I got a great compliment!

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Blue Crack Addict
May 22, 2002
hoping for changes
I'm going to shock all Interlanders by not griping about my latest blahs. It's even worse, a boast. :wink: Yesterday at the studio one of my teachers said my colors are alot like Marc Chagall's, and I should study his stuff more and try to do stuff that's influenced by him. That's a heck of a compliment considering how great Chagall was. I've already bookmarked a whole slew of Chagall pix, there are many Chagall pix on the 'net. I love them!But hell, I'm not even through with my current work. I will be by this weekend. Then I can hit those sites and decide which work(s) of his I want to influence my next painting. I should have a great show in July! This is great!:happy: :happy:
*edited because I can't type*
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I've already picked the pic! It's a painting that's now in the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Venice called "Rain". Of course it will be different, for one, I'm not good at either figure drawing or three-dimensional imagery, and both of these elements are in "Rain". I'll be leaving them out. But, that makes it my work and not a rip-off. I've always done two-dimensional imagery, that's part of the heavy duty High Gothic influence on me dating back to my childhood art studies, which is when I fell in love with medieval art, and also abstract designs which the Ottoman Turks, in particular, used to such good effect, as opposed to European figure drawing. I'll be seeing this stuff in Turkey come next spring! Now you know why I want to go there!
Verte, that's wonderful news! You deserve this. :applaud:
I studied Chagall's 'Beren and Huan' in depth as part of my Art exam last year - definitely a good choice :up:. I found his work very good to draw influence from.
beau2ifulday, would you happen to know which museum
"Beren and Huan" is in? I have a bigass Chagall site bookmarked, but that's not mentioned. Some of this stuff is listed by art museum, not by painting.
Nevermind, I found "Beren and Huan" on a Tolkein site and even did a cartona of it as I do everything else. This calls for a trip to the art supply store after I finish the piece I'm working on.
Congrats on the compliment! It's amazing how a compliment can make you feel as if you're walking on air. Very cool.

verte76 said:
This calls for a trip to the art supply store after I finish the piece I'm working on.

I just love art supply stores (online ones too). Someone I know said "They're like toy stores for adults." I feel that way too. I just love shopping at art supply places (glass supply places too -- good thing since glass is my main art).
I'm going to finish this thing tomorrow. I finished the acrylic part of it, which is the hard part. The metallic enamel is easy. Then I can take it to the studio where I'm positive they're going to put it in the silent auction in July!
Doesn't it feel good to get a little pumped up after a compliment..I got two this week; one from a Bio-Mechanical engineer working on a reported back injury investigation...he loved my scene inspection, photos, measurements and sea charts because the accident happened on a floating pier.....basically told me I did all his work for him and that the case was most likely FRAUD! :yikes: Not me, the bad guy!!!

Another guy called from a major insurance company; told me he saw my work product, loved it and "was there any chance you could work for us???"

Would I?? When??? :hyper:

OK...back to Verte! :)
happiness :up:

i got told today that i'm doing fantastic work at my new job. and the best part: i really love what i'm doing.

can't wait to see the new pieces, verte!
I do find that I wish I were a better figure drawer....I just tried a cartona of "Green Violinist", and it's a disaster.:mad: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
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I did great after I left the dentist! I went by the art supply store, picked up two canvases and a few paints, finished the previous picture (which I haven't decided on a name for), got the new canvases out, sketched the adaptation of Chagall's "Rain", and then started to paint it. It's a pretty loose adaptation--the figure holding the umbrella was driving me nuts, so I took the damn thing out, there's just an umbrella there, like it's floating! About fifteen minutes ago I decided to call it a day with my art stuff because I was tired! Whew! More tomorrow!
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I couldn't wait to get back to my picture this morning! I decided that the umbrella looked ridiculous without someone holding it so I put a figure in the sketch holding it. For some reason this time it wasn't very hard to do. I did this before I even made the coffee! I think I want coffee now.........

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