I really like FAST CARS

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Nov 18, 2000
Roermond, Netherlands
Yesterday I was listening to 'Fast Cars' again. WOW, too bad it's only on the UK-album cause I think it maybe is their best song on the album!!!

I also was listening to 'Smile' and 'Mercy' ..hope they'll put those songs on an album in the future....
Fast Cars ROX!!!!! :rockon: I would spontaneously combust if they played FC when I see them in November or December! :combust: :faint: :wink:
yeah it deserved a place on the album worldwide!!

Whey are they making exceptions for the UK? (they did the same with Ground beneath her feet...)
Fast Cars is great, as is The Ground Beneath Her Feet.

Not sure why they wasn't put on all versions of ATYCLB and HTDAAB though, they are great songs and should have been on all versions.

Im lucky enough to live in the UK though, so I have both songs on my albums. :)
"Fast Cars" is great and should have been on the album. As "Smile" and "Mercy" as well.

"Smile" won't be on the next album I dont think. It was released on the u2 I-Pod so I think that's a sign. "Mercy" was left off, so I think that's a good sign.
Fast Cars is a great song, sounds just so different, the album is ending excepting no big suprisesthen suddenly U2 become a middle-eastern band, if U2 which to do a middle eastern sound in the future Im behind them.
yeah why dont this just stick this song on every cd? it was the same with ATYCLB and TGBHF.

So there is like the UK release with the song on it, then there is the US release without it on it, but then there is the deluxe edition, and then a super duper deluxe edition. :rolleyes:

just release one version of the album with all of the songs, thanks
Fast Cars :rockon:

All I want is a picture of you
All I want is to get right next to you
All I want is your face in a locket
Picture in my pocket

I love how this lines sound...
As I said in Mercy topic, I hope this song shows a new direction to U2 music. Experimental. Risky.
I see Fast Cars as a remnant of the more daring album U2 were doing before they finally settled on what became HTDAAB..to me it shows they can still make a more forward-thinking album if they want to (this is not to slate HTDAAB as I think its an excellent album).

I still think U2 have their third masterpiece in them..
I really love Fast Cars, it's definitely one of my favorites of the album.

As far as the extra tracks I read this a little while ago on one of the FAQ sites...

Oh darn we missed out on Holy Joe.

15. Why do some countries, like Japan, get extra tracks on their album releases? What extra tracks has U2 released in these countries?

In some countries it is more expensive to buy a CD that is pressed in that country than it is to buy an import from another country. At the request of the record label, U2 has included extra tracks in those countries, to entice people to buy the copy produced in their own country.

The additional tracks U2 has added to each of their albums due to this are as follows:

* Pop (1997) - "Holy Joe (Guilty Mix)" was added in Japan
* Best of 1980 - 1990 (1998) - "One Tree Hill" was added in Japan
* All That You Can't Leave Behind (2000) - "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" was added in Japan, the U.K., and Australia
* The Best of 1990 - 2000 (2002) - "The Fly" was added in Japan and the U.K
MacPhistoPT said:
Fast Cars :rockon:

All I want is a picture of you
All I want is to get right next to you
All I want is your face in a locket
Picture in my pocket

I love how this lines sound...
As I said in Mercy topic, I hope this song shows a new direction to U2 music. Experimental. Risky.

YEAH! WOULD BE GREAT. A NEW EXPERIMENTAL (sorry for the caps lock) album!!! do you think a total change like the achtung baby - era is still possible???

Maybe they have to dream it all up again!!! LOL
I love Fast Cars. I thought that was defianetly one of the best songs. I love the sound of the guitar, reminds me of a sort of Spanish desert music. Mercy is a great song, too. I hope they do release it onto their next album. That's be great.
As for Smile...haven't heard it yet. :reject: Can anyone be so kind? mugatu216@hotmail.com
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MacPhistoPT said:
Fast Cars :rockon:

All I want is a picture of you
All I want is to get right next to you
All I want is your face in a locket
Picture in my pocket

I love how this lines sound...
As I said in Mercy topic, I hope this song shows a new direction to U2 music. Experimental. Risky.

It sounds even better followed by the killer chours in Xanax and Wine.

Even as Fast Cars, there is no excuse to leave it off. U2 really need to ditch the whole antiquated 45 minute album routine.
The whole bonus track idea is absurd, it tells me there are other reasons for why they have chosen the formula rather than "exactly what they want". The record company probably has a lot to do with it.
Xanix and Wine is a brillant rocker, but fast cars is different, and strange and just brillant, Xanix and Wine=:rockon: :rockon: and Fast cars = :bow: :bow:
I will send Smile out to you 2 beggars in a minute. :wink:

Does anyone have ANY idea what Smile is about??? It's a lovely song and gets stuck in my head alot, but I'm struggling to make sense of it.

"I don't want to see you smile" Who? What? Why?
U2DMfan said:

The whole bonus track idea is absurd, it tells me there are other reasons for why they have chosen the formula rather than "exactly what they want". The record company probably has a lot to do with it.

Yeah what do you think about the reason I posted? I haven't really heard of masses of people ordering import copies because they're cheaper. :scratch: :shrug:
2Hearts said:

Does anyone have ANY idea what Smile is about??? It's a lovely song and gets stuck in my head alot, but I'm struggling to make sense of it.

"I don't want to see you smile" Who? What? Why?

Uh-huh. Didn't think so. :wink:
neutral said:

Yeah what do you think about the reason I posted? I haven't really heard of masses of people ordering import copies because they're cheaper. :scratch: :shrug:

I think it's just the company line, not from U2, but from Universal/Interscope.

When U2 was on Polygram/Island, seems liek to me we always got a bunch of B-sides and had several albums longer than the new regiment. I think Universal is trying to milk one of their big cash cows for all it is worth. I could be speaking out of league here, but it does make sense to me.

I basically think U2 can call their own shots,as far as album tracks and all that, but deciding about singles releases and B-sides and import business, maybe they don't call the shots.

Something like "ok, U2 you can take 5 years to record an album, you can put anything on the album you wish but when it comes to the singles releases and imports etc, that's our call. Total speculation but I couldnt see U2 sitting by and allowing all of these different singles releases, perceivably to maximize the monetary gain if they had an absolute authority over it.

There might be some agreement that says, give us 3 unreleased tracks from the album, and the best one goes to Japan, and the other 2 are for the singles. So they might hold on to Mercy, and toss off Are You Gonna Wait Forever which has already been exhausted.

I couldnt see U2 signing off on this method, it totally smells like a ploy by the label to me. The bevy of remixes I think are at the labels request to. Again, my speculaltion, they've got to fill 15 versions of the Vertigo single with something.

I think U2 wants the shorter album and if they wanted 14 tracks, they certainly could do it. But they've got to feed the wolves, so to speak and give the label a couple of tracks to chew on. It's either that, something like it or Paul McGuiness has gone senile.
2Hearts said:
I will send Smile out to you 2 beggars in a minute. :wink:

Does anyone have ANY idea what Smile is about??? It's a lovely song and gets stuck in my head alot, but I'm struggling to make sense of it.

"I don't want to see you smile" Who? What? Why?

I've been meaning to ask this question myself.
It could very well just be Bono-ese, where he is making up phonetics that sound good and never quite finished it off with a proper lyrical idea or theme????

Could explain why it didnt make the album, it's an excellent song but isn't really about anything that I can make of.
Some of those lines in that song sounds like he is ad-libbing anyways.
neutral said:

Yeah what do you think about the reason I posted? I haven't really heard of masses of people ordering import copies because they're cheaper. :scratch: :shrug:

Well, I for one won't buy any CD in Australia any more. Even with postage included, it's cheaper for me to order from the US.

The only reason I bought HTDAAB in Australia was for Fast Cars.
well the version I bought in America had Fast Cars too.

I just dont think it serves U2 well to leave that song off of HTDAAB for so many fans who didnt want to kick in the extra 15 bucks so they could have one song, a DVD and a book of art.

So basically Universal got their money one way or the other.

These gigantic corporate monsters aren't goign to cut into their profit margins, so whatever money they lose on illegal downloads, downturns in the economy, generally bad music or investing in sinking ships, they will still make their $$$ somewhere or the other. The fans take it up the arse.

I don't for a second think U2 are to blame, this is the same with every artist nowadays, especially on the mega-huge record labels. I doubt U2 are making much money off the actual record sales anyways.

What I mean by that is if the 5 members get one dollar per album (guesstimate) that's a lot of money. But consider how much money those records are making, relatively speaking I don't think U2 are raking it in off the album and singles etc, I think Universal is. I don't know much U2 make off the albums.

But HTDAAB has sold how many worldwide? 10 million? For the sake of argument we will say that. That's approx $150 million dollars off of album sales. 5 members @1 dollar per album, and that is 1/3 of the overall gross. Certainly not actual or very accurate just painting a picture. Crude math and examples, but you get the idea. I don't think the culprit is U2.
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Couple of things to the above -

U2 have one of the single highest royalty rates in all of music. They also own all their own publishing rights. They make, in comparison to 99% of the artists out there, a fucking mint off CD sales, licensing etc. Touring is where they get the Maserati's and Central Park West apartments from though.

The 'bonus track' decision isn't U2's, it is made by the record company, but for a band like U2 it would be with their complete 110% consent in every way. U2 are commercially savvy and know they need to as well. The markets that get bonus tracks are generally the ones that suffer from high parallel importing, either in a formal/business sense, ie it's legal for a record store chain in Australia to avoid the high costs of ordering through Universal Music Australia, and instead goes to Earnie Shavers Importing in Indonesia, who buy their stock at 1/10 the price through Universal Music Indonesia. There's not a lot Universal as a global company can do about it, but they do encourage retailers to buy local, and if not, encourage customers to buy a product that only comes from a local source, ie an album with a bonus track. They can also be countries who suffer a high amount of individual parallel importing ie customers in Australia who avoid high prices by only buying off the US Amazon site. Whatever the reason, it's all about encouraging you to buy a locally manufactured product from your local record company branch at your local record store.

Bonus tracks suck, but then it wouldn't make a lick of difference on an album like HTDAAB.
The worst part about "Fast Cars" being a bonus track is that it doesn't have a proper place in the track listing. It's just tacked onto the end. Pisses me off. An album's more than a list of songs, y'know?
Do you people really believe Fast Cars is superior to Xanax?
I just can't fathom it.

Imagine Xanax as the 2nd track right after Vertigo (or even Native Son). That to me, is a pretty good 1-2 punch.

Fast Cars doesn't fit on the album because it's just U2 fucking around as far as I'm concerned. I see right thru the eastern tinge of the song.
Ground beneath her feet was released before ATYCLB came out anyway.

Same as Fast cars/Mercy though, the lyrics don't fit in with the rest of the album. Fast cars isn't that good, either. IMO.
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