I just wanted to say I love you Larry

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Lara Mullen said:

One of my favourite Fr Ted shows is the one where the talk show host comes to stay on Craggy Island and all the women are trying to get info from Mrs Doyle about when he's coming to stay.

Mad woman: I promise ye Mrs Doyle that I won't tell a soul, and, if I do may god strike me down with a disease a middle aged woman can get, and you know Mrs Doyle, that's a hell of a lotta diseases



Now I need to go watch some Father Ted...
GormlessNewbie said:

OmG! U BiOtcHe! dA "dEeL" Woz I! 'gotZ' :Adam:, U! 'gotZ' :Larry:, Em! 'gotZ' :Edge:, n Flav! n Lala! 'gotZ' :Bono:! U traidor!!!111!!!!!1`


Hey! WHo SaId I wAs ShArInG? HuH?!!!!11

B iS aLl mInE! He ToLd Me, YoU kNow?!

Mullen4Prez said:
Everyone should bow to Larry for creating the band :bow: Also did you know that It was called the larry mullen band for one lunch break when they were playing in school.

Bono- Ego
Larry- the creator
Edge- Momas boy

Actually Larry, and the rest of the bys, should bow to me for all the money I have spent on them through all these years...
Father Ted Crilly is an Irish priest who lives in a parochial house on possibly the worst place on Earth, Craggy Island which is situated off the west coast of Ireland. He doesn't live alone though. Living with him is Father Jack Hackett, an old priest with an alcohol problem and a particular liking for the words: arse, drink, girls and feck. The third and final priest who lives with him is Father Dougal Mcguire, a relatively young... and very dim priest. How he got into the priest hood is a mystery. And of course, every priest needs "a nice cup of tea" so they have a housekeeper, Mrs. Doyle. She's unique in every way and a one off, (which is probably a good thing). what she lacks in a life, she makes up in tea.
Fr Ted shows have not been made in years because the actor who played Fr Ted (Dermot Morgan) passed away a while ago. It was really good though.
Mullen4Prez said:
Father Ted Crilly is an Irish priest who lives in a parochial house on possibly the worst place on Earth, Craggy Island which is situated off the west coast of Ireland. He doesn't live alone though. Living with him is Father Jack Hackett, an old priest with an alcohol problem and a particular liking for the words: arse, drink, girls and feck. The third and final priest who lives with him is Father Dougal Mcguire, a relatively young... and very dim priest. How he got into the priest hood is a mystery. And of course, every priest needs "a nice cup of tea" so they have a housekeeper, Mrs. Doyle. She's unique in every way and a one off, (which is probably a good thing). what she lacks in a life, she makes up in tea.

Ok, this makes a little bit more sense. Sorry for my dumb ass American question.

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