I knew there was something I had to do... fünf

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Our kitties still want to go outside, but they just end up sleeping in the shade.

Except for Sam and Squeak who aren't allowed to go outside. Squeak gets too freaked out by things, and Sam tends to stay away for too long. He was gone for five days last week and came back all skinny. He's confined at least until he fattens up some.

I don't suppose anyone's going to the Hartford, CT show? No? I'll camp out all alone if I must, but I'd rather have a friend.
I have found a cousin of Spamusement.

(what do you mean, I should go read a book or something? :tongue: )
What can I say, I try. :D
I only got part way through them and then I fell asleep. Not because of the cartoons, but asleep nevertheless.
If I said this at work it would be sad because no one would get it:

In other news, I think our house just got struck by lightning. In a non "oh god now it's burning down" kind of way. If that's possible. Cause I could see the lighting around us, and then I couldn't see one and then our power went out. But came back on. Clearly.
And now even my cell phone is messed up - it says it's 1:42 am. Wtf. It's a CELL PHONE. Shouldn't it be able to function without uh...being plugged in?

And I have to go bridesmaid dress shopping today. :| If the place still has power by the time we get there. There's hope! :hyper:
Ultraviolet Light said:
In other news, I think our house just got struck by lightning. In a non "oh god now it's burning down" kind of way. If that's possible. Cause I could see the lighting around us, and then I couldn't see one and then our power went out. But came back on. Clearly.
And now even my cell phone is messed up - it says it's 1:42 am. Wtf. It's a CELL PHONE. Shouldn't it be able to function without uh...being plugged in?

The Engineering Building here got struck pretty bad. The power was down all over campus and there's some fried computers. I was standing outside putting the rain cover on the golf cart when it struck. My ears still hurt. :crack: Cruising in the golf cart when it's so dark you can't see, you've got hail pounding on the roof, and there's 5 inches of water on all the paths is actually more fun than it should be!

Now everyon's complaining we have to go home...b/c the air conditioning has been off for about 20 minutes. :rolleyes:
Dammit, I knew I should have gone to work today! But then I would have to listen to by boss whine about...everything.

Ultraviolet Light said:
What can I say, I try. :D
I only got part way through them and then I fell asleep. Not because of the cartoons, but asleep nevertheless.
If I said this at work it would be sad because no one would get it:

Didn't there used to be a really, really, really old computer game called "The Oregon Trail" or something like that? We used to play it in elementary school. It had no graphics, but it was sort of a like a "choose your own adventure" game about . . . well, the Oregon Trail. Like, "You set out on the trail with 5 oxen, but there is no food left . . ." and then it gave you options of what to do. :scratch:
:heart: Oregon Trail :heart:

I still have that game! I play it every once in awhile :D

Although I always manage to kill off everyone in my wagon :|

And did anyone EVER successfully ford the river? I think I lost my oxen every time I attempted to ford the damn river! :mad:

In fact... mayhap I will play this again this weekend :D

Oh, and don't stop with the cartoons.... they are hilarious!!

hippy said:
And did anyone EVER successfully ford the river?

No. I'm pretty sure "you must ford the river" was code for "up ahead half of the inhabitants of your wagon are going to die of cholera and if you have any oxen left it won't be devastating enough."

Have any of you played Midnight Rescue? We used to play that in school too, you had to like...save the school from aliens or something. By taking the aliens' pictures, I think. The thing I remember most clearly from the entire game is that the theme music was In The Hall of the Mountain King.
The nerd in me emerged early on, what can I say. :wink:
This is apparently the new and improved 3-D version:

The old school 2-D version is so much cooler.

I thought this one was appropriate:

And I love this one:

And I need to be nerdy and print this out and hang it up at work. And then again, no one would think it was funny.
wow, you guys are bored

or you don't have dial-up

I'm about *holds fingers just a leeeetle bit apart* THIS close to convincing my mom to get SBC Yahoo. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen until after I leave for connecticut. NO MORE POKEY-NET.

How come no one ever says the second c in connecticut?

Dougal is back home. The vet says we can't let him run or jump or get excited for 4 days. That's like telling a cat it can't sleep.

I posted this elsewhere... I totally agree, twin

When the first thing MTV/VH1 showed was the Black Eyed Peas... I knew it was all downhill from there.

Don't get me wrong, I like the group... I just thought starting out with the Macca/U2 lineup would have rocked (and gotten the show started right!)

I usually don't say this as well... but THANK GOD FOR AOL

I spent all day watching the London webcast... I appreciated the fact that it was uninterrupted music and messages

AOL did what MTV and VH1 seemed very scared of doing... letting the music and event speak for themselves.
Boo mtv/vh1.
Yes Rachel Perry, we know you're in Philadelphia. Now SHUT UP.

Did they even show The Who? ABC managed to put together better clips in 2 hours than mtv did - and I didn't have to watch Dave Matthews twice!

Me: *has webcast on whilst doing other things*
Webcast: and now, David Beckham!
Me: Wtf. Wait, really? WTF.
David Beckham: I have a girly voice.
Me: Bwahaha, David Beckham is at Live 8.

And Robbie Williams needs to look into Ritalin. :wink:
I knew there had to be a better broadcast online. However, the pokey-net does not allow for such things... usually it downloads at about 1.5 kb/s

I didn't hear tell of said internet broadcast until after it was done. D'oh.

But they keep re-broadcasting it on the aol site, don't they?
Ultraviolet Light said:
I didn't hear tell of said internet broadcast until after it was done. D'oh.

But they keep re-broadcasting it on the aol site, don't they?



I've had it on again all day today... catching the performances I missed :yes:

I get more and more mad thinking about American tv coverage of the event... or lack thereof... :madspit:
Kristie said:
anybody else horribly disappointed with Live8?

or, more accurately, MTV's coverage of it?

Honestly, I watched maybe 5 songs total and spent the rest of the day outside. It was too nice of a day to waste watching MTV for 8 hours. I think I still had more fun trimming the hedges w/ the old school clippers.
Kristie said:
anybody else horribly disappointed with Live8?

or, more accurately, MTV's coverage of it?

I've been out of town since noon Saturday. Looks like I didn't miss much. Now I don't feel so bad. I wanted to see Pink Floyd. They were the sound track to my college years.
Nope, you didn't miss anything at all.

I'm watching my tape of the ABC special and it seems that ABC did a better job in two hours of showing clips than MTV did in 8 hours of showing commercials

On a completely unrelated note: My mom has now been introduced to the fantastic-ness of Spamusement... :lol:
hippy said:

I get more and more mad thinking about American tv coverage of the event... or lack thereof... :madspit:


2 days later . . . and I'm still bitter :(

and as with everything else it seems these days, there is a petition:


Thank God for AOL (I never thought I would write that, but they really did come through this time :bow: )

btw, Did anyone see a-ha in Berlin? Not much to say about their performance, but the lead singer has literally not aged at all in 18 years! I'm serious, it creeped me out :yikes: :reject:
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kellyahern said:


2 days later . . . and I'm still bitter :(

and as with everything else it seems these days, there is a petition:



I just signed :)

Seriously, I was just taping off the performances I really wanted and I saw more from the ABC special than from MTV :mad:

Anyway, rock on AOL :)
hippy said:


I just signed :)

Seriously, I was just taping off the performances I really wanted and I saw more from the ABC special than from MTV :mad:

Anyway, rock on AOL :)

Yeah, me too. I even bought an 8 hour tape. Probably wound up using an hour at most :grumpy:.

P.S. Anyone who missed it, I think AOL has the performances "on demand" now.


search under artist, then go to the bottom of the results page for the Live 8 videos :)
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kellyahern said:

btw, Did anyone see a-ha in Berlin? Not much to say about their performance, but the lead singer has literally not aged at all in 18 years! I'm serious, it creeped me out :yikes: :reject:

larry hasn't aged in 18 years either

I found Cardboard Ellen going through my boxes of crap today. Also found was naked monitor-top sitting cardboard Edge. I'm proud of him.
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