the rugby, shame they lost!!
You're kidding, right? The band are allowed to relax ahead of their Induction in a couple days. Let's not start assuming what the band have been up to or that they are arrogant.
I really doubt that they'll hit Vancouver until the end of next week. Who knows. Whatever the case, they only need a few nights to get aquainted with the stage.
I think he was kidding :wink:

Seems like a pot shot at troll-y posts, anda good one at that :wink:

Nice bit about Jick though, cheers!

*and really, a forum moderator should be able to recognize that, no?*
Let's hope Bono doesn't fall off opening night again. Rehearse that walking backwards bit twice.
cmb737 said:
*and really, a forum moderator should be able to recognize that, no?*

I'm not a big fan of assumption, so no, I didn't recognize that as sarcasm. Because somethings people say around here are just as crazy, but they're actually serious.
I think most of the time in Vancouver is to get the roadies acquainted with the stage...setting it up and tearing it down; taking the stuff off trucks and putting it back on them again. This stuff has to be choreographed like the actual show gets choreographed because everything is timed to the minute. So I would not get on U2 for what you may perceive to be a lack of dedication to their craft. Believe me, we love this band BECAUSE of their dedication.
I agree with NHChris. The crew is there weeks ahead of time to get used to setting up and tearing down. They have to do a lot in a little bit of time and have to get very good at it. U2 can rehearse the songs anywhere they want, and I've even noticed a change in the quality of the new songs from brooklyn bridge to the grammy's. They've definitely been practicing. Yet, I'm sure at some point Bono will still mix up the words or forget his spot, but isn't that what we love about him:shrug:
NHChris said:
I think most of the time in Vancouver is to get the roadies acquainted with the stage...setting it up and tearing it down; taking the stuff off trucks and putting it back on them again. This stuff has to be choreographed like the actual show gets choreographed because everything is timed to the minute. So I would not get on U2 for what you may perceive to be a lack of dedication to their craft. Believe me, we love this band BECAUSE of their dedication.

It is probably like the movie Miracle in the scene where the coach is bummed after a loss and the players have to skate over and over.

Bono will have this whistle, and the roadies will start by unloading all the trucks, putting up the stage, then loading it back into the trucks.

They'll do it like 14 times in 32 hours, and Bono will keep blowing that damn whistle over and over until they get super fast and efficient at it.

By about the 6th time through, roadies will be sweating, tired and pissed off -- under their breath they'll whisper things like, "F** this litte Irish man and his damn tour. You still have not found what your looking for, I got it right here" as he flips Bono the bird!

Selfish bastards. If they're going to be at the Waldorf Astoria tomorrow, and likely jetting into Vancouver straight from there, and if the rumor is true that U2 Co. only has GM Place until the 19th, then I only have 6 days to meet the boys. Who the hell do they think they are??
melsbud said:
Selfish bastards. If they're going to be at the Waldorf Astoria tomorrow, and likely jetting into Vancouver straight from there, and if the rumor is true that U2 Co. only has GM Place until the 19th, then I only have 6 days to meet the boys. Who the hell do they think they are??

Can anybody confirm this? Are they only there until the 19th, and then (presumably) they would trek back to Southern Cali and do more rehearsals?
U2 are a sell out

The last three albums were commercial failures

The forthcoming tour will be a washout, based on disappointing ticket sales



PS for mods - This is a satire. SATIRE, get it?
When I walked past GM Place the other day all I saw was a big white truck in the loading dock and through the garage door area I saw a bunch of audio equipment and plywood. They are probably just setting up and tearing down over and over right now like everyone has been saying. And no I didnt see anything that even resemples something cool and exciting so please dont harrass me assuming I know what the stage looks like :p
financeguy said:
U2 are a sell out

The last three albums were commercial failures

The forthcoming tour will be a washout, based on disappointing ticket sales



PS for mods - This is a satire. SATIRE, get it?

I agree.. U2's preparations have been far from perfect for this tour, for obvious reason.. I predict that U2 after failing in the first and second legs will mount the "mother of all comebacks" and perform brilliantly in the third leg..

I also predict that Bono will finally grow up and treat his fans properly and not keep bashing them like he has done on every our since the '82 tour when he was nice to a fan once..



Sorry mods, can't be the sarcasm!
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